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2010 NFL Season


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#1 - He's right. THAT'S...A MOTHER...:censored: ING...TOUCHDOWN!!!!!. Made the catch in the endzone, both feet down, butt hit the ground, still had the ball. If that's not a touchdown, then the NFL itself needs touchdown lessons or some :censored:. Worst correct call ever.

#2 - You will never be as mad about football results as that fella is. :P

1) No touchdown. This is the National Football League, where the best of the best play. How it goes, especially now in the era of instant replay, catch the ball and hold onto the damn thing. If an NFL wide receiver isn't able to secure the football in that kind of a situation, then it's an incomplete pass in my eyes.


1) So at what point are you allowed to let go of the ball then? When you have two legs, your butt down, and your left elbow down in the endzone while palming the football your other hand? He made a conscious decision to set the football down in the back of the endzone... if that doesn't show possession and "completion of the catching process", then I don't know what does...

2) I care and go :censored: yourself.

Dear Calvin Johnson,

Don't celebrate until you see an official raise his arms. Don't give them any sort of reason to not signal "Touchdown", or you just might lose said touchdown.

Consider this your "Reggie Ball Moment".




What, like the referee standing 5 yards from him?

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Dear Calvin Johnson,

Don't celebrate until you see an official raise his arms. Don't give them any sort of reason to not signal "Touchdown", or you just might lose said touchdown.

Consider this your "Reggie Ball Moment".




What, like the referee standing 5 yards from him?

Read the bolded part again.

Had Johnson not screwed around and kept the ball in his hand, this is a non-issue. Instead, he chose to celebrate early (with the ball well out of his hand and his back to the official...in other words, he's yet to see the official's ruling), and he screwed his team out of a win.

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Dear Calvin Johnson,

Don't celebrate until you see an official raise his arms. Don't give them any sort of reason to not signal "Touchdown", or you just might lose said touchdown.

Consider this your "Reggie Ball Moment".




What, like the referee standing 5 yards from