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2010 FIFA World Cup South Africa


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The French soap opera just got a little stranger:

Following the fall-out of yesterday's training ground bust-up, France coach Raymond Domenech held a press conference today. However, captain Patrice Evra was not in attendance and reports suggest FIFA are launching an investigation into the defender's absence.

Even though it's probably meaningless in terms of Group A advancement, I'm DVRing the France-South Africa game tomorrow just because it has "train wreck waiting to happen" written all over it.

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Well, I think everybody called what it would be in this stage for Ivory Coast and Portugal, since Brazil would more than likely get the 1st spot especially after CIV & POR drew:

1 - Do what you can against Brazil (CIV now has -2 goal differential...POR has yet to play em.)

2 - BEAT THE HELL OUT OF NORTH KOREA (Portugal just beat them 7-0, now have +7 goal differential...yeah, Ivory Coast are done. :()

That goal by Ronaldo that made it 6-0 was hilarious. Not only did they completely outclass, outman, and dismantle the poor North Koreans, but they had all of the luck as well, and that last Ronaldo goal proved that. What a comprehensive performance by the Portuguese.

Now I'm just hoping that the Ivory Coast will do the same...but they're going to need massive hope from Brazil, who I doubt will go hard since their spot is already sewn up. So I just hope that the Elephants just end their tenure in the World Cup on a good note by whomping North Korea as well. But after a somewhat shameful performance against Brazil yesterday, this is a bit of a disappointment. Maybe one of these years, Ivory Coast won't get put in a group of death :P

Sigh...Ivory Coast sadly does look done. The most likely scenario (still unlikely) would be if they beat North Korea by 6 and Brazil beats Portugal by 3, then depending on how many goals they scored, it'd go to tiebreaker.



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I don't know why people are suggesting France and South Africa have a virtually impossible task. If Mexico lose by 2 goals any win in the France South Africa match puts that team through. With France in dissaray that doesn't seem such an impossible scenario. Mexico certainly have incentive to not just play out a draw given a win means avoiding Argentina in the round of 16.

In group B, it could get really fun if Nigeria beat South Korea whilst Argentina beat Greece. We would be in goal difference territory then and Nigeria, currently bottom, would go through. How South Korea rebound from it's thrashing by Argentina could be the key to that group.


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I don't know why people are suggesting France and South Africa have a virtually impossible task. If Mexico lose by 2 goals any win in the France South Africa match puts that team through.

I don't think so, Tim.

Currently the Standings are thus:

Uruguay 4 Pts. (+3)

Mexico 4 Pts. (+2)

France 1 Pt. (-2)

South Africa 1 P. (-3)

Let's say Mexico does lose by 2 goals. Uruguay is in with 7 points and Mexico sits at 4 points with a +0 GD. A 1-goal victory by France or a 2-goal victory by South Africa will still result in Mexico nabbing the second spot since both France and South Africa will have a negative GD (-1).

"In the arena of logic, I fight unarmed."

I tweet & tumble.

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Yeah, this game is going to be exciting. South Africa's got a foot in the door now, and with their home crowd behind them, they're gonna go for broke.

France are doing the same, but damned if they aren't in a real bad state of disarray right now. Either way, this end-to-end action is exciting to watch.

EDIT: Now it's definitely going to be end to end...from France's end of the field to France's merciful end of the World Cup. Gourcuff sent off on a somewhat unfair red card. Karma has slapped this team upside the head with a 2x4.



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What a BS red card. I just read an article on ESPN last night that Sepp Blatter has been pleased with the officiating so far in this tournament - he may be the only one - When winning games in this World Cup comes down to your ability to act and play dead as much as actually playing the sport, something must change. Apparently the status quo is going to be maintained as long as Blatter is running the show, which is expected to be another five years.

The shorthanded French now trail 2-0.

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It's still unlikely, but South Africa advancing is certainly possible now. They have a half left against a French side with a man down that doesn't want to be in South Africa anymore to score two goals. It may not be the first year a host nation doesn't advance if Mexico can't equalize in the second half.


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It's still unlikely, but South Africa advancing is certainly possible now. They have a half left against a French side with a man down that doesn't want to be in South Africa anymore to score two goals. It may not be the first year a host nation doesn't advance if Mexico can't equalize in the second half.

Triple negatives make my brain hurt.

All I know is I love watching the French lose, and love watching an underdog SA team with a chance to advance.

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France at least showed a shimmer of what could've/should've been during their tenure of South Africa with that goal. They're very talented, but it's just a shame how directionless and lost this team has been so far.

Yet & still, no sympathy.



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So baring a Greece stunner, Argentina and Mexico will meet once again in the Round of 16.

And I'm glad South Africa get a win, you will be missed, Also the the storming of the Bastille will take place in an hour.




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So Uruguay wins Group A, Mexico gets the runner-up spot, South Africa surprisingly comes in 3rd, & France finish an embarrassing 4th. Valiant effort by Bafana Bafana to come out and end their campaign in style. Sad that they couldn't get a better result to advance. My only wish is that I had a better understanding of French, so that I could read L'Equipe and absorb all of the hilarity.

Uruguay continues the South American dominance. I wonder why everybody slept on the South American teams coming into this World Cup?



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Teams through to the round of 16 are:





Teams mathematically eliminated are:


North Korea


South Africa

That leaves 24 teams fighting over the 12 remaining spots.

Correct me if I'm wrong

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