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51 minutes ago, Carolingian Steamroller said:

I get it but the effect of the San Diego sunshine (very bright with little haze from humidity) made the yellow that was there luminous. I remember the yellow standing out very very well.



To this day, it also remains the only Chargers uniform where all the bolts had the same pattern and the same backing.


The Chargers wearing suck a dark drab uniform in warm sunny San Diego was part of the problem with those colors.

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1 hour ago, Carolingian Steamroller said:

I get it but the effect of the San Diego sunshine (very bright with little haze from humidity) made the yellow that was there luminous. I remember the yellow standing out very very well.



To this day, it also remains the only Chargers uniform where all the bolts had the same pattern and the same backing.


I've said it before , but that is my only "problem" with the Chargers new set, it's still gorgeous, don't get me wrong, but I would have put white behind the bolts on the blue jerseys. Basically a reverse of this.

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Speaking of Chargers, we’re in year 5 of the new set. While an overhaul isn’t expected, I could definitely see them doing some slight alterations. Powder and/or navy blue helmet(s) are likely on the table as well as powder blue pants and a throwback.

The team has done a relatively good job at making sure their set and its combinations are appealing and tasteful, but we’d all be naive to think any team won’t give into current trends.


Other teams that will likely change from the 2020 group are the Falcons who will likely upgrade and update their throwbacks to feature the current logo. Much like the Chargers, the Rams are likely in line for minor tweaks. Namely solid color numbers,


The Buccaneers and Browns are likely to keep their sets without alterations.

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25 minutes ago, DCarp1231 said:

Speaking of Chargers, we’re in year 5 of the new set. While an overhaul isn’t expected, I could definitely see them doing some slight alterations. Powder and/or navy blue helmet(s) are likely on the table as well as powder blue pants and a throwback.

The team has done a relatively good job at making sure their set and its combinations are appealing and tasteful, but we’d all be naive to think any team won’t give into current trends.


Other teams that will likely change from the 2020 group are the Falcons who will likely upgrade and update their throwbacks to feature the current logo. Much like the Chargers, the Rams are likely in line for minor tweaks. Namely solid color numbers,


The Buccaneers and Browns are likely to keep their sets without alterations.

I doubt the Chargers change anything. They seem to really like their current set


Falcons and Rams are most likely change candidates, Falcons moreso than the Rams

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Sorry, I'm on an iPad

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Just now, damnyoutuesday said:

I doubt the Chargers change anything. They seem to really like their current set


Falcons and Rams are most likely change candidates, Falcons moreso than the Rams


List of teams that need an overhaul:


1. Titans

2. Titans

3. Titans


You get the gist... 

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2 minutes ago, damnyoutuesday said:

I doubt the Chargers change anything. They seem to really like their current set

Like I said, we’d be naive to think a team won’t submit themselves to current trends. For better or worse. We all thought Green Bay wouldn’t dare deviate from the normal, yet here we are all witnessing them fall to the white icy helmet fad.

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1 hour ago, PlayGloria said:


List of teams that need an overhaul:


1. Titans Snatit

2. Titans Snatit

3. Titans Snatit


You get the gist... 


There...fixed that for you.


1 hour ago, MCM0313 said:

I think you should maybe add the Titans Snatit to that list. 


See above.


1 hour ago, DCarp1231 said:

Like I said, we’d be naive to think a team won’t submit themselves to current trends. For better or worse. We all thought Green Bay wouldn’t dare deviate from the normal, yet here we are all witnessing them fall to the white icy helmet fad.


Some do, some will...but I HIGHLY doubt the Chargers will be one of them. They already have one of and arguably the best uniforms in the league...what exactly would they stand to gain by chasing any of these new trends? And furthermore, considering they already have an all-white uniform combo thus checking the "icy white" box ❄️🥶🧊, exactly what trend would they chase at this point? That organization has definitely committed more than its fair share of screwups...but the uniforms are the one thing they consistently tend to get right. (Please note I said "tend to", not "definitely did"...big difference.)


And while we're sitting up in here speculating on what changes are coming/should come down the pike, let me offer my two one-hundredths of a dollar's worth of rusty copper.


