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NFL NEtwork Commercial


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Did anyone see the NFL Network Commerical at halftime at each game today. It's the same thing the did the last few years with missed predictions at the beginning of the season. This years commercial was the funniest ever.

On said that Drew Rousenhous was "Money" and the guy should hire him as his agent. That was funny but the crown jewel was this one where a guy says,

"With Randy Moss out of the picture things are going to be smooth sailing for the Minnesota Vikings!"

That was the funniest bit ever in the history of these commercials.

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This years one was a good one. Funny as usual...


The World Basketball Championship, the Davis Cup, Ryder Cup, Iraq: Every day there's further proof that we, as a nation, are not very good at international competition.

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Never run any commercials with the Diet Pepsi Machine again. It's not funny.

I know, they suck. And now they added a new one with "pepsi machine for rookie of the year" or some stupid crap. The Campbells Chunky Soup with McNabb's mom is getting really annoying too.

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Never run any commercials with the Diet Pepsi Machine again.  It's not funny.

I know, they suck. And now they added a new one with "pepsi machine for rookie of the year" or some stupid crap. The Campbells Chunky Soup with McNabb's mom is getting really annoying too.

It's even worse when they either play the same ad twice in a row, or two different Chunky Soup ads in a row.

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Never run any commercials with the Diet Pepsi Machine again.  It's not funny.

I know, they suck. And now they added a new one with "pepsi machine for rookie of the year" or some stupid crap. The Campbells Chunky Soup with McNabb's mom is getting really annoying too.

They should have Clinton Portis's mom beat her up.

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I love the one with the Steelers team cam.

First it disturbs joey porter in the hotub and a bunch of other things

then a palyer {Polomalu i think} is chasing the camera before it gets to the playbook room, dives, and misses. Then right before entering its stared down by coach cower himself.

theres also the one with bettis driving a bus, palmer as a paper boy, the boston bling co. and more

"Never run any commercials with the Diet Pepsi Machine again. It's not funny."

True, in fact one of the cheesiest lines in that whole commercial is...

"The kids got good hands"

"what hands"

and then he taps him on the "butt" and a diet pepsi pops out

one of my favorite nfl associated commercials this year is coors lite's "super bowl history, love train" one. Especially the part with the steel curtain and franco's army.

Pittsburgh Arsenal - Elite Football League (NFL) - est. 2006 

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Never run any commercials with the Diet Pepsi Machine again.  It's not funny.

I know, they suck. And now they added a new one with "pepsi machine for rookie of the year" or some stupid crap. The Campbells Chunky Soup with McNabb's mom is getting really annoying too.

They should have Clinton Portis's mom beat her up.


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Yup and they also have a new one with herman edwards riding a jet, byron leftwich as paperboy, Jevon Kearse as a radio Dj with his own "freak show", and chad johnson.

Good commercials.

and the big man dance challenge commercials are great, when Shannon Elizabeth is in it.

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Has anyone else noticed that suddenly Suzy Kolber is in every other commercial? :P

Broadway Joe probably has.

[Ed McMahon]Hey-O!!! You are correct, sir! [\Ed McMahon] Nice one, DC.

"Start spreading the news... They're leavin' today... Won't get to be a part of it... In old New York..."


In order for the Mets' run of 12 losses in 17 games to mean something, the Phillies still had to win 13 of 17.

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As good as its commercials tend to be, the NFL network is at the top of my $#!T list right now thanks to their failed power play move with my local cable provider (Charter). Apparently, the NFL Network went to Charter demanding that they be given a "basic tier" slot, meaning that every cable customer would get NFLN, regardless of what package they purchased. The problem is that Charter's basic tier was already full based upon their requirements to carry certain local channels and also their market-driven desire to carry all of the channels presently offered on their competitors' (DISH Network and DirecTV) basic tiers. Charter had been offering NFLN on all of its tiers above the basic level, just not on basic itself. NFLN wouldn't budge on their request and so Charter was left with no choice but to drop them altogether.

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