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Everything posted by Sec19Row53

  1. If the USFL MO is that they are relying g on their historical identities, what's the logic behind a team named the Canton Anythings? Yes, they're using Canton as a hub. But nobody thinks teams using Detroit or Birmingham as hubs are going to change their names.
  2. The predictions made in the week by week NFL Uniform thread.
  3. I was going to post this in the Gear Grinder thread, but figured this might be the more correct thread for it. Much like your fantasy football team, nobody cares about your fantasy uniform predictions for the season.
  4. Is he truly a professional if he doesn't want to practice? What will that teach the young players?
  5. Happy Brewer fan here. I still fear the Cardinals, but Oli is growing on me
  6. This is in the Rule Book, so it isn't really anything new. Rule 9.05(a ) Comment: In applying Rule 9.05(a), the Official Scorer shall always give the batter the benefit of the doubt. A safe course for the Official Scorer to follow is to score a hit when exceptionally good fielding of a ball fails to result in a putout.
  7. Today marks the first time the Brewers have ever won back-to-back games by a score of 1-0. They happened against the same team, but 5 days apart.
  8. I *THINK* it has to do with the feather on the cap. One of them, apparently the marketing version, had more detail/white space.
  9. I would imagine many Packer fans are going to be waiting to hear the delicate wallflower complain about the man forcing him to do this. Ooops - too late. Get your popcorn ready!
  10. Does anyone know why they wouldn't use the same treatment on the wordmark as on the logo on the sleeve?
  11. Chicago Rush anyone?? I'd put them on your list above LA
  12. Yeah - If Canton gets a team, I don't see it getting a name of Canton _____ as that isn't what this iteration of the USFL is doing. Denver Gold. Washington Federals. Chicago Blitz. All could have their current home as Canton (no real reason for those names).
  13. It's tough to argue that we've missed your point when you pull out the 'that's just your opinion that you can't defend' vibe. It's also tough to think you could actually defend a point by pulling out the 'sitting in mommy's basement' tripe. Hey @tBBP can I borrow a couple of rusty Lincolns here?
  14. They just need to steal the socks from the Rockford Rivets
  15. I laughed not AT your comment, but WITH your comment.
  16. Why would you assume that? Because this somehow makes it 'safer' or 'better' or something? They're consuming 60 hot dogs. Nothing is gonna make it ok.
  17. I guess I care enough to venture into this thread to say that I don't care.
  18. Yeah - nothing but dead links. Not sure if you decided to say eff it or what.
  19. Nah - I happen to like the look of dazzle fabric better than the alternative. But it's just my opinion. No one needs to agree with it, nor do I need to defend it.
  20. That's sort of the premise around this site and opinions
  21. That picture has two too many greens in it. Maybe three. Chrome and one of two jersey colors. Three depending on what I think of the facemask at any given moment.
  22. It's looking into infinity
  23. I'm lucky enough to have visited Fenway once. I'm glad they wore their home uniform that day, because it's their best look. Anything else would have detracted from the experience. It's why I'm anti-alt (which is different from supporting one alt or another for what they try to represent).
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