Titans Snatit: already mentioned. The shoulder swords are a nice evolution of their shoulder yoke design (which itself was apparently inspired by the contrast-colored fly on the state flag). That could stay...the shoulder yoke is kinda their "thing" now. Keep them in the shape of a sword? Okay, fine. But the two-tone gray has got to go. I could see them retaining either the lighter gray or changing it all to silver (which would still inevitably be gray on the pants, but whateva), but the two-tone gray thing muddied that look all up. I personally would prefer an updated version of the numbers they used to have, but even a slightly thinner standard block (or even bevel-block) font could work. And...lose the navy helmets. That logo was not designed to work on a navy background like that...it gets lost. Either back to white, or...gasp...silver (with silver pants) as an homage to one of their earlier Houston-era uniforms. (Made a concept about it...like to see it? Here it go.) But definitely no navy.


Commanders: There were some halfway decent ideas in this rebranding, but the sum total just ain't it. We won't even disscuss the unnecessary addition of black, so let's move along. The whole "flag waving in the wind" effect going on with the numbers on their away jerseys was a decent idea, but it ain't working in execution. Given how simple yet distinctive the DC flag is, I think the Washington Footballers might really benefit from a straight up burgundy and gold uniform modeled somewhat after that. (The DC Defenders got close to an ideal solution, if you can imagine something like that in burgundy and gold). With all the speculation going on with the change in ownership, they might be most likely to change it up, in my opinion. Their W logo is pretty solid, though...they may wanna keep that around in some capacity.


Falcons: This is more of a personal preference than rather than any kind of speculation. BUT...in the pit of my stomach, I feel that if the Falcons rebrand, it won't be one of those "respect the past, honor the present/future" lines several other teams/college programs have put out. It may be another all-new design that may draw certain cues from some of those past designs. I suppose that's another way of saying "be careful what you wish for", so...


Broncos: This is the one I feel may change the fastest (or maybe I want it to change the fastest). It probably won't even be all that much, but something tells me a lot of those little details may fall off in a future update. Again, some halfway decent ideas in this mix, and the final execution really isn't even all that bad. It's just...superfluous is all. (And before anyone says it, NO, the throwbacks should NOT become permanent. They're great, but leave them be as throwback alternates. No need to tarnish the luster.)


Jaguars: This one is completely speculative, but I will tell you the "prowler" throwbacks (by the way, can we PLEASE quit forcing nicknames on all these newly-unveiled uniforms?) are a HUGE hit in and around Duval and among what exists of Jaguar Nation (which is really more like a county and a few folk spread around the country). Based off the reaction those receive later in the season, that may be enough to convince Shahid n' em to consider yet another change. I mean, at this point, why not? The Jacksonville Jaguars may as well be the San Diego Padres of the NFL with as many rebrands as they've undergone. Now the Padres have a forever look they should never, EVER, change from...that's what the Jaguars should shoot for in their next branding life. I know that flies against Nike's/Fanatics' current business model of cranking out as many jerseys to sell as possible, but stability is something Jacksonville should really shoot for...they ain't had it since the end of the '08 season.


As for other teams, there are some I feel should change, and some that should probably consider it but probably won't. Among the former category are the Dolphins. These current uniforms never sat right with me. For one, the aqua is way too washed out...a slight deepening of that tone will help a LOT. Two, those Peyton-Manning -forehead numbers got to go, straight up. And that logo...we already know what time it is with that. But beyond those details, their current uniforms aren't really terrible. Among the latter category is the one team I wonder about: the Seahawks. If they were to change, in what direction would they go? Considering their current look was Nike's first NFL pet project (well, since taking over the supplier contract in 2012--bear in mind the "prowler" Jaguars' numbers and some of the additional logos were also Nike productions), that's a tough call to make, so I won't. I also don't foresee a change in the Rams' uniforms anytime soon, either...aside from them 86'ing all traces of the bone. They do that and their uniform sets become passable to solid.


Thoughts? Feel free to add to these or shred them apart per your pleasure...

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*Disclaimer: I am not an authoritative expert on stuff...I just do a lot of reading and research and keep in close connect with a bunch of people who are authoritative experts on stuff. 😁

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36 minutes ago, Dynasty said:

Washington's logo is so unimaginative that it really doesn't hold much to branding. I don't think it's bad, but they can definitely improve from it.

You could probably say that about any letter logo.

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6 hours ago, ManillaToad said:


The Chargers wearing suck a dark drab uniform in warm sunny San Diego was part of the problem with those colors.


Experience may vary but what's stuck with me in the time that I've been down there is that navy and white are quite apt.

Part of this is the dazzle fabric on the uniforms of that particular era but even though there were dark blue, they weren't drab.

It's sunny, sure, but it's quite cool in the morning before the marine layer cooks off and even when it gets hot, the ocean breeze and the dry desert air make it very different even from LA which is just up the coast but a little in land. It's why the Padres looked so good for so long in navy.


