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throwback helmet

MG helmets

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Now that is beautiful! I have to say all of these are just amazing. :D *bows to you* haha

Quick question, how do you get the glittery paint look? I've messed around with using noise but it never looks right.

I know you are using the gray face mask for the authentic throwback look. But out of curiosity, have you tried adding color to the face mask's to see what they would look like?

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It is just a noise filter. I just play with the size unitl it looks good to me.

I've only done the one white mask on the Alouettes. I made this template to use on my wallpapers (www.mghelmets.com) and never thought I'd use a color. I'm planning on making a 70's-early 80's model (no center ridge and bigger forehead pad). I will incorporate the colored mask on that one.

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Ah I see. Awesome site by the way. I've browsed through it a few times, I'll be sure to check for updates.

Oh and on your site, in your About Me section you say "As a kid, I would lay in the floor and draw helmets and logo's non-stop." How the heck did you lay in the floor? Just wondering, I wanna try it. Maybe I can find some mad artistic skills like you. :P

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I don't normally do requests--rather, I just sit back and enjoy the work (while waiting if someone else might request what I would).

This time, however, I can't sit idle...

...any chance at a Bucco Bruce white Buccaneers helmet? (I have a vector logo if you need it.)

Thanks x eleventy billion when/if you could honor that request!

I'll now go back to admiring your absolutely stunning work here...

*Disclaimer: I am not an authoritative expert on stuff...I just do a lot of reading and research and keep in close connect with a bunch of people who are authoritative experts on stuff. 😁

|| dribbble || Behance ||

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Tha Lawd shall bless you, my friend.

*Disclaimer: I am not an authoritative expert on stuff...I just do a lot of reading and research and keep in close connect with a bunch of people who are authoritative experts on stuff. 😁

|| dribbble || Behance ||

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OK, I've already had a request granted but can I be greedy? Would love to have this one. Note how big that FDL is, can you make it that big and still have it look right?


Thanks - these are fantastic. They all look great but the Bucco Bruce model is unbelievable.


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