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Bracket talk


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Kansas pretty much screwed everyone so that didn't hurt me too bad. I had them in the final four but not the title game. I had Washington making the sweet 16 so that helped. Overall I'm not doing too bad. Tied for first in the CCSLC group on ESPN.




All roads lead to Dollar General.


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I didn't mind Kansas losing because I didn't have them getting to the final four. Villanova is the one who screwed me up (had them in final four). Other than that my brackets are managing to not to completely pitiful.

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I'm screwed, can't even win my pool if my picks are correct from here on. At least it will be more fun watching the games without caring about my bracket.


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I'm screwed, can't even win my pool if my picks are correct from here on. At least it will be more fun watching the games without caring about my bracket.

Not that I think there's anything wrong with being invested in it but...I never care about my bracket. Even though Northern Iowa was totally screwing me (and just about everyone else) last night I was still rooting for them big time. I just do the brackets for kicks.




All roads lead to Dollar General.


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Tied for first in the group. I wish I could say that it was due to my superior basketball knowledge and my ability to pick games but that would require that I actually knew...well...anything about college basketball this season. My bracket has been 90% luck and 10% picking who I actually thought was the better team. Which I suppose says something about the actual ability of all those so-called "experts" on ESPN who "break down tape" and "analyze everything" to give us "insider" info on picking a good bracket. It leaves me wondering if a well dressed chimp with a dartboard wouldn't fare just as well.




All roads lead to Dollar General.


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Georgetown, Marquette, Kansas, Nova in the elite 8. Kansas, and Nova in the championship.Now I'm just rooting for the underdogs. Cornell yo!

I was at a sports bar in Jacksonville, sitting next to the 1 Northern Iowa fan in Florida. Her boyfriend was a Jayhawk fan. We had so much fun, I'm rooting for them from now on.

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This is easily the worst bracket I've ever filled out. Every game on which I waffled for a long time went the wrong way. Games in which I didn't waffle and was sure of the outcome went the wrong way. My national champion is out and so is another one of my final four teams. Now, I guess I'm just going to forget about the bracket and enjoy the rest of the tournament.


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