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Pittsburghers Pissed at Roethlisberger

Mac the Knife

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People need to get a life, it matters not how soemone plays on a video game

I second the motion...Objections? Motion carrried, they need to move out of the parents basment.

You do realize you are posting on a message board where we discuss such topics as "The silver has slightly changed for the Patriots" and "This jersey is wrong because..."

Those who live in glass houses shouldn't cast the stones my friend.

We're the nerds other people make fun of. Deal with it. :D

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The people who need to move out of their parents basement are the ones who play games like World of Warcraft amd everquest, NOT madden.

So how are you doing in World of Warcraft? :D:P




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I'm more angry about his name still being Roethislisbergr than I am about his stats. I think his stats are just about right in the game, if not a little high. And I'm from Pittsburgh.

It always makes me angry that in any sports game (except hockey games) I can't create myself because my last name is too long. I thought EA would've fixed it for Big Ben.

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The people who need to move out of their parents basement are the ones who play games like World of Warcraft amd everquest, NOT madden.

Said the guy with Richard Simmons as his avatar.

Ain't nothing wrong with World of Warcraft if you know how to moderate your habits.




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Wow. People getting worked up over a player's Madden performance ratings? Sheesh.

who gives a monkey's uncle of how they play in the game if your against it so much edit the roster and hisa performance or. I'm know this works in other EA Sports games. When you enter and actual players name he get's all the same equipement and looks as the actual player, just change his stats and put the real Ben on and NFL europe team or have him signed and don't play him.

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