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What does NHL need to do to get the fans back?


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Well if the players ever get back on the ice (please have a deal by next season) what can the NHL do to get fans back and get more fans?

The real reason why Hockey isn't played has much has basketball, baseball, or football is not because it's a Canadian sport, but because it costs way to much money and time to play. To play you need a stick, (Ranging from about $50-$200+) all kinds of pads, helmets. Don't even get me talking on how much goalie stuff costs, it's ridiculous. Also it's played on ice and people that don't ice skate or live where it's not cold don't ice skate, and they don't want to spend all the time learning. Now what can the NHL do about this? Nothing really.

Teams: there should be 22 teams.













-New Jersey

-New York (Rangers)



-St. Louis

-Tampa Bay




-One moved team to Quebec city maybe

They need to make more rules to get more scoring, shootouts, and yes more penalty shots, because those are exciting.

One more BIG thing, lower the ticket prices, they are so damn expensive.

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I think the league needs to scale back in terms of costs and players salaries which are in line with economic reality, not necessarily teams. Most importantly, they need improve the quality of the game/entertainment value even if it means shootouts.

Oh and I would consider Winnipeg over Quebec City unless Quebec City has a new building coming up.

I saw, I came, I left.

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I agree with the ticket prices thing. I've been to two NHL games in the last decade in large part because of that (I have also not lived in an NHL city in that time).

If they need shoot-outs to get fans, so be it, but NOT IN THE PLAYOFFS.

I don't want the game to radically change. I don't want scores of 11 to 7 every night.

I'd like:

Less clutching/holding/grabbing--call more penalties.

Get rid of the two-line pass rule.

As a Twins fan, I hate to advocate for contraction, but for right now they need it. They need 4 to 5 recognizable players per club. THere are not enough stars to go around 30 teams.

I love the canadian teams, but they are not economically viable. So I would SLASH the number of teams.










-New Jersey

-New York (Rangers)




12 teams It's hard for me to say "Get rid of Minnesota", but this league needs to pretty much star over. Keep the Orignial 6 and the next six viable teams--Dallas and Colorado are pretty much America's Teams and NJ, PHI, LA and Washington I think can be successful markets.

Maybe in a decade or so, they can expand to Minnesota and some other places if they are successful, but they have to be careful--they expanded way to fast in the 90s and diluded the stars.

The orignal post's 22 teams are more likely than my 12 (though I don't know if Buffalo will make it), but that is really what I think it needs. Start out small. Remember, it has a smaller audience than arena football.

The NHL does not have the luxury of keeping all teams that have won the cup or have had players like Lemieux and Gretzky.

Disclaimer: If this comment is about an NBA uniform from 2017-2018 or later, do not constitute a lack of acknowledgement of the corporate logo to mean anything other than "the corporate logo is terrible and makes the uniform significantly worse."



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I love the canadian teams, but they are not economically viable. So I would SLASH the number of teams.










-New Jersey

-New York (Rangers)




2 Canadian based teams?

That's would be the death of the NHL!


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I love the canadian teams, but they are not economically viable. So I would SLASH the number of teams.










-New Jersey

-New York (Rangers)




2 Canadian based teams?

That's would be the death of the NHL!

I concur.

Remember how teeny the NHL is in America and how HUGE it is north of the 49th.

If anything, stick MORE teams up here!

Winnipeg, Quebec City, Regina/Saskatoon, Somewhere-in-Atlantic-Canada, go crazy!

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Well if the players ever get back on the ice (please have a deal by next season) what can the NHL do to get fans back and get more fans?

The real reason why Hockey isn't played has much has basketball, baseball, or football is not because it's a Canadian sport, but because it costs way to much money and time to play. To play you need a stick, (Ranging from about $50-$200+) all kinds of pads, helmets. Don't even get me talking on how much goalie stuff costs, it's ridiculous. Also it's played on ice and people that don't ice skate or live where it's not cold don't ice skate, and they don't want to spend all the time learning. Now what can the NHL do about this? Nothing really.

Teams: there should be 22 teams.













-New Jersey

-New York (Rangers)



-St. Louis

-Tampa Bay




-One moved team to Quebec city maybe

They need to make more rules to get more scoring, shootouts, and yes more penalty shots, because those are exciting.

One more BIG thing, lower the ticket prices, they are so damn expensive.

*clears throat* Uh, Atlanta, yes; LA, no? Wow.

NJ, PHI, LA and Washington I think can be successful markets.

LA already is. The Kings averaged more than 17,700 fans per game last year (capacity is 18,118) and the owner claims to have still lost millions of dollars. What a joke. If they had a decent owner who cared about winning more than dollars and cents, they'd be one of the most viable franchises around.

To not include them in the post-disaster NHL would be ludicrous.

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Okay, I'm no expert on this, but here goes....