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46 minutes ago, Carolingian Steamroller said:


Experience may vary but what's stuck with me in the time that I've been down there is that navy and white are quite apt.

Part of this is the dazzle fabric on the uniforms of that particular era but even though there were dark blue, they weren't drab.

It's sunny, sure, but it's quite cool in the morning before the marine layer cooks off and even when it gets hot, the ocean breeze and the dry desert air make it very different even from LA which is just up the coast but a little in land. It's why the Padres looked so good for so long in navy.


I wouldn’t say the Padres necessarily looked *good* in navy except the set pictured above, with orange accents. The navy and white sets were dull as dishwater. The navy and yellow set, for its brief lifespan, was better, but I felt that *how much* better was kind of exaggerated by posters who were desperate for a change (not that I can blame them) - I always felt like it was still too dull, not enough yellow to make a big difference, kind of similar to how I see the ‘90s Chargers’ uniforms, except I think the latter were better-designed. 

Then we have navy and sand, with sky blue accents. Great idea in theory. In practice, not enough sky blue, and the mid-aughts styling made the set age faster than it probably should have (cool logo though). Wound up being past its prime by the time it was dumped. 

For me, the Pads are just meant to wear brown. I wish they’d bring back orange accents, even as just a trim thing behind the brown and yellow-gold. I think their late-1980s brown/orange set could have been very good had they chosen a more creative design - and I’ve seen (on these boards?) a nifty prototype that was presented to them c. 1986 but which they ultimately rejected - but they didn’t, and that script ultimately looked better in navy and orange than in brown and orange. 


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On 8/28/2024 at 8:39 PM, SFGiants58 said:

Eh, Mariota never embarrassed himself to the same level that Winston did. 

Not gonna lie, he’s probably my least favorite Buccaneer ever. Just so goddamned frustrating. 30 TDs/30 INTs his final year should be a great metaphor for his career, but there’s an even better one out there. 

Jameis Winston’s first pass as a Buc? Pick Six.


Jameis Winston’s last pass as a Buc? Pick six. 


But I digress. Back on topic now somewhat, this was a SUPER under appreciated look for the Padres. That whole set was quietly great, actually. They got a lot of hate for going with sand instead of gray, but people kinda came back around on that one. Swapping out gray for sand makes sense for San Diego more than just about anywhere. 


The navy alt was fantastic, too. They paired it with those pants, and used that color sand on the SD logo and script outlined in white. Great look that was a few tweaks shy of being perfect. It’s basically the foundation for their current road set with brown and gold instead of navy. 


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On 11/19/2012 at 7:23 PM, oldschoolvikings said:
She’s still half convinced “Chris Creamer” is a porn site.)
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13 hours ago, Dynasty said:

Washington's logo is so unimaginative that it really doesn't hold much to branding. I don't think it's bad, but they can definitely improve from it.


It needs something added to it. Even when that Dan Quinn picture surfaced of him wearing that W with the feather from the old logo, it looked way more interesting.


Also, it frustrates me that the only time the logo truly pops is against a black background (which shouldn't be a team color anyways). Most of the time, I see it presented as a burgundy logo against a burgundy background, which makes it even more bland. 

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12 hours ago, Klondyke said:

Giants IG said they are using this for their home opener.  I also guess they will be wearing those retro jerseys 





It's going to be tough playing with the barriers around the logo like that.  Seems like a hazard.  Surprised the officials would allow it.

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11 hours ago, FiddySicks said:

Not gonna lie, he’s probably my least favorite Buccaneer ever. Just so goddamned frustrating. 30 TDs/30 INTs his final year should be a great metaphor for his career, but there’s an even better one out there. 

Jameis Winston’s first pass as a Buc? Pick Six.


Jameis Winston’s last pass as a Buc? Pick six. 


But I digress. Back on topic now somewhat, this was a SUPER under appreciated look for the Padres. That whole set was quietly great, actually. They got a lot of hate for going with sand instead of gray, but people kinda came back around on that one. Swapping out gray for sand makes sense for San Diego more than just about anywhere. 


The navy alt was fantastic, too. They paired it with those pants, and used that color sand on the SD logo and script outlined in white. Great look that was a few tweaks shy of being perfect. It’s basically the foundation for their current road set with brown and gold instead of navy. 


I partially take back what I said about the navy and sand. The navy alt is basically perfect. 

The sand-colored road set, though…something about that wordmark looks dated, and a couple pops of a third color could’ve gone a long way. 

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