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Johnny Damon.... a Yankee?


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On the other hand, I imagine it would have never come to this if the Red Sox hadn't been so stupid as to have let GM Theo Epstein go in the first place. The two of them had a pretty good working relationship, and I have no doubt Damon would have already been resigned by now if he was still running things.

More proof the Yankees are the worst thing about baseball. Yet again, they insist on buying up the best players in the league since they have bar far the biggest wad of cash. And if anyone wishes to argue that the Sox are guilty of doing the same, look no further than the division they have to play in. And even so there is no team that comes even close to the ungodly budget the Yankees do, the luxury tax doesn't even mean that much to them since 1) they can afford it and 2) having it spread around all the other teams means that everyone gets bupkis to sign any real players.

Even if the Yankees do not win another championship, this just goes at further proof more measures need to be taken to make baseball more universally competitve. As it is most of us here can automatically eliminate half the teams in the league from any hopes of a winning season, and by and large probably predict half the teams who are going to the post season simply based on their overall payroll. I mean really, just once I'd like to see the postseason include the Royals, Brewers, Rays, Nats, O's, Padres, Pirates, and Mariners all in one sitting. Not going to happen, and even if one team flukes into the playoffs one time, their best players will get gobbled up by the mauch larger marketed teams. It's pretty bad when the Yankees can start peelling the best players off their next highest-spending competitor.

We all have our little faults. Mine's in California.

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Sorry to see him go, and I agree, this (as well as many other things over this off-season) probably wouldn't have happened with Theo there. On the lighter side, at least he's getting a haircut and a shave with his $56 million!!! :D

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The absense of a GM in Boston made it possible.

As a Red Sox fan, today is a truly sad day for me. Damon is a favorite for my future wife and me.

I really appreciate him. Damon used to be the franchise face of the Red Sox.

Well, let's make his 2004 World Series ring the lonely big prize in the remainder of his career.


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Sad day if you're a Boston fan. You boy and one of the men who got you your first series ring in ages, is jumping ship to the hated Yankees. That's gotta suck!

And then you'll be seeing him all clean cut like Giambi did when he sold out to the Yanks a few years back. How sad.


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On the other hand, I imagine it would have never come to this if the Red Sox hadn't been so stupid as to have let GM Theo Epstein go in the first place. The two of them had a pretty good working relationship, and I have no doubt Damon would have already been resigned by now if he was still running things.

More proof the Yankees are the worst thing about baseball. Yet again, they insist on buying up the best players in the league since they have bar far the biggest wad of cash. And if anyone wishes to argue that the Sox are guilty of doing the same, look no further than the division they have to play in. And even so there is no team that comes even close to the ungodly budget the Yankees do, the luxury tax doesn't even mean that much to them since 1) they can afford it and 2) having it spread around all the other teams means that everyone gets bupkis to sign any real players.

Even if the Yankees do not win another championship, this just goes at further proof more measures need to be taken to make baseball more universally competitve. As it is most of us here can automatically eliminate half the teams in the league from any hopes of a winning season, and by and large probably predict half the teams who are going to the post season simply based on their overall payroll. I mean really, just once I'd like to see the postseason include the Royals, Brewers, Rays, Nats, O's, Padres, Pirates, and Mariners all in one sitting. Not going to happen, and even if one team flukes into the playoffs one time, their best players will get gobbled up by the mauch larger marketed teams. It's pretty bad when the Yankees can start peelling the best players off their next highest-spending competitor.

Technically they can't afford the luxury tax. I believe last year they lost around 85 million dollars I heard and that was because of the luxury tax.

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Technically they can't afford the luxury tax. I believe last year they lost around 85 million dollars I heard and that was because of the luxury tax.

They may have lost $85 million, but they obviously haven't lost any sleep about it if they're still throwing money around like rice at a wedding.

We all have our little faults. Mine's in California.

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I does not remain any kind of respect in me for this type of mercenary athletes signing for the main rival. :mad:

These are simply jerks!

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Sad day if you're a Boston fan.

Soooo not true. Wait till late 2006/early 2007...you'll see why the Red Sox didn't ink Damon to another deal.

Wow, the Yankees will never learn.

Keep overpaying for players in their 30s. That has obviously worked over the past 5 years.

I'm a Sox fan and I am not sad.

Ladies and Gentlemen, I would like to introduce you to a lil' something we like to call "perspective." Excellent points, gentlemen!

What's funny to me about all this is that the Yanks didn't want to go after Vlad Guerrero for 12 mil per, but signed JD's ass for 13 per? And I was like, "huh?"

On January 16, 2013 at 3:49 PM, NJTank said:

Btw this is old hat for Notre Dame. Knits Rockne made up George Tip's death bed speech.


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Sad day if you're a Boston fan.

Soooo not true. Wait till late 2006/early 2007...you'll see why the Red Sox didn't ink Damon to another deal.

Wow, the Yankees will never learn.

Keep overpaying for players in their 30s. That has obviously worked over the past 5 years.

I'm a Sox fan and I am not sad.

Ladies and Gentlemen, I would like to introduce you to a lil' something we like to call "perspective." Excellent points, gentlemen!

What's funny to me about all this is that the Yanks didn't want to go after Vlad Guerrero for 12 mil per, but signed JD's ass for 13 per? And I was like, "huh?"

Well, they did and didn't go after Vlad. Cashman tried to sign Vlad but couldn't get it done before Steinbrenner by himself signed Sheffield. The New York/Baseball people wanted Vlad, while the Tampa/Non-baseball people wanted Sheffield. Since the owner is the main person in the Tampa faction, Tampa won. It's the rift between Tampa and New York that has caused all the problems in recent years. When the basbeall people run the team the Yankees win championship. WHen they don't you get runs like the 80's and current times.

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Damon having to clean up his appereance? Why does this remind me when George Steinbrenner and Stump Merill wanted Don Mattingly to shave his "sideburns"?

Anyhoo, the Yankees don't need Johnny Damon, we had a great centerfielder with 15 years of loyal service in Bernie Williams. This is not a good move by the Yankees and what a way to shut Bernie out.


Satan Lives! The Devil On Earth Breathes! -Jim Ross about Vince McMahon, WM 22



26 World Championships and still going strong. Get used to it Red Sox Nation!

"Yankees win! Theeeeeeeeeeeeeeee Yankees win!" -John Sterling after every Yankee win

To Be The Yankees, You Gotta Whoooooooooo!!! beat the Yankees!!!

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Damon having to clean up his appereance? Why does this remind me when George Steinbrenner and Stump Merill wanted Don Mattingly to shave his "sideburns"?

Anyhoo, the Yankees don't need Johnny Damon, we had a great centerfielder with 15 years of loyal service in Bernie Williams. This is not a good move by the Yankees and what a way to shut Bernie out.

you can't be serious.

Bernie has been a great centerfielder for the Yankees, but he is no longer an everyday player, he's just too old, and that showed last year.

This is a good pickup. Helps the Yanks, hurts the Sox.

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anyway, he was asking for way too much money. still, i'm gonna miss him at first, but a few weeks into the season, i'll learn to hate his guts like i do all the yanks. As long as the sox manage to keep manny, i'll be happy.


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