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I think the Browns are going to be one of those teams where it all clicks at exactly the same time and they go from unwatchable to really good in one offseason. Sorta like the Chiefs this season.

It's almost mathematically impossible for them to have this many bad starting quarterbacks in a row that it's time for them to guess right on one in this year's draft.

I'd rather they continue to spin their tires in the mud for as long as I'm a fan of a rival team, but the Browns aren't going to be bad forever. I've accepted this.


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I think the Browns are going to be one of those teams where it all clicks at exactly the same time and they go from unwatchable to really good in one offseason. Sorta like the Chiefs this season.

It's almost mathematically impossible for them to have this many bad starting quarterbacks in a row that it's time for them to guess right on one in this year's draft.

I'd rather they continue to spin their tires in the mud for as long as I'm a fan of a rival team, but the Browns aren't going to be bad forever. I've accepted this.

But that's what I was saying before about Weeden. It's about more than having a good player, it's the environment. The healthiest seedling in the world will have trouble growing in a pot of gravel (cue Weeden jokes). No many how many times you tear it out and plant a new one, the same result occurs. Not saying that's true in Cleveland for certain because I don't know enough about that team. But in places where the same thing happens over and over and over, you have to wonder if maybe it's not just the players.

The same applies for free agents. A guy looks dominant, goes to another team for a fat contract, then disappears off the face of the earth. Now and again an insightful analyst will point out how their teammates and/or a particular scheme enabled the player to make more plays than they would have on their own ability.

What I don't get is how the NFL, with all the resources and expertise they have, can't or don't see the importance of the situational factors (chemistry, scheme, etc.) more clearly.


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I think the Browns are going to be one of those teams where it all clicks at exactly the same time and they go from unwatchable to really good in one offseason. Sorta like the Chiefs this season.

It's almost mathematically impossible for them to have this many bad starting quarterbacks in a row that it's time for them to guess right on one in this year's draft.

I'd rather they continue to spin their tires in the mud for as long as I'm a fan of a rival team, but the Browns aren't going to be bad forever. I've accepted this.

But that's what I was saying before about Weeden. It's about more than having a good player, it's the environment. The healthiest seedling in the world will have trouble growing in a pot of gravel (cue Weeden jokes). No many how many times you tear it out and plant a new one, the same result occurs. Not saying that's true in Cleveland for certain because I don't know enough about that team. But in places where the same thing happens over and over and over, you have to wonder if maybe it's not just the players.

Oh I agree completely. It's clearly the reason the same teams are always good and the same ones are generally always bad. But you'd think at a certain point there'd be a "mold breaker" or two, some guys who simply command confidence from their teammates and change the culture on their own.


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I would be honored to write the teleplay for The Mike Tomlin Story, a biopic that ignores everything positive Tomlin ever did for the Steelers and makes an 88-minute movie out of deciding to wander on the sidelines. It would start with him watching the morning Sportscenter and seeing the Kidd soda thing, with the idea percolating in his head as the morning coffee percolates. There could even be a series of cuts between him and the coffee to really drive it home. There could be flashbacks to a childhood spent playing in traffic, walking in on his parents fighting, stuff like that. Then, for maximum exposition/time-killing, we would see him write in his diary (with V/O) what led him to do it, and then reflect upon it. And then after the game, he'll write "and to be honest, dear diary, I'd do it again." And then the end titles would say "THE END???"

♫ oh yeah, board goes on, long after the thrill of postin' is gone ♫

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I would be honored to write the teleplay for The Mike Tomlin Story, a biopic that ignores everything positive Tomlin ever did for the Steelers and makes an 88-minute movie out of deciding to wander on the sidelines. It would start with him watching the morning Sportscenter and seeing the Kidd soda thing, with the idea percolating in his head as the morning coffee percolates. There could even be a series of cuts between him and the coffee to really drive it home. There could be flashbacks to a childhood spent playing in traffic, walking in on his parents fighting, stuff like that. Then, for maximum exposition/time-killing, we would see him write in his diary (with V/O) what led him to do it, and then reflect upon it. And then after the game, he'll write "and to be honest, dear diary, I'd do it again." And then the end titles would say "THE END???"


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Not Aspergers again.....

This place has 24,000+ members and of that 24,000, I think there's only about 40 of us who don't have Asperger's. B)

Yeah, they're called the Majestic XI.....

It's Majestic XII, actually.

I was steadfastly against expansion, so I disregard the 12th member.....

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The NFL will televise next year's Falcons-Lions game in London live...

...at 9:30 AM Eastern time.

If only Cracker Barrel had TVs. :D

On another note, and I'm serious here, if the NFL is worried about player safety, why aren't they worried about Cam Newton potentially choking on his gum after a hit? Stranger things have happened.


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The NFL will televise next year's Falcons-Lions game in London live...

...at 9:30 AM Eastern time.

Test run. If this gets decent ratings then their push harder for a team in London full time. If Americans can't be bothered to watch football that early then we can (hopefully) forget about that ridiculous idea once and for all.

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Fans of the 49ers, Raiders, Chargers, Seahawks, and (until DST ends) Cardinals have been watching 10am football for years.

the worst helmets design to me is the Jacksonville jaguars hamlets from 1995 to 2012 because you can't see the logo vary wall

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I for one like it. THink about it on the London days, you will have football from 9 am to 12 am

I love when I go to Idaho for Christmas and get football games at 11 AM



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The NFL's obsession with London reminds me of the Conrad Hilton story arc on Mad Men where he says he even wants a Hilton hotel on the Moon, and then Don realizes it isn't a figure of speech; the guy literally wants to sell the idea of staying in a hotel on the Moon.

♫ oh yeah, board goes on, long after the thrill of postin' is gone ♫

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The NFL will televise next year's Falcons-Lions game in London live...

...at 9:30 AM Eastern time.

Test run. If this gets decent ratings then their push harder for a team in London full time. If Americans can't be bothered to watch football that early then we can (hopefully) forget about that ridiculous idea once and for all.

People on the left coast have been accustomed to seeing games at 9:30/10am local time. I don't know why people on the right coast have to throw a fit over it.

Then again, those people have killed another unorthodox start time before: the 8:30pm local kickoff time between the Raiders and Chargers, a rare instance of a PST, prime-time kickoff time, leading to boosted ratings in the home markets.


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Not Aspergers again.....

This place has 24,000+ members and of that 24,000, I think there's only about 40 of us who don't have Asperger's. B)

Yeah, they're called the Majestic XI.....

It's Majestic XII, actually.

I was steadfastly against expansion, so I disregard the 12th member.....

Considering the fact that there are 27 members of the M-XII, you may as well give in and let progress happen.






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People on the left coast have been accustomed to seeing games at 9:30/10am local time. I don't know why people on the right coast have to throw a fit over it.

Because we're uptight, pompous egoists with things to do! That's why. :upside:

"In the arena of logic, I fight unarmed."

I tweet & tumble.

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I had the early start idea earlier in this thread. Glad to see London is making it happen. East Coasters, you will absolutely love early football.

1 hour ago, ShutUpLutz! said:

and the drunken doodoobags jumping off the tops of SUV's/vans/RV's onto tables because, oh yeah, they are drunken drug abusing doodoobags

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Yeah 10 a.m. football is fine. I can even deal with the 9 a.m. college starts on Saturday.

But Lord knows I am not getting up at 6:30 a.m. to watch the Falcons play the Lions in London. Somebody else can tell me how that one plays out.



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