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Interesting Reggie White Picture


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I believe the Packers dropped the "G" from the sleeves in 1989, but here is Reggie White wearing the uniform with it on the sleeves in 1993.


Was it just an old uniform they kept around for practice, more than likely?

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Here's a picture of Brett Favre wearing that same jersey at a 1992 minicamp. It seems they did keep the jerseys with the G's around for a few years as practice shirts.


However, here's a really interesting game photo from Harry Sydney's website. Supposedly this is him wearing the sleeve G's even though he only spent one year as a Packer in 1992; and the Packers' last year of those jerseys was 1988.


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Here's a picture of Brett Favre wearing that same jersey at a 1992 minicamp. It seems they did keep the jerseys with the G's around for a few years as practice shirts.


However, here's a really interesting game photo from Harry Sydney's website. Supposedly this is him wearing the sleeve G's even though he only spent one year as a Packer in 1992; and the Packers' last year of those jerseys was 1988.


Unpopular opinion: I have always felt that having just a G on your helmet or jersey when you're Green Bay makes about as much sense as having a solo N on your jersey, helmet, or hat if you're a Giant, Met, or Yankee. Same rule applies to S for San Diego or San Francisco or L for Los Angeles.
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That's a great find. I had thought maybe it was the pre-season, but the Packers didn't face Chicago in the pre-season. So it would have had to have been taken October 25th at Lambeau Field.


I thought it might be pre-season too, until I realized there was no way the Packers would've played a division rival in pre-season that recently.

I also thought maybe that's just an old picture from 1988 and not really him, but if that were the case, there would be a single gold stripe at the bottom of the green on the socks. Weird.

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Here's a picture of Brett Favre wearing that same jersey at a 1992 minicamp. It seems they did keep the jerseys with the G's around for a few years as practice shirts.


However, here's a really interesting game photo from Harry Sydney's website. Supposedly this is him wearing the sleeve G's even though he only spent one year as a Packer in 1992; and the Packers' last year of those jerseys was 1988.


Unpopular opinion: I have always felt that having just a G on your helmet or jersey when you're Green Bay makes about as much sense as having a solo N on your jersey, helmet, or hat if you're a Giant, Met, or Yankee. Same rule applies to S for San Diego or San Francisco or L for Los Angeles.

Yeah it really doesn't make sense in concept (one letter representing a two word city name) and would likely never happen today but obviously they stylized G looked good enough to stick around for 50 years. They've also done a great job of building the packers brand around it so I doubt we'll ever see a significant change to the primary logo.

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Here's a picture of Brett Favre wearing that same jersey at a 1992 minicamp. It seems they did keep the jerseys with the G's around for a few years as practice shirts.


However, here's a really interesting game photo from Harry Sydney's website. Supposedly this is him wearing the sleeve G's even though he only spent one year as a Packer in 1992; and the Packers' last year of those jerseys was 1988.


Unpopular opinion: I have always felt that having just a G on your helmet or jersey when you're Green Bay makes about as much sense as having a solo N on your jersey, helmet, or hat if you're a Giant, Met, or Yankee. Same rule applies to S for San Diego or San Francisco or L for Los Angeles.

Yeah it really doesn't make sense in concept (one letter representing a two word city name) and would likely never happen today but obviously they stylized G looked good enough to stick around for 50 years. They've also done a great job of building the packers brand around it so I doubt we'll ever see a significant change to the primary logo.

I know this wasn't a consideration seeing how UWGB wasn't around for another few years after the oval G was designed, but locally, "GB" usually refers to the university, not the city in general. Maybe knowing this will make it a little easier to buy the Packers just using a G.

Otherwise, I agree with all of the points above. In fact, I remember being perplexed at why they only used a G as a kid.

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Unpopular opinion: I have always felt that having just a G on your helmet or jersey when you're Green Bay makes about as much sense as having a solo N on your jersey, helmet, or hat if you're a Giant, Met, or Yankee. Same rule applies to S for San Diego or San Francisco or L for Los Angeles.

Ultimately I agree but you can argue one difference..."New", "San", and "Los" are the generic parts of those city names, while "Bay" is the generic part of Green Bay. So the G would be more like a Y for York, F for Francisco or, A for Angeles. Which is just about as bad anyway.

That reminds me of Magic Johnson era MSU jerseys saying "State".

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The "State" part is a much different story than the latter. Most teams that use "state" as a defining charateristic in uniform apparel and whatnot are usually doing it as a way to "rival" the other school. Which makes much sense for Michigan Stare to do against Michigan.

You'll see a lot of that with Florida and Florida State, Washington and Washington State, Oregon and Oregon State, just to name a few.

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