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NHL Anti-Thread: Bad Business Decision Aggregator


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Yeah you can't see them in the picture there, but there are condo/apartments there.


The complex is called Pillar at Westgate, if you're really interested in looking it up.

D'aaww, the Coyotes have a road named after them. What a cute way for Glendale to show their desperation ^_^

I wonder what they plan on doing with that when if the Coyotes do eventually move out.


PotD: 24/08/2017

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He gazed up at the enormous face. Forty years it had taken him to learn what kind of smile was hidden beneath the dark moustache. O cruel, needless misunderstanding! O stubborn, self-willed exile from the loving breast! Two gin-scented tears trickled down the sides of his nose. But it was all right, everything was all right, the struggle was finished. He had won the victory over himself. He loved Gary Bettman.

Do it to Atlanta! Do it to Atlanta! Not me! Atlanta!

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He gazed up at the enormous face. Forty years it had taken him to learn what kind of smile was hidden beneath the dark moustache. O cruel, needless misunderstanding! O stubborn, self-willed exile from the loving breast! Two gin-scented tears trickled down the sides of his nose. But it was all right, everything was all right, the struggle was finished. He had won the victory over himself. He loved Gary Bettman.

Do it to Atlanta! Do it to Atlanta! Not me! Atlanta!

It's still early, but I think it's safe to say this is PotD worthy.


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He gazed up at the enormous face. Forty years it had taken him to learn what kind of smile was hidden beneath the dark moustache. O cruel, needless misunderstanding! O stubborn, self-willed exile from the loving breast! Two gin-scented tears trickled down the sides of his nose. But it was all right, everything was all right, the struggle was finished. He had won the victory over himself. He loved Gary Bettman.

Do it to Atlanta! Do it to Atlanta! Not me! Atlanta!

Like Homer looking at the Gary Larson calendar, I laughed... but I don't get it.

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Holy Christ... I was perusing the Coyotes website for tonight's attendance vs Chicago (11,051, btw), and I found an article today about the Coyotes changing the location of their morning skate from Jobing.com Arena in Glendale to their practice rink, Ice Den, in Scottsdale.

The Coyotes on Tuesday altered their game day routine from recent past seasons by holding their morning skate at the Ice Den in Scottsdale instead of at Jobing.com Arena.

Since the players live closer to the Ice Den than Jobing.com Arena, the thinking is it may be wiser to have them make the 65-mile round-trip from Scottsdale to Glendale only once instead of twice on game days.

?We just feel like we could accomplish more right here,? Head Coach Dave Tippett said from the Ice Den on Tuesday. ?We?re always looking to try and move ahead and get better, and this is just something we?re going to try this year for a little bit.?

The players like the idea.

?I think it?s great,? forward Paul Bissonnette said. ?It?s extremely more convenient in terms of travel and rest time. It?s a good routine.?

Coyotes captain Shane Doan likes the fact that the schedule is looser at the Ice Den and that there isn?t a rush to get off the ice so the other team can get on.

?You're always trying to find any advantage possible and if this gives us an advantage than I?m the biggest fan of it,? Doan said. ?I do think it is an advantage (in theory), but the proof will be in the pudding.?

The Coyotes lost Tuesday's game to Chicago, 5-2.

1) The players don't even like driving out there, apparently.

2) Shut up, Shane.

Many home teams (not sure about the NHL/city-funded Coyotes) offer hotel rooms that are walking distance from the arena for players that wish to take their mid-day naps on game days there instead of driving home after the morning skate. There were a couple times where I almost ran over Thrasher players that were crossing the street (albeit, at times when they weren't supposed to be crossing)...

The Thrashers (at least, before Bob Hartley took over) had their morning skate at the practice facility instead of at Philips Arena.

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11,000, my surprisingly firm ass. No way that place was 65% full.



If you go look at the clip of that Jamie Benn goal in Columbus last night, there's another place where Nordique Nation can descend. There was like no one there.


♫ oh yeah, board goes on, long after the thrill of postin' is gone ♫

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11,000, my surprisingly firm ass. No way that place was 65% full.



Yeah I think 11,000 is what they expect to get and just make a estimation, instead of really counting numbers.