TEAMS: Preserve as much of the current 30 teams as possible, but it'd be best to place them in cities and regions that either have historical significance (the Original 6 are a given), have a history of hockey (Canada, Minnesota), or where hockey has been or has the potential to be viable (Dallas and maybe Columbus come to my mind at the moment). If this means the reduction of teams, so be it... though it is not something to smile about should it happen.

RULES: Look to what the AHL has been using this year, including the wider red and blue lines (my personal favorite), tag-up offsides, and no-touch icing. Plus, although some purists may have cringed at seeing that trapezoid area restrict the goalie's puck handling abilities, it must have been working well for the AHL if they extended its use beyond early-season experiments.

SHOOTOUT: Hmmm, shootout. I admit I'm not too much of a fan of the shootout; I am not one to see a team-oriented sport break a tie with a one-on-one skill show. But, if there has to be a shootout, I'd limit it to the skaters on the ice at the end of 4x4 OT, plus one player on the bench chosen by the coach to make it 5 skaters. If they're still tied after all 5 skaters have made their attempt, the game goes in the record books as a tie (I kind of like it how a tie can throw a monkey wrench in the standings).

POINTS: I believe the AHL has also adopted 3 points for a win this year. I'd change it in the NHL to give 3 points for a regulation win, 2 points for an OT or SO win, and 1 point for a tie or OT/SO loss. This would add excitement to a tie game late in regulation, with both teams working hard to get that 3rd point a regulation win would provide.

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I agree on preserving as much, if not all 30 teams as much as possible. I don't think just moving teams will accomplish much in terms of fan base or have an effect on overall revenue.

Why did you guys leave out San Jose anyways? :mad: Seriously, it's a genuine hockey market.

Now as if things aren't already bad for the NHL this week....


Now here's an idea for NHL players to consider :)


I saw, I came, I left.

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Any solution but ANOTHER realignment thread.


"It is the soldier, not the reporter, who has given us freedom of the

press. It is the soldier, not the poet, who has given us freedom of

speech. It is the soldier, not the campus organizer, who has given us

the freedom to demonstrate. And it is the soldier who salutes the

flag, serves beneath the flag, whose coffin is draped by the flag, and

who allows the protester to burn the flag."

Marine Chaplain Dennis Edward O' Brien

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What they need to do is invest the money to get youth leagues started everywhere. That is where expansion can come from. How many mid 30 year olds become die hard fans?

They need to expand the base, not the league. Advertising will mean nothing if people don't have a connection to the game. Connections are formed when young. NBA, NFL, MLB, and NASCAR aren't big because of advertising. They are big because people grew up playing football, baseball, and basketball. And who when they were 15 or 16 and first got behind a steering wheel didn't pretend to be a race car driver?


"It is the soldier, not the reporter, who has given us freedom of the

press. It is the soldier, not the poet, who has given us freedom of

speech. It is the soldier, not the campus organizer, who has given us

the freedom to demonstrate. And it is the soldier who salutes the

flag, serves beneath the flag, whose coffin is draped by the flag, and

who allows the protester to burn the flag."

Marine Chaplain Dennis Edward O' Brien

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Okay, I'm no expert on this, but here goes....

TEAMS: Preserve as much of the current 30 teams as possible, but it'd be best to place them in cities and regions that either have historical significance (the Original 6 are a given), have a history of hockey (Canada, Minnesota), or where hockey has been or has the potential to be viable (Dallas and maybe Columbus come to my mind at the moment). If this means the reduction of teams, so be it... though it is not something to smile about should it happen.

RULES: Look to what the AHL has been using this year, including the wider red and blue lines (my personal favorite), tag-up offsides, and no-touch icing. Plus, although some purists may have cringed at seeing that trapezoid area restrict the goalie's puck handling abilities, it must have been working well for the AHL if they extended its use beyond early-season experiments.

SHOOTOUT: Hmmm, shootout. I admit I'm not too much of a fan of the shootout; I am not one to see a team-oriented sport break a tie with a one-on-one skill show. But, if there has to be a shootout, I'd limit it to the skaters on the ice at the end of 4x4 OT, plus one player on the bench chosen by the coach to make it 5 skaters. If they're still tied after all 5 skaters have made their attempt, the game goes in the record books as a tie (I kind of like it how a tie can throw a monkey wrench in the standings).

POINTS: I believe the AHL has also adopted 3 points for a win this year. I'd change it in the NHL to give 3 points for a regulation win, 2 points for an OT or SO win, and 1 point for a tie or OT/SO loss. This would add excitement to a tie game late in regulation, with both teams working hard to get that 3rd point a regulation win would provide.

I think its 2 pts for a regulation win, 0 for regulation loss, 1 pt for loss in overtime(however I believe the point is forfeited if the losing goalie is pulled) and 1 pt for a shootout loss.

