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Changes coming to Washington Wizards?


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I am guessing he will change the name of both to something like Washington Power (NBA) and Washington Glory (WNBA). Yea both are on the suck end of the stick. But from a design standpoint they are open ended and "could" become cool logos.

There's already a WWE precedent for that...


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These arguments are fantastic, might i add?

How about the:

Washington Washingtons. Washington Lincolns. Washington Americans. Washington Jefferson Clintons. Washington TARP Bailouts. Washington Greed. Washington Deceit. Washington Politicians. Washington Ballers. Washington Ridiculous. Washington Tax-Evaders. Washington Potomacs. Washington Pelosis. Washington Marylanders. Washington: Texas Rangers. Washington Canadians. Washington Federales. Washington Agents. Washington Ambassadors. Washington Redcoats. Washington Expos. Washington Constitutionals. Washington Hancocks. Washington DCers. Washington Liberal-Elites. Washington Right-wings. Washington Taxation-without-Representation. Washington Warshingtons.

Both Wizards and Bullets sound great compared to these. Except Potomacs, I actually like that one for some reason. EDIT: Now i remember, not sure renaming the Wizards after an old "Eastern Colored League" baseball team is a great idea, Oh well.

Sorry for the tangent, carry on.

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Sufficiently owned yet, Hat Boy?

Not even close.

Because there are monuments in other cities, Washington Monuments is a great name? By that logic, Utah Jazz is a great name, because other cities have jazz. I even have the pictures to prove it.


How's that crow taste, Milo?

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Hat Boy I explained to you in depth that there are several monuments in and around the National Mall including the Washington Monument itself. Look it up it was only a few pages ago. If you don't like the name fine but you are wrong about there being only 1 monument in Washington D.C.

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Hat Boy I explained to you in depth that there are several monuments in and around the National Mall including the Washington Monument itself. Look it up it was only a few pages ago. If you don't like the name fine but you are wrong about there being only 1 monument in Washington D.C.

Here's the problem with this line of reasoning jimbo. Yes, there are plenty of monuments in Washington DC. There is, however, only one Washington Monument. If the team did end up going with the name Washington Monuments their identity would be based around the imagery of the Washington Monument of which, as we've established before, there is only one.

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Hat Boy I explained to you in depth that there are several monuments in and around the National Mall including the Washington Monument itself. Look it up it was only a few pages ago. If you don't like the name fine but you are wrong about there being only 1 monument in Washington D.C.

Here's the problem with this line of reasoning jimbo. Yes, there are plenty of monuments in Washington DC. There is, however, only one Washington Monument. If the team did end up going with the name Washington Monuments their identity would be based around the imagery of the Washington Monument of which, as we've established before, there is only one.

What other team names exist that are completely named after another entity? (city name and nickname. naming a team the Washington Monuments because there are famous monuments in washington is much different than naming them that because THE Washington Monument is already famous. The former would be ok; the 2nd seems really dumb.) I want to argue "there is already something called the Washington Monument; it is dumb to name a team the same thing."

But the same argument holds for:

Texas Rangers

Buffalo Bills

At least "Rangers" stands alone as a perfectly good name. Bills doesn't and frankly is a dumb name. I would file Monuments somewhere in between but much closer to the dumb category.

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Hat Boy I explained to you in depth that there are several monuments in and around the National Mall including the Washington Monument itself. Look it up it was only a few pages ago. If you don't like the name fine but you are wrong about there being only 1 monument in Washington D.C.

Here's the problem with this line of reasoning jimbo. Yes, there are plenty of monuments in Washington DC. There is, however, only one Washington Monument. If the team did end up going with the name Washington Monuments their identity would be based around the imagery of the Washington Monument of which, as we've established before, there is only one.

What other team names exist that are completely named after another entity? (city name and nickname. naming a team the Washington Monuments because there are famous monuments in washington is much different than naming them that because THE Washington Monument is already famous. The former would be ok; the 2nd seems really dumb.) I want to argue "there is already something called the Washington Monument; it is dumb to name a team the same thing."

