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Rite of Spring '14: Can you fall asleep with a panic switch?


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If I was a Rangers fan:

Clearly this team is not built for a long run and simply have gotten lucky against a superior Habs team. It makes me sick that this organization year in and year out is a paper tiger. Montreal is a pisshole town and all it's fans are jerkoffs. Henrik is overpaid and should be cut ASAP. Start over, clean slate, immediately.

"You are nothing more than a small cancer on this message board. You are not entertaining, you are a complete joke."


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So you're saying if people chide me for being a Blackhawks spoiled ass goblin that I should simply present my Cubs Fan Card?

Also in a strange coincidence (or maybe not) I was a Sharks "fan" as a kid (re: I owned a few shirts and a jacket) because they were new and their look was badass.

I've seen old school Starter jackets for them online a couple times, but for their price, I'd much rather some nice bottles of bourbon or brandy. Sometimes, a shirt will work just fine.

As for the ECF, this series is nuts. I got back home, checked in, find Montreal seemingly in control, turn on BBQ Pitmasters, go upstairs for some Oreos and happen to glance back and wham. Tie game. I think the Fightin' Messiers might have it this time.

"And then I remember to relax, and stop trying to hold on to it, and then it flows through me like rain and I can't feel anything but gratitude for every single moment of my stupid little life... You have no idea what I'm talking about, I'm sure. But don't worry... you will someday." 

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Montreal is a pisshole town and all it's fans are jerkoffs. Henrik is overpaid and should be cut ASAP. Start over, clean slate, immediately.

Hey now...

I'd usually say Montreal has a chance to win this series if they can hold on here. This Habs team winning two in a row against the Rangers? Very possible. Without Price though? That's tricky. The Rangers close this thing out in at MSG, even if Montreal manages to hold on tonight.

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Montreal is a pisshole town and all it's fans are jerkoffs. Henrik is overpaid and should be cut ASAP. Start over, clean slate, immediately.

Hey now...

I'd usually say Montreal has a chance to win this series if they can hold on here. This Habs team winning two in a row against the Rangers? Very possible. Without Price though? That's tricky. The Rangers close this thing out in at MSG, even if Montreal manages to hold on tonight.

I don't know anything about Montreal. It was supposed to be a gag on my irrational playoffs posts.

"You are nothing more than a small cancer on this message board. You are not entertaining, you are a complete joke."


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They've forgotten the ghost of Dollar Bill.

Half of them have even forgotten what it's like to be a Cubs fan, it seems.

That's the drawback about using the moniker "fan" to describe any person who walks through the gates, be it the old man wearing a cap from 40 years ago, anxiously awaiting his first pennant, to the drunken college kid who just learned who the roster was that season but claimed he was "always a fan." No, all fandom is not created equal and I would argue until I'm six feet under that it isn't.

What if that old man wearing the 40 year old cap began his fandom as a drunken college kid who just learned the roster at the start of that season? That's why I don't get "fan snobbery." Anyone who wants to commit to a team is a fan. If you get lucky and your team wins it all just after you hop on board? Congrats. Great timing. You shouldn't be shamed for that. Everyone starts off as a new fan at some point.

As for the 2010 bitterness, it's pretty simple. The local fans got to gloat they denied my team the chance to move on and I really believed they could've beaten Philly. If San Jose had lost to Detroit, it still would've been annoying seeing Chicago win, but at least there would've been one less bullet in the chamber of that sports fan who decides to hem and haw at me for wearing Sharks gear. Shoot, I was chided three different times about liking an out of town team during these playoffs when I didn't even say anything about hockey. So I apologize to the prosecution if those people make it harder for me to feel bad when their team starts to not get all the breaks. Yes, some of their fans are whiny babies. Evil? Eh....maybe...Native Americans do like their cursed burial grounds after all...

