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Rite of Spring '14: Can you fall asleep with a panic switch?


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I was going to give my two cents but it's clear admiral's over the blackhawks for admiral reasons and hockey is apparently stupid in all facets to everyone. There is no positive result from this year since the Blue Jackets were eliminated and all further play is masturbation.

Well yeah, sort of. If the same 4 teams make the conference finals AGAIN then I think people are well within their rights to be fatigued.

Especially with this group of teams:

Boston: Literally wins all the time. The last thing that city deserves is ANOTHER championship. I've been sick of Boston since 2008 and yet here they are.

LA: They won the cup two years ago. They employ Jeff Carter. DBAdefense and oddball are their representatives on these boards

Pittsburgh: Pittsburgh is Boston Lite. Also the most obnoxious visiting fans I've ever dealt with at Nationwide Arena and I've seen every NHL team plus the Thrashers.

Chicago: I actually like the Blackhawks and most Blackhawk fans, but I refuse to pull for a team that's won the cup twice in the last four years.


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I understand fatigue - Cardinals hater reporting in - but being on the other side of it is sort of strange. I don't expect anyone to care about any team other than the one they cheer for, and I definitely would be like "screw this" if it was the same final two years in a row, much less final four, but if the finals is Wild/Habs will everyone suddenly change their song?

"You are nothing more than a small cancer on this message board. You are not entertaining, you are a complete joke."


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If the SCF is Montreal/Minnesota nobody will care.


The biggest fan base in hockey against the state of hockey? Sure, no one's gonna care.


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Yeah people will care. It may not garner the ratings NBC would want because they don't benifit from Canadian viewership, but people would care.

Anyway I'm fine with any final four combination that doesn't include Boston. I have my preferences in every other series but seriously. Screw the Bruins.

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If the SCF is Montreal/Minnesota nobody will care.


The biggest fan base in hockey against the state of hockey? Sure, no one's gonna care.

OK: nobody outside hockey hardcores will care.

It's by far the worst Finals potential matchup (zip it, Boston haters), because at least with Boston/NY vs. Chicago you can sell the Original Six angle. Pittsburgh you can sell because of Crosby. LA you can sell as the #2 market. Same with Anaheim somewhat.

Minnesota/Montreal has no juice. Zip. I'll bet the average hockey fan can't even name a player on either team.

That's what NBC's afraid of.


Sodboy13 said:
As you watch more basketball, you will learn to appreciate the difference between "defense" and "couldn't find the rim with a pair of bloodhounds and a Garmin."

meet the new page, not the same as the old page.

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If the SCF is Montreal/Minnesota nobody will care.


You seem to be pretty cavalier with that word.

But as a Wild fan, I know we are the one remaining team in the West that probably draws the least interest. It's sad to think that Montreal would not draw some interest given their (at least former) place as the "Yankees of Hockey", but the fact that they are in Canada and have not been as competitive in recent years means that this is probably true. Montreal and Minnesota (at least in the US) are probably the worst draws in their respective conferences.

That said, some neutral fans may like the match-up...O-6 team with tons of history vs. newer team with as hockey-loving a fan base that exists in the US.

It's a non-issue, as the Wild are not a realistic possibility.

Assuming the Wild lose, Montreal is probably my preferred team. It's been a long time and I know their fans would go crazy. Then I guess it's been 20 years for the Rangers, so I could live with that. Everyone else has done it so recently, I just cannot get excited.

The bottom line for me is that I'll watch big chunks of games (not every minute of non-Wild games) no matter who is there because it's fun and the NHL does not have the star-reliance of the NBA. But yeah, the US "national following" of Minnesota and Montreal are non-existent and the others have at least some.

Disclaimer: If this comment is about an NBA uniform from 2017-2018 or later, do not constitute a lack of acknowledgement of the corporate logo to mean anything other than "the corporate logo is terrible and makes the uniform significantly worse."



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Who really cares what NBC or the casual American sports fan looking for something to watch on a Wednesday night in June thinks anyways

Don't give me all the money BS, because that doesn't effect me one bit. As a fan, I want something different, I'm sure I'm not alone in that either.




