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cards unis coming


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My only immediate thought.....is that the cool sunray/state flag elements look nice on the hangar..........and then largely disappear into the armpit with pads on.

I'm torn.

I don't want to dogpile on the negative bandwagon. I think the collar is more successfully implemented than Atlantas and I like the piping. The Mavs style logo on the back of the neck is a little much, but I like it way better than all the crap teams put on the front collars.

But just appropriating Denvers pants IS weak and this franchise deserved a little better I think.

THey certainly won't look horrible (all red excluded) but uh..........

jeez I dunno. The jurys out for me.

I'll wait for some better pics on the players later tonight.

THanks for those that tracked them down for us so fast though.

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Something else to worry about. I've been hearing, "I hate the all-red, maybe it wont look so bad with red shirt and white pants."

And generally I would agree with you.

But now that they have that stupid Broncos stripe on the side, they have one of two options. Either, wear red/white and have mismatched stripes, because the red shirt has a white side stripe and the white pants have a red side stripe, and that would just look all kinds of odd.

Or wear all red 100% of the time.


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It's so predictable around here. Huge build-up, followed by huge b*tch session. Y'all set yourselves up for disappointment. (A point that should be remembered when considering SWEIII-hype.) :D

I have been a resident of Arizona since before my second birthday. Despite efforts to embrace the team, they have provided such a :censored:ty product and so :censored:ed w/ their fans that they remain a distant second in my book to my beloved Chicago Bears. I am by no means a Cardinals apologist. Nevertheless, I tip my hat to them.

Red jersey / red pants -- boo.

Red jersey / white pants -- right on.

White jersey / red pants -- right on.

White jersey / white pants -- right on.

All tolled, I like them. I'm not crazy about the mono-red set, but I didn't like them w/ the old unis either.

These evoke the old uniforms w/ a more modern flavor. The likeness to the Falcons' red jersey is unmistakeable. The red shoulder yoke on the white jerseys recalls the Titans/Bills/Bengals looks, but I can live w/ it. The number font is fine -- sort of a modern take on the classic blocky numerals. I'm not wild about the logo above the name plate. But overall, I think they did as good a job as could reasonably have been expected.

These jerseys look much better on the players than they do on the team shop website. They'll be fun to watch on Sundays, provided the front office continues to improve the on-field talent.

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My take on it is that its a decent set, not a great uniform, but decent. To be honest i was expecting more. In two years we will thank the Cards for starting the "logo on the back" trend. I thought that the numbers would match the new font. Overall, not a bad scheme.....I just hope that a black alternate is not in the works or it would scream Atlanta Falcons.

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I was so pumped about seeing the new uniforms. Instead, after pop-ups from Real Player and a five hour homily, I was treated to uniforms that screem Arena League. The Whites are semi-ok, but it makes me think of the Cardinals as the thrid rate B-League team that they sometimes are. These "Nikified" uniforms are so ugly, and the teams need to stop changing for a while.

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Why is teh home uni look red and the white uni look maroon.

Also the unis dont match up:

Home doesnt have white stripe under arm, when away has opposite color red under arm into pants. Its called UNIFORM for a reason.

And all this and still a gray facemask, lol.

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Does anyone find the black piping on the sleeves incredible arbitrary??  I don't find that it adds anything at all to the look.  Almost would look better without it.

I knew I'd seen that same "1" font...exactly the same as the Broncos' "1".

Definatly not the Broncos font, this is more blockier

The other numbers are blockier, sure, but the 1's are the same.

After seeing the screenshots, they look like an Arena team...of course, people said that about the Bengals, the Bills, and the Falcons, but nonetheless...

I agree, they do look more Arena League than NFL. The Bengals, Bills and Falcons also look Arena League.

These new Cardinals uniforms pretty much combine all the aspects I hate in football uniforms, stir them up in one great big pot and come out with puke.

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Let's review.

p1495831dt.jpg vs 7009A_ACA_EQJ4909_2CT_MF.jpg


repwhitelosmanback.jpg vs 7009A_ACA_EQJ5006_2CC_MB.jpg

omg!! :cursing:

Darn Cardinals!! :evil:

They're not THAT similar. The road's red shoulders actually include the sleeves, while the Bills' are strictly colored on the shoulders, and the home's quite different in the collar, the lack of black in the sleeves, and the lack of a shoulder logo. I actually really like these... especially with the logo above the nameplate on the back.

And, the pants actually look like a cross between the Denver Broncos and U of Miami.


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