You say that if the 'Hawks had gone through Detroit instead of San Jose it would still have been "annoying." Why? Look, I'll try to compare. The two "local" NFL teams for where I'm from are the Lions and Bills, but I'm a Chargers fan. I don't "hate" the Bills or Lions though. And if either team managed win the Super Bowl before the Chargers? I'd be happy that their fans here got to see their team win it all and hope that the Chargers can win one sooner rather then later. So you want to be a Sharks fan in Chicago? Sure, whatever. I just don't get the irrational hatred for the 'Hawks. I mean I have irrational sports hatreds, but not of the teams my friends and family all root for.

A Red Wings or Blues fan hating the Blackhawks? Ok, I get that. Someone from Chicago though? Because their fans gave you crap for wearing Sharks gear when the 'Hawks were playing the Sharks in the playoffs? Come on. It's sports for crying out loud. People will give the fans of the other team crap. If you choose to root for the other team you gotta expect a hard time from the local fans. I'm not buying into the pity party here.

A good thing to keep in mind is online forums are composed of mixed company. Many cheer for teams who suck most of the time.

I'm a Leafs fan. You don't have to tell me.

So when one of you complains about a team who's actually won a couple times recently, many people here are going to criticize you for it. Simple as that. Sure, CS85 can keep doing it, but can he cry foul when someone tells him to piss off? Sure. Maybe. Who cares?

Sure, and just like you can criticize how other fans react, so are you open to criticism.

I don't know anything about Montreal. It was supposed to be a gag on my irrational playoffs posts.

I was gonna say. No one disses the town Schwartz's calls home!

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Montreal is a pisshole town and all it's fans are jerkoffs. Henrik is overpaid and should be cut ASAP. Start over, clean slate, immediately.

Hey now...

I'd usually say Montreal has a chance to win this series if they can hold on here. This Habs team winning two in a row against the Rangers? Very possible. Without Price though? That's tricky. The Rangers close this thing out in at MSG, even if Montreal manages to hold on tonight.

I don't see why it can't happen. The Habs have already won at MSG in this series and are 60 good minutes away from a potential Game 7 on their home ice.

It's not likely, but we seem to be in quite an era of 3-0/3-1 series comebacks right now. They happen far more often than you would think based on the percentages.


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Did Zuccarelo get two for tripping on that? And you know the first thing that's going to be said about the poor kid in scouting reports, "He can't skate." *lol* Yeah just like Luc Robitaille couldn't skate!



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They've forgotten the ghost of Dollar Bill.

Half of them have even forgotten what it's like to be a Cubs fan, it seems.

That's the drawback about using the moniker "fan" to describe any person who walks through the gates, be it the old man wearing a cap from 40 years ago, anxiously awaiting his first pennant, to the drunken college kid who just learned who the roster was that season but claimed he was "always a fan." No, all fandom is not created equal and I would argue until I'm six feet under that it isn't.

What if that old man wearing the 40 year old cap began his fandom as a drunken college kid who just learned the roster at the start of that season? That's why I don't get "fan snobbery." Anyone who wants to commit to a team is a fan. If you get lucky and your team wins it all just after you hop on board? Congrats. Great timing. You shouldn't be shamed for that. Everyone starts off as a new fan at some point.

That's fine as long as the "drunken college kid" has actually committed to the team and doesn't hop off the bandwagon when things start to get shaky. I could accept someone becoming a Miami Heat fan when Lebron took his talents to South Beach, as long as they keep that fandom if/when he leaves. Like anything in life, fans earn respect from other fans by paying their dues. That means watching your team struggle and sticking with them, trying to stay optimistic when the coach/gm/owner makes a stupid decision, supporting them even after they change from their classic uniforms to some 'modern', gaudy monstrosities, etc.

Montreal is a pisshole town and all it's fans are jerkoffs. Henrik is overpaid and should be cut ASAP. Start over, clean slate, immediately.

Hey now...

I'd usually say Montreal has a chance to win this series if they can hold on here. This Habs team winning two in a row against the Rangers? Very possible. Without Price though? That's tricky. The Rangers close this thing out in at MSG, even if Montreal manages to hold on tonight.

