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The Scottish Claymores have folded


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I hope they're replaced by a new team. I think it would be a shame if NFL Europe fails. I'm a fan of it. It's not the highest quality football, but it's an effective training ground for inexperienced NFL players.

I'll also miss the Scottish Claymores logo. I was fond of their helmets.

EDIT: I guess there will be a new team, according to NFLEurope.com. Quote from an NFL Europe official:

?The economics of our league and the interest shown by other cities have forced us to look at whether there are other markets that give us a greater opportunity of improving our business. We believe at this time that such an opportunity exists.?

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this sucks. i don't know what effect this would have on Scottish players and fans, although i hope the players still play and those souls kind enough to watch them keep watching. (and yes, if you didn't know they play over there, they do. google it.) all i know is the Admirals are the only non-German team left standing now, and IMO they have a bigger mountain to climb than the Claymores did.

as for the probable new team, that Prince of Monaco fella would probably make a good owner, give him a team...or give it to either Finland or Sweden. Or Russia. I dunno right now. :wacko:


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Too Bad! :cry:

I got a feeling Amsterdam will go soon as well.

My picks for new NFLE teams

Munich, Germany

Hamburg, Germany

I have no idea, and have never even heard of Gelsenkirchen, Germany, and I took German for 2 years!

Auf Wiedersehen Claymores

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Let's just rename it to the Germanische Fußball-Liga (Germanic Football League). Then, throw teams in Vienna, Zurich, and Salzburg.

HOLD ON, KID! Zürich ISN'T German... it's a SWISS city!!!

We, the Swiss AREN'T German. B)

Vienna and Salzburg are Austrian cities but who cares about Germany, er... Austria. Ha ha ha!!!


It's great to be young and a Giant! - Larry Doyle

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Let's just rename it to the Germanische Fußball-Liga (Germanic Football League).  Then, throw teams in Vienna, Zurich, and Salzburg.

HOLD ON, KID! Zürich ISN'T German... it's a SWISS city!!!

We, the Swiss AREN'T German. B)

Vienna and Salzburg are Austrian cities but who cares about Germany, er... Austria. Ha ha ha!!!

Hence the word "Germanic," meaning of German origin, meaning German speaking, meaning that Austria and part of Switzerland are included. Hence the lack of the word "Deutsche." Besides, I won my high school's geography bowl, so I certainly know that Zurich isn't German, yet is Germanic in terms of culture and language. And, I've been to Austria, so I know what I'm talking about.


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Can we start arguing about whether or not NFL Europe teams should have American or European names like we did for a month over the MLS and ReAL Salt Lake?

Those were fun days, maybe we can start that here. :D Of course, the Barcelona Dragons became the Barcelona Dragons FC just before they folded.

It's a shame about the Claymores, I liked their uniforms and identity, too bad they couldn't make it.

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Besides, I won my high school's geography bowl, so I certainly know that Zurich isn't German, yet is Germanic in terms of culture and language. And, I've been to Austria, so I know what I'm talking about.

School? Pfft. I placed in the top 30 in the state. :D

Damn technicalities. I wanted to meet Alex Trebek.

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i figured nfl euro would have folded right along with the NHL.

seriously, i didn't know the barcalona dragons folded. I always like the scottish claymores, it had a better name than half the nfl does. plus i loved the sword as the logo. its a shame about the team.



General Magus Zeal

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For those wondering, Gelsenkirchen is a smaller city in the Ruhr area (western Germany) just west of Dortmund and north of Cologne. The city's famous mostly for it's soccer team, FC Schalke 04. Schalke has a new stadium -- Arena Aufschalke -- which is one of the most modern/facilitaive in Germany, and I'm sure a big reason for Gelsenkirchen to be mentioned. That said, Schalke fans are very devoted to their team, and I'm not sure how successful another franchise would hope to be with such competition for entertainment euros (currency, not the people).

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