Another attendance worry is in Dallas, where they are averaging just 9,000 a game. Same in Columbus too

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11,000, my surprisingly firm ass. No way that place was 65% full.



Yeah I think 11,000 is what they expect to get and just make a estimation, instead of really counting numbers.

Another attendance worry is in Dallas, where they are averaging just 9,000 a game. Same in Columbus too

Tends to happen when you miss the playoffs for the last three years and the excitement has shifted to a NBA champions Mavericks, and a Rangers team that's made two strait World Series appearances.



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Many home teams (not sure about the NHL/city-funded Coyotes) offer hotel rooms that are walking distance from the arena for players that wish to take their mid-day naps on game days there instead of driving home after the morning skate. There were a couple times where I almost ran over Thrasher players that were crossing the street (albeit, at times when they weren't supposed to be crossing)...

The Thrashers (at least, before Bob Hartley took over) had their morning skate at the practice facility instead of at Philips Arena.

There are two hotels in the same parking lot as the arena, so I'm sure if they wanted to, they could make the accommodations to put them up there if they really wanted to. I guess it'd be interesting to also look into what teams do that and where the practice rink is located compared to the arena in relation to where the players lived. What was the Thrashers situation in that regard?

Ever since the Coyotes moved to Phoenix in the first place, the players have almost all lived in Scottsdale or at least that side of the Valley. I don't know why they didn't do this when the arena was build in Glendale in the first place if it was that much of an inconvenience or, as they players/coaches said, an advantage.

I know that moving the morning skate rink site is a small thing, but it brings back the point. I wonder if this whole mess would have ultimately been avoided if they built the arena in Scottsdale like they were originally supposed to. Closer to the players, coaches, management, "hockey-type" fans, downtown Phoenix, airport, etc. Or if it was just never going to work in the first place? Hypotheticals, I know, but it's interesting to at least throw around.



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11,000, my surprisingly firm ass. No way that place was 65% full.



Yeah I think 11,000 is what they expect to get and just make a estimation, instead of really counting numbers.

Another attendance worry is in Dallas, where they are averaging just 9,000 a game. Same in Columbus too

Tends to happen when you miss the playoffs for the last three years and the excitement has shifted to a NBA champions Mavericks, and a Rangers team that's made two strait World Series appearances.

Yeah I suppose you are right especially when it's NFL season too, but 9,000 fans for a team that represents a region of over 6 million.

Maybe they'll come back to watch the Stars when the World Series is over.

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Another attendance worry is in Dallas, where they are averaging just 9,000 a game. Same in Columbus too

Tends to happen when you miss the playoffs for the last three years and the excitement has shifted to a NBA champions Mavericks, and a Rangers team that's made two strait World Series appearances.

Yeah I suppose you are right especially when it's NFL season too, but 9,000 fans for a team that represents a region of over 6 million.

Maybe they'll come back to watch the Stars when the World Series is over.

Stars are going to have to still be winning. A hot start is nice, but if they can't carry it over once all these "distractions" are gone, then the'll be up a creek reeeeaaaalllll quick.



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Is this new? I thought the Stars were one of the sunbelt success stories.

Or is it just a "we only support winners" thing?

Its also doesn't help that Dallas has been pretty bad over the last few seasons and that they have virtually zero recognizable stars on their team.

PotD May 11th, 2011
looooooogodud: June 7th 2010 - July 5th 2012


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Yeah I think it's a trend in sport for some teams, 'we'll start to show up when the team is doing well'. There is a real contrast between these type of fans and the very loyal Maple Leaf fans, who's last cup came before most of the Toronto fans were even born.

It's not going to change any time soon, hockey is at best America's 4th most popular sport, and in the Southern States they live and breath College football and

the NFL.

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Is this new? I thought the Stars were one of the sunbelt success stories.

Or is it just a "we only support winners" thing?

They were. Up until their recent string of bad ownership decisions, bad seasons, and this season with payroll.

Hell, they made a trade for a suspended player last week just so they could be at the salary cap floor.

The Stars had been relative "winners" on the ice for the majority of their existence in Dallas. These recent down years have unfortunately coincided with the Rangers' and Mavericks' rise along with new Cowboys Stadium. And of course, Tom Hicks. The past few years have been a confluence of bad for the Stars.



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