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The games you have made up...

Alphabet Man

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i have invented a game called 'TenCrick' a hybrid version of Tennis and Cricket....

also a game called 'Upball' that i even wrote a rule book for basically it was International Rules Football (which is hybrid version of Aussie Rules and Gaelic) but it had a rugby goal with a Circle at the top instead of a crossbar


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Pong. It's a combination of Ping Pong and Racquetball. We did it this summer in the lounge at the end of our dorm hallway. It's basically racquetball using ping pong paddles and balls and against brick walls, with no side walls. Quite the experience.




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My brothers, friends, and my dad used to play a game with a football and the basketball hooop. We would stand at the other end of the backyard and try to throw the football into the net. If so, that was 7 points (TD). If you hit the backboard and/or without going into the net, it was 3 points (FG). You would get three throws a quarter. It passed the time without working up a sweat. And we tended to play it when we had parties and were dressed up.

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I made up a baseball-like game using a tennis ball instead of a baseball and a lacrosse stick instead of a bat. The batter pictched to him/herself by putting the ball in the head of the stick and tossing it straight up into the air, then swinging at it when it came back down. The foul line was behind the batter, not stretching down the base lines, so any hit was fair as long as it didn't go backwards. Soaking was allowed (which is why a tennis ball was used instead of something harder).

I can't remember the rest of the rules, if there were any.

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Me and my friends play this game we call Baskennis. (We actually played it last night.)

You take your average outdoor tennis court, add 4 guys (2 on a team), add generous amounts of darkness, mix in a basketball, and you got the basics.

Rules are you have to catch the ball before it bounces twice, throw it two-handed underhande (shovel pass style) in what is loosely considered the same motion as catching the ball (no hanging onto it, faking, or anything like that... you gotta catch it and get rid of it right away). If you receive the ball behind the baseline, you can throw it overhand. We use doubles-tennis lines and you serve by throwing the ball backwards over your head one-handed.

'Course, this would all look very dumb in the light, but at night it's quite challenging!

Interesting to note that no alcohol was consumed during the conception of the idea of this game. Although inebriation might add another level of comedy to the game.

On another note... Calvinball made for some of the funniest Calvin & Hobbes strips ever. [sigh]

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Haha, Calvinball was the first thing I thought of when I looked at this thread. Anyway, my friends and I used to play a bunch of made-up games, most notably "The Kickoff Game" and "10 Yard Fight", named after the NES game.

Kickoff Game - basically a version of football to play when you only have a few people. You usually have one returner against two players on the kicking team, or a returner and a blocker against three or four players on the kicking team. Return the kick to the endzone (which, in our field, was about 25 yards) for one point or get tackled for no points. With such a short field, you wanted to kick the ball almost straight up to make the return difficult. It was played "everyone for himself" and everyone would get usually 10 chances to return the ball, and the person with the most returns out of 10 won. In case of a tie, the players that tied would go into overtime, played college-style. Each player got a chance to return one kick, played until somebody returned one and the next person got stopped. We actually played a 16-game season of this once, with playoffs and all. Took about 3 weeks, it was great.

10 Yard Fight - played on a 10-yard "field", about 5 yards wide. Two teams of two or three players. Four downs to advance 10 yards and score. Basically, you had to bowl some people over because it was such a small field. We even had "pylons" (drink bottles 1/4 full) to designate the endzones, because there were a lot of "dive for the pylon" plays. This was a cool game to play.

Everybody graduated or moved out of the neighborhood, so these games are no more. Ah, the memories.


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years ago, probably in like 4th grade, me and my cousin used to play this game we made up called... here it comes, our inaginations hard at work....


thats right, we used to take a kickball, and kick it straight up in the air as high as you could, and then you would hafta try cath it yourself. Now mind you, I live in ND, where it is super windy, so imagine the possibilities of, you know, having to move a couple more inches to the right to catch it, SHUT UP, THE GAME WAS FUN BACK THEN!

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years ago, probably in like 4th grade, me and my cousin used to play this game we made up called... here it comes, our inaginations hard at work....


thats right, we used to take a kickball, and kick it straight up in the air as high as you could, and then you would hafta try cath it yourself. Now mind you, I live in ND, where it is super windy, so imagine the possibilities of, you know, having to move a couple more inches to the right to catch it, SHUT UP, THE GAME WAS FUN BACK THEN!

We played something like that in grade school. We just called it Kickball, two teams kicking the ball back and forth. I don't recall any scoring, but I do recall arguements over who won when the bell rang.

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In high school, we used to play a tennis game where we used two full courts (without nets) that were separated by a tall fence. Each player played on his own court, and we used the fence as the net.

You had to return the ball before it bounced twice. Points were scored by hitting the ball onto you opponent's court and having it bounce twice in play. Hitting the side and back fences were out, but you could score a point by hitting the ball over your opponent's back fence without touching it (much like a home run).

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Imagine if you will, a mix of hockey & lacrosse, but players wield baseball bats, and the goalies use a push broom...Throw in a few soccer rules too, and elements of baseball--and a tennis ball will break a window...

You have just entered the "Hocker" zone...

(So the name is merely hockey with the y changed to an r--I was 9 or 10)

Comic Sans walks into a bar, and the bartender says, "Sorry, we don't serve your type here."

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I used to have my own leagues with fake teams and fake histories... but I have a feeling I'm not the only one here who used to do that as a kid.

You mean--you don't do it anymore? :D

I'll second that feeling...

Comic Sans walks into a bar, and the bartender says, "Sorry, we don't serve your type here."

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