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What do you think is more important....

going undefeated or

winning the super bowl ??????

IMO i think its to go undefeated because they would be one of two teams to do it

as for the super bowl "W" - dont get me wrong its a nice thing to have but they would be one of forty

thats my two cents whats ur????

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Ideally they do both. But...

It would be ridiculous if they get to 13-0 and just lay down because they want to rest their players. Look at what happened to Philly when they rested their players that last year. They were out of shape and out of rhythm and it cost them. The Colts need to keep the hammer down and see what happens. To do otherwise would be cheating the fans, the players, and history. Keep playing to win until you lose.

That said, I think Dungy sits them and they lose two of the next three.




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its nice to go 16-0. But whats the fluffin point if you dont get the chrome football at the end?


On 11/19/2012 at 7:23 PM, oldschoolvikings said:
She’s still half convinced “Chris Creamer” is a porn site.)
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Ugh, I hate it how everyone thinks that if you play that last week before playoffs then you'll be too out of it to perform well in them. If teams were to rest their players like this then they'd jus tbe playing their main starter every other week or some off-the-wall crap like it, in this case, Peyton.

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If they go undefeated, and lose in the playoffs, then their season is a waste. No Super Bowl win, no completely undefeated season. They must win the Super Bowl if they are planning on going 16-0 in the regular season.

If I was an owner or a coach, I'd much rather see a team go 14-2 and win the Super Bowl than 16-0 and lose in the first round. The #1 goal for any team is to win the Super Bowl...it doesn't matter if you're one of 40 teams ever to do it...you won the damn Super Bowl!! People will always remember you for it.

Smart is believing half of what you hear. Genius is knowing which half.


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I love how everyone is acting like it's an either/or scenario. They can have it both ways, you know. Or that they need to rest their starters because Peyton Manning WILL get injured. Is he made of toothpicks now?

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Sure, the long-term goal is to win the Super Bowl. However, the short-term goal is to win every game. They can (and should) do both.

I hope the Indianapolis Colts do run the whole friggin' table and go 19-0, mainly because I am so sick of the 1972 Dolphins and their lame-ass celebration when the last undefeated team finally loses. The Red Sox won a series after 86 years, the White Sox finally won a World Series after 88 years, Roy Williams finally won a National Championship, etc.

Moreover, if the Colts do win the Super Bowl and go undefeated, no one will be able to say "Peyton Manning can't win the big game" anymore. I would be happy about that.

On January 16, 2013 at 3:49 PM, NJTank said:

Btw this is old hat for Notre Dame. Knits Rockne made up George Tip's death bed speech.


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Sure, the long-term goal is to win the Super Bowl. However, the short-term goal is to win every game. They can (and should) do both.

I hope the Indianapolis Colts do run the whole friggin' table and go 19-0, mainly because I am so sick of the 1972 Dolphins and their lame-ass celebration when the last undefeated team finally loses. The Red Sox won a series after 86 years, the White Sox finally won a World Series after 88 years, Roy Williams finally won a National Championship, etc.

Moreover, if the Colts do win the Super Bowl and go undefeated, no one will be able to say "Peyton Manning can't win the big game" anymore. I would be happy about that.

I agree with this statement. It would be logical to rest your best players for the players, however, too much rest could cost you the championship.

According to news reports, the Colts' players really don't want any R & R, even though Tony Dungy has contemplated resting his players. Since the Colts already have a week off coming to them, if I were in the coach's position, and the next 3 games are against San Diego and Arizona at home, and Seattle on the road, I'd say start your starters. Go after the perfect season. And rest your starters once the lead becomes insurmountable. The Colts are untouchable at home anyway, with the noisy crowd and all, so to me, with the right attitude and a little caution, a 19-0 season will be a cakewalk.


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I'd rather be 18-1 and win the superbowl, than go for 16-0, and end up losing in the playoffs because of a key injury or someother unforseen mishap.

Then not only won't you be undefeted, you won't have a Super Bowl to show for a season of greatness.

In this case, the risks MASSIVLY outweigh the rewards....

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Guys, let's remeber the 1996 Denver Broncos. They had home field locked up with a few weeks to go and they rested their players. Then they had a bye week. Then they lost to Jacksonville in the playoff. Resting your players with a few weeks to go can do more harm than good. You have the bye week to rest.

You play your players. If the Colts are ahead by a lot against the Cardinals late in the game then you may pull your players then. But you play them not only to go after 19-0 but you also play them to keep them sharp so they aren't rusty in the playoffs.

Anyway, I don't think this will be Dungy's decision. I think it will be up to Manning and that the players play.

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Judging by the way things are going, the starters will get plenty of time to rest over the next few games (perhaps not the Seattle game, but the other two) by being up big early.

Injuries can and do happen anywhere, at any time. You might as well take your chance and pursue immortality rather than sitting around 20 years from now and thinking of what could've been.

This is entirely ignoring the aforemention risk of letting your starters go cold while they sit for so many weeks, which is very real.

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After what happened to Michael Vick Monday night, I think Tony Dungy is gonna start resting a lot more players now that they've clinched home field throughout the playoffs. Their next two games are against tough teams with the top two running backs in the league (San Diego's LT and Seattle's Shaun Alexander), so it is possible they could lose both those games, especially the Seattle one since it is being played at Qwest Field. Arizona will be easy but that game will be meaningless for both squads at that point. As long as the Colts win the Super Bowl, I really don't think they give a damn if they go undefeated or not. My prediction is they will win against San Diego and Arizona and lose to Seattle, and they'll go on to win the Super Bowl in a landslide.

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I just can't buy into resting your players for the next three weeks. Your team is on fire, the offense is clicking, and everything is going good...why would you sit your starters for the next 3 weeks and break that momentum?

I realize that most coaches are worried about their players getting injured. But I agree with SyPhi on this one. Injuries can happen at any point during the season. And we've all seen examples of teams resting up and then coming out flat in the playoffs. I would rather just let my starters play at least the first half, and then pull them if the game gets out of hand.

I see no reason why the Colts can't do both.

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