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4 hours ago, YelichGraphics said:

Dang putting a bad name on Sabres fans. Most of us yes are depressed but not destructive like that lol.

We all know that he doesn't represent y'all since you're pitiable rather than insane.

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1 hour ago, Dynasty said:

It took longer than it needed to, but it's been done. I guess the unsung heroes in all of this are the Florida Panthers, who would've thought?


The only reason he's banned is because he asked to be. He was annoying, but he didn't break any rules. Normally, he'd chill out for a while when a mod told him to. For some reason, he decided he wanted to try to commit suicide by mod yesterday. If he hadn't straight up asked to be banned, the worst he was looking at was probably a short suspension - if that.


My guess is it was just a game of "how much can I get away with" for him.

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41 minutes ago, infrared41 said:

He was annoying, but he didn't break any rules.


Here's a thing with the rules that makes things a little hazy:


2. No Trolling

  • Posts or artwork intended solely to antagonize and provoke other CCSLC members or to throw a topic off course in an inorganic fashion are not permitted. 
  • Trolling will be determined at the moderating team’s discretion and may result in a suspension, up to and including a permanent ban.

Honest question - does this mean that if he was doing it all as a bit, he'd be subject to this rule and booted, but since he seemed to actually mean what he was posting and not posting "solely to antagonize and provoke", he was allowed to continue by not breaking a rule?


I know this modding thing is hard, and there's a lot of subjectivity and context and common sense involved, but nearly every one of this person's posts was provoking, whether intended or not, and he derailed threads more than anyone since Tnak (I'm probably forgetting someone.)  But does it come down to intent vs result?  Because the result is the same in either case.








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I said upthread that, at least for me, it didn't cross the trolling threshold until he was still going 24 hours later. Personally, I feel we can't handle out bans just for bad takes and we should give people space to process things, but only for a reasonable amount of time. After that, it becomes an effort to derail a thread. Now, because he asked to be banned, we pulled the trigger right away, but each of the mods could have had their say if we had put it to a vote. Not all may have felt it crossed that trolling threshold and may not have voted to ban, but we are where we are.


Edited by officeglenn
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1 minute ago, officeglenn said:

I said upthread that, at least for me, it didn't cross the trolling threshold until he was still going 24 hours later. 

Yeah, the persistence and its intensity is what sets trolling apart from just being a heated moment.


Either way, I petition to add the banning of Unocal to the engraving of the Stanley Cup.

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1 minute ago, SFGiants58 said:

Yeah, the persistence and its intensity is what sets trolling apart from just being a heated moment.


Either way, I petition to add the banning of Unocal to the engraving of the Stanley Cup.


Only if he's Xed out like Basil Pocklington 😄

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1 hour ago, BBTV said:

Honest question - does this mean that if he was doing it all as a bit, he'd be subject to this rule and booted, but since he seemed to actually mean what he was posting and not posting "solely to antagonize and provoke", he was allowed to continue by not breaking a rule?


Just my take, but I think at first he mostly meant what he was saying, but as it went on it became a game to him and he started pushing to see how much we'd let him get away with. For example, when he decided to go off after the Panthers won, he started posting his typical stuff - his intent is open to debate - but no one was engaging him so he started upping the stakes and essentially posting the same thing over and over again. That was the point where I determined that he was trolling for the sake of trolling. As I had done before, I told him to move on or knock it off. (I may not have been quite that diplomatic about it.) A request from a mod  usually resulted in him reeling it in for a while, but this time his response was "never" and he requested that we ban him. After a discussion with the mod squad, we granted his request.


We may not pull the trigger as quickly as people would like sometimes. If we'd whacked him after three posts, we'd be here defending ourselves because we were too quick to the trigger. Point being, we aren't mind readers (and thank God because the last place I'd want to be is inside some of the heads around here), every situation is different, and a lot of factors play into our moderating decisions. We're never going to please everyone, but this time we may have come pretty close. 😎

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9 hours ago, MCM0313 said:

I’ve been on here nearly a decade and don’t recall this guy. Did he mostly stick to very specific subjects or something?

Sport Season threads. Playoff time was always his glory because they tended to either go perfectly by seed or be truly random. Neither of those outcomes were acceptable. 

It's where I sit.

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After over a decade of barely coming here outside of fantasy football season, I came back to regularity in time to witness a meltdown the likes of which I haven't seen since my early days here back in, like, 2005. Here I was thinking the easily-accessible worldwide outlet of social media may have directed a lot of that stuff away from here. Unless it was, indeed, just a troll job. Kind of takes the enjoyment out of it if it was, though.

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1 hour ago, Maz said:

Unless it was, indeed, just a troll job.


I don't think for a second it was an act.  I think it's a person with some very serious issues, and what we saw here on these boards is probably nothing compared to what they put themselves through IRL.


If it was a troll job, then we can expect for a new account to be created soon and trolling to commence again.  I kinda hope that's the case.  If I knew it was trolling, coulda had some fun with it rather than just be agitated.  But I think if you're going into a thread with the intent to troll, you gotta have a game plan and know how to adjust on the fly.  The "brute force" method doesn't always work, and that's all he had.


It's a shame it came to this point, because I'd be more than happy to take him under my wing as a mentor and help him develop his skills and reach  his true potential as a troll.  I could be his learning tree.

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38 minutes ago, BBTV said:

It's a shame it came to this point, because I'd be more than happy to take him under my wing as a mentor and help him develop his skills and reach  his true potential as a troll.  I could be his learning tree.


I can't think of a better mentor for the young folk.

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