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The thing is, the same three teams trading off the Cup doesn't generate new interest for the sport. If you actually like hockey as the sport itself, you'll watch the championship series because you can appreciate top caliber competition. If you're a glorychaser though, you won't care because you're not genuine with your new found fandom. That's why I would argue these repeating final four matchups actually hurt the league, because it doesn't foster growth in new areas for the league. Sure, the hardcore hockey fan will watch, but there's only so much money there.

If I had to choose out of the four likely options, I'd prefer LA to win it again, just to piss off the arcane guard who can't accept hockey in warm weather areas.

"And then I remember to relax, and stop trying to hold on to it, and then it flows through me like rain and I can't feel anything but gratitude for every single moment of my stupid little life... You have no idea what I'm talking about, I'm sure. But don't worry... you will someday." 

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If the SCF is Montreal/Minnesota nobody will care.


The biggest fan base in hockey against the state of hockey? Sure, no one's gonna care.

OK: nobody outside hockey hardcores will care.

It's by far the worst Finals potential matchup (zip it, Boston haters), because at least with Boston/NY vs. Chicago you can sell the Original Six angle. Pittsburgh you can sell because of Crosby. LA you can sell as the #2 market. Same with Anaheim somewhat.

Minnesota/Montreal has no juice. Zip. I'll bet the average hockey fan can't even name a player on either team.

That's what NBC's afraid of.

You sure seem to think you know everything don't you?

Average hockey fan doesn't know who PK Subban? Carey Price? Zach Parise? Ryan Suter? Any of those names ring a bell?

You're an idiot if you think those names don't matter to an average hockey fan. Those are superstars that are battling hard for their team. If you don't like it then who cares don't watch it.

But don't sit there and say it's a FACT nobody will care because you can't be more wrong and frankly you just look like a ******* idiot.


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If I had to choose out of the four likely options, I'd prefer LA to win it again, just to piss off the arcane guard who can't accept hockey in warm weather areas.

That strawman never gets old. Even though it probably should.

(zip it, Boston haters)


because at least with Boston/NY vs. Chicago you can sell the Original Six angle.

I was under the impression that Montreal was an Original Six franchise...since they're actually older then the Bruins, Rangers, and Blackhawks. There's literally no better team to have in the Finals if you want to appeal to history.

Minnesota/Montreal has no juice. Zip. I'll bet the average hockey fan can't even name a player on either team.

CityOfWalrus already listed off the names of players on both teams your average hockey fan would know. Your average American sports fan won't know them, but those people aren't watching anyway. That would take time away from watching the Miami Heat sleepwalk to another NBA Championship and ESPN post-NFL Draft coverage.
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If the SCF is Montreal/Minnesota nobody will care.


The biggest fan base in hockey against the state of hockey? Sure, no one's gonna care.

OK: nobody outside hockey hardcores will care.

It's by far the worst Finals potential matchup (zip it, Boston haters), because at least with Boston/NY vs. Chicago you can sell the Original Six angle. Pittsburgh you can sell because of Crosby. LA you can sell as the #2 market. Same with Anaheim somewhat.

Minnesota/Montreal has no juice. Zip. I'll bet the average hockey fan can't even name a player on either team.

That's what NBC's afraid of.

So you'd have one club looking to bring the first Stanley Cup to its hockey-mad fanbase and another looking to end the 21-year championship drought of an entire hockey-mad nation, and you think that's something NBC can't sell? Remind me not to come to you for story ideas.

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With the exception of Carl Soderberg and Patrice Bergeron, no one on the Bruins is skating. Marchand has got to stop with these pathetic toe drags every time he has the puck. If this was roller hockey, maybe it'd work.

On 4/10/2017 at 3:05 PM, Rollins Man said:

what the hell is ccslc?



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Last year's final four was the past four champs, right? So that same four would represent a playoff of the last five champs now. I don't see how that's a bad thing. Any other league would eat that up.

The other matchups mentioned provide compelling storylines as well.

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How can anyone truly respect Subban's game? Yeah he's loaded with talent but he plays like such a little bastard. Off the ice he seems to be mild mannered and well spoken, very respectful. On the ice he loses his mind and turns into a 12 year old who didn't get the present he wanted on Christmas.

Now I'm not saying there aren't players on the Bruins who are just as childish, but PK truely is the king of the castle.

His game is so, so, so good, if only he cut out this act - he doesn't need it.

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