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Minnesota Timberwolves Concept


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Yeah, I think the wolf just needs to be scraped. You do great work, so it's okay if one thing doesn't quite work out. B)

Even though the lighter fur isn't from a light source, it appears that it is, so it looks really weird when compared to the tree. I also am not liking how the primary is off-balanced. Finally, the secondary looks awkward for some reason, just how far back his head is looking (I know it's just the head from the primary, but in that contained space it's weird). As for the colors, i think there needs to be some green, maybe not as bright as they are using right now though...

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Different hues of blue, facial edits, body edits, secondary head edit:


This is definitely a step in the right direction. As I sit here and look at my lazy Husky sprawled out on the floor a couple things strike me as wrong. The Wolf looks feminine, Not so much in the full version but certainly more in the third. The head is too small, and if it were enlarged that would help. The spiked arears around the eye appear to be eyelashes in the cartoon vein. Plus there's no mouth. The teeth are the scariest part of a wolf. Even if hidden behind a line for a mouth, they need to be hinted at.

The right leg.

The dark area at the top left of the leg needs to meet and blend with the dark portion of the body. This will define the shoulder well. There needs to be some bleed over of the light portion from the chest onto the inner portion of the leg and then all the way down to the paw. That leg is in the foreground and needs to be highlighted against the leg from the background.

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The 2nd go around is def an improvement but it still has a lot of flaws. The right hind quarter needs some work. The leg/tail intersection looks way off. I'd suggest maybe doing some studying on anatomy with regards to legs and arms as I remember your bison concept having most of the same issues as well as that kings concept you did with the chest/arm.

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The wolf has improved, but the proportions are still out of whack to my eye. The head is too small compared to the body (specifically the neck). The tail needs work as well. It looks like it's coming out of the right-hind leg of the beast.

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It's a lousy wolf, but would make a great mythical creature for a horror movie. Seriously though, this suffers for a lot of the same reasons as your buffalo logo. Take a break for a while without working on this. Then, in a day or so, come back and look at your secondary logo. If one of the problems doesn't immediately jump right out at you, then it's time to go back to Google Images and find some more wolves.

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It's a lousy wolf, but would make a great mythical creature for a horror movie. Seriously though, this suffers for a lot of the same reasons as your buffalo logo. Take a break for a while without working on this. Then, in a day or so, come back and look at your secondary logo. If one of the problems doesn't immediately jump right out at you, then it's time to go back to Google Images and find some more wolves.


Colors are too dingy for my taste. Flat blue, navy blue, and grey -- brighten them up.

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The wolf looks a little more like a Saluki than a wolf. I'd play more in the mouthal region. Agree on the "too monotone." Perhaps lightening the lightest blue-green in the wolf (the belly) a little, or going pure white on it would help. The feet are also looking a little like a bone. And the wordmark, while nice, is similar to what you've done in the past. But, I think you have a great start.

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Part of the problem for me is that the wolf, even with the shading, is shaped like a bean. No strategically placed shading can fix that because it's such a blaring physical detail, especially with his head being so small. Also, while the back legs look fine, the front right leg looks slapped on or something. It just doesn't flow with the rest of the body. I'll tell you what I often tell myself when doing animals, look at and study as many reference pictures as possible and take it all in before you continue to tweak this or start over (what I recommend).

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I know you are trying this for fun and all, but you are not going to get a lot of good responses when you choose a team that already has a great logo and color scheme. It's just tough to beat the Timberwolves logos.

That's just ridiculous. There is no team in any sport who's designs can't be improved. If that's honestly how you feel about concepts, you'd be better off just dropping your membership card off at the door.

"The views expressed here are mine and do not reflect the official opinion of my employer or the organization through which the Internet was accessed."

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Hi, I can tell you are skilled, the whole grey shades system works for me, it's like a metallic concept. However, your wolf looks like a hyena, maybe I'm wrong but this is a hyena position, plus the angle you chose made the head and neck look bigger than the rest. I'm not sure but I heard on a predator documentary that hyenas heritated the lower back from rodents, and wolves, like dogs or felidae have stronger legs, maybe because they're rather hunters and the hyenas are both hunters and scavengers. Keep up the good work.

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I know you are trying this for fun and all, but you are not going to get a lot of good responses when you choose a team that already has a great logo and color scheme. It's just tough to beat the Timberwolves logos.

That's just ridiculous. There is no team in any sport who's designs can't be improved. If that's honestly how you feel about concepts, you'd be better off just dropping your membership card off at the door.

i'm not saying it can't be improved-it was just improved recently-but in my opinion it is the best logo in the NBA and it is tough to improve it. i'm sorry if i worded my statement poorly.


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Hi, I can tell you are skilled, the whole grey shades system works for me, it's like a metallic concept. However, your wolf looks like a hyena, maybe I'm wrong but this is a hyena position, plus the angle you chose made the head and neck look bigger than the rest. I'm not sure but I heard on a predator documentary that hyenas heritated the lower back from rodents, and wolves, like dogs or felidae have stronger legs, maybe because they're rather hunters and the hyenas are both hunters and scavengers. Keep up the good work.

man, you know your stuff.


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Your wolf's front legs are backwards. The joints make the legs look like they would bend forward like a human's arms, when they actually bend back.

I really like the tree being included in the primary logo.

The wolf just needs work. I couldn't do better, but from looking at your work I think you can.

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