Signature intentionally left blank

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First-agree to a CBA

Second-play a game

There will be fans

Other things:

-Lower ticket prices as a result of lower salaries

-NO SHOOTOUTS!!!!!-too artificial

-Enforce existing rules

-Don't worry about goals being scored, but do be concerned about scoring chances-

I've seen high scoring games that were snooze fests, because there was no drama-no defense--oh a breakaway & he scored--ho-hum--it happens all the time zzzzzz

-While scoring may seem exciting--so are big saves from the goaltender, and big plays by the defense--promote those too. I've seen low scoring games that were exciting because they were low scoring due to incredibale saves and defensive moves--every goal counted and I was on the edge of my seat.


Comic Sans walks into a bar, and the bartender says, "Sorry, we don't serve your type here."

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that's pretty much the problem. heck, I'd have loved to be in a youth hockey program of any sort here, even if it was street/roller hockey in lieu of ice hockey (no rink=virtually impossible). regardless, it still woulda been some form of hockey. floor hockey in one period of gym class ain't nearly enough.

i'll tell ya: there are teams in the next counties, but as mentioned it costs too damn much to even think about playing for any of em.

hell, around here ya gotta have a permit to play for one of the public HS teams, none of which are hockey. Back when I was playing, it was around $35-45. It's skyrocketed to well over $100 just to get a permit for one sport! Damn! glad I'm out and don't have to pay for the district's stupidity, cus at this rate someone who wants to play football, wrestle and do shot put for his school can only do so if his folks are willing to put up the green. That aint right.


A strong mind gets high off success, a weak mind gets high off bull🤬

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First-agree to a CBA

Second-play a game

There will be fans

Other things:

-Lower ticket prices as a result of lower salaries

-NO SHOOTOUTS!!!!!-too artificial

-Enforce existing rules

-Don't worry about goals being scored, but do be concerned about scoring chances-

I've seen high scoring games that were snooze fests, because there was no drama-no defense--oh a breakaway & he scored--ho-hum--it happens all the time zzzzzz

-While scoring may seem exciting--so are big saves from the goaltender, and big plays by the defense--promote those too. I've seen low scoring games that were exciting because they were low scoring due to incredibale saves and defensive moves--every goal counted and I was on the edge of my seat.


first-yep, they might wanna do that.

second-yeah, they might wanna do that too. show folks what they missed.


1-what a thought. might actually entice me to trek down to Chicago for a Hawks game (I know, I know. it's just that it would take me longer to go to Denver)

2-as an AHL-hating former IHL fan, i gotta dissent here. yeah shootouts.

3-goals will come. they always do.

4-that's one of the best things about hockey.

5-well, they already screwed up the game by doing just that. quick, somebody dig up the rulebook from before Bettman broke the game. get rid of the 2-line pass, and get rid of the instigator rule. the game will be better for it.


A strong mind gets high off success, a weak mind gets high off bull🤬

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Fixing the product is a start.

But, if you don't breed new fans you'll never grow your base. You have to get to the kids. The kids pressure the parents to do. The kids grow into parents who get their kids involved. Instead of worrying about how to turn a buck when the league comes back, you've got to worry about how to get people interested in the product first.

All the other major sports league dumped millions of dollars into the cities to have kids play their sport. The NHL needs to do the same. If they aren't trying to increase youth leagues in weak cities they are seriously out of touch.

Kids want jerseys for christmas and birthday presents.

Kids will want to go see the pros play they game they are trying to learn.

Kids playing in an NHL sponsored league will want to buy their own gear or whatever they can afford.

Kids grow up to be the pros.

Kids grow up to be the guys who couldn't make it and become die hard fans.

Kids are the future and the present.


"It is the soldier, not the reporter, who has given us freedom of the

press. It is the soldier, not the poet, who has given us freedom of

speech. It is the soldier, not the campus organizer, who has given us

the freedom to demonstrate. And it is the soldier who salutes the

flag, serves beneath the flag, whose coffin is draped by the flag, and

who allows the protester to burn the flag."

Marine Chaplain Dennis Edward O' Brien

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Cultivating a fan base by targetting the younger crowd in those cities is a really good idea, now that you've mentioned it. Maybe if the league started some investment into potential markets prior to launching a team, things would have worked out a bit better for them. Instead, communities get a shock-and-awe effect of a hyped-up expansion team coming that acts like a sort of mass sugar rush (ie: Merchandising for the new team explodes for the first year or so, then dies away quickly as few new fans are introduced).

Maybe the league's first job should be to visit the communities where borderline fan interest exists and work with the community groups to help introduce kids into the sport. Hell, it could be as simple as providing sticks and pads for a local community centre.

Good call on that one, Joe.


Thanks go to Eddie010 for the Signature and Avatar. Nice work, mate!

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