I don't see why it can't happen. The Habs have already won at MSG in this series and are 60 good minutes away from a potential Game 7 on their home ice.

It's not likely, but we seem to be in quite an era of 3-0/3-1 series comebacks right now. They happen far more often than you would think based on the percentages.

I wouldn't bet on King Henrik putting up 2 bad games in a row in the playoffs, especially when one of them is in MSG. Look at what happened in the Philly series. Lundqvist gets pulled in Game 6, then goes into MSG for Game 7 and stops 26/27.

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They've forgotten the ghost of Dollar Bill.

Half of them have even forgotten what it's like to be a Cubs fan, it seems.

That's the drawback about using the moniker "fan" to describe any person who walks through the gates, be it the old man wearing a cap from 40 years ago, anxiously awaiting his first pennant, to the drunken college kid who just learned who the roster was that season but claimed he was "always a fan." No, all fandom is not created equal and I would argue until I'm six feet under that it isn't.

What if that old man wearing the 40 year old cap began his fandom as a drunken college kid who just learned the roster at the start of that season? That's why I don't get "fan snobbery." Anyone who wants to commit to a team is a fan. If you get lucky and your team wins it all just after you hop on board? Congrats. Great timing. You shouldn't be shamed for that. Everyone starts off as a new fan at some point.

I condensed the quote for simplicity's sake.

Sorry man, but I just can't come it to see it your way. Your example of great timing just sounds opportunist to me and like spartacat says in a later response, when it comes to teasing or trash talking in sports, I can't take them seriously when they happen to be a fan for the last five minutes. I don't want, nor need, someone who became a fan in a convenient circumstance to give me guff about anything sports related when I've put in loads more time and energy than them, regardless if the local team is winning. They didn't care in 2006, so why do they get exempted from criticism now? Because their team is winning? Horsecrap. They didn't earn that right yet, but again, they can opine all they want and I'm going to call them out on it every time.

The fact you and I are having this discussion right now shows that this isn't just a hobby, it's more of a passion for us. We're on a site dedicated to sports aesthetics of all things, which is nerdy to an insane degree. So no, I take issue when someone who's just casually interested in something I'm passionate about questions my fandom. They can do it, but again, they'll get snark back.

Finally, let me clear up another thing. I don't want or need any pity. I know I'm going to get teased for liking a non-local squad. I don't need pats on the back and sympathetic ears. I just want people to stop and think for a second before they mouth off about things they have no context on. If I just recently got into politics, why would I start yammering about how evil certain groups are, when I'm still very uneducated about it? We need a different term for these people, because saying they and I are the same kind of fan is false. Call me a snob if you have to, but I refuse to believe my fandom in any sport is equal to a stereotypical young girl who's wearing a sleeveless Hawks shirt because it's the trendy thing to do.

On an aside, this discussion has given me an idea for more of a philosophy based sports podcast that I've started mulling ideas over, so thank you Mr. Cap. I'll keep this topic in mind since it's been a good firestarter.

"And then I remember to relax, and stop trying to hold on to it, and then it flows through me like rain and I can't feel anything but gratitude for every single moment of my stupid little life... You have no idea what I'm talking about, I'm sure. But don't worry... you will someday." 

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I know a handful of people that didn't care about hockey when we started high school that have become just as knowledgeable about the sport as anyone here in just a handful of years. I don't see anything wrong with becoming a fan when a team is good if you stick with that team after their run is over. I also know ten times more people that are "die-hard" Hawks fans that have never heard of a two-line pass and don't know that their opponent's head coach played for and coached the Blackhawks.

But people have to start being a real fan of a team sometime and there are a lot of people that just weren't brought up big hockey fans. I grew up with a bunch of Hawks shirts (and Mighty Ducks, even had a Sharks shirt I think) but most of my friends didn't. I don't have any problem with those people calling themselves big Hawks fans now when they've put in the time to learn the sport.

I don't think anyone will argue with you that most of the new Hawks fans are unbearable. Even Hawks fans think those people are annoying. But it's not fair to discount the fandom of every new fan.


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