But the same argument holds for:

Texas Rangers

Buffalo Bills

At least "Rangers" stands alone as a perfectly good name. Bills doesn't and frankly is a dumb name. I would file Monuments somewhere in between but much closer to the dumb category.

The Texas Rangers are a famous law enforcement agency, and thus the name works as a team name. The name itself isn't singular.

I just don't like the name Washington Monuments. It seems gimmicky, way to cute for a team in the NBA. If the choice was between Monuments and Wizards I would go with the former, but that's not saying much. I would prefer Bullets to either of those, and I would prefer a new name to either of those three.

Stars and Potomacs seem ok to me.

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The Texas Rangers are a famous law enforcement agency, and thus the name works as a team name. The name itself isn't singular.

That's what I was referring to. And the existence of THE Texas Rangers doesn't necessarily make the name work; you could argue that the name is kind of silly since the real Texas Rangers already existed.

The "Texas Rangers" and "Buffalo Bill(s)" already existed before the team names, as does the "Washington Monument". I wasn't talking about plurality - I was talking about the fact that naming a baseball team the "Texas Rangers" was kind of dumb since THE Texas Rangers already existed, as do THE Washington Monument and did THE Buffalo Bill.

But Rangers isn't as bad because at least it works independently (see New York.) Buffalo Bills and Washington Monuments are strictly gimmick names, and the gimmicks only work because a more famous entity with the exact name already exists. People think of it as a catchy name, but it's nothing but name recognition.

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The Texas Rangers are a famous law enforcement agency, and thus the name works as a team name. The name itself isn't singular.

By the way, did you think I was referring to a singular Walker, Texas Ranger or something?

anyway, here's another example of a team that was named after an entity with the same complete name:

Montreal Expos

And, when you look at it...also kind of a dumb name. I suppose it works in an abstract way, and at least the World's Fair was a temporary thing that the team name commemorates.

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If the Wizards changed their name they should go back to the Bullets. There was nothing wrong with the name to begin with in my opinion. I've always thought that Bullets refered to the quickness of the team and not the thing that is propelled from a gun. If we go down that route then you can say that the name "wizards" can allude to the leaders of the KKK. I know it seems crazy but its not crazier then getting rid of the name "Bullets" because of violence in the city. They need to stop with the whole PC thing and stick with tradition. Bullets is no worse then "Indians" or "Redskins" yet those names are still used by professional franchises.

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The Texas Rangers are a famous law enforcement agency, and thus the name works as a team name. The name itself isn't singular.

By the way, did you think I was referring to a singular Walker, Texas Ranger or something?

Yes. I mentioned that the name Washington Monuments wouldn't work because there's only one Washington Monument. Then you start talking about the Texas Rangers. Logically I assumed you brought the name up because you thought the name "Texas Rangers" was singular, like the prosed "Washington Monuments."

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If the Wizards changed their name they should go back to the Bullets. There was nothing wrong with the name to begin with in my opinion. I've always thought that Bullets refered to the quickness of the team and not the thing that is propelled from a gun. If we go down that route then you can say that the name "wizards" can allude to the leaders of the KKK. I know it seems crazy but its not crazier then getting rid of the name "Bullets" because of violence in the city.

Nah. "Bullet" can be used in reference to quick players, but it still means ammunition.

The quick players interpretation is just a (valid) rationale for using Bullets as a mascot. Just like Wizards is an invalid rationale for using "Wizards" as a mascot, that you could use if you were really reaching.

In your comparison ammo is to magicians as quick players is to KKK.

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I agree that Stars would be better than Monuments. I also like Federals better too. The way his response to my email went it sounded like he was definitely open to a change down the line and maybe even back to Bullets. So all the Monuments talk maybe a moot point.

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I think it was always referred to as "Expo 67" rather than "the Montreal Expo." And hey, I always liked the name "Expos."

Maybe so, in that case that makes the name better. Honestly "Expos" isn't so bad, it's kind of similar to Mets. And they are kind of an "exposition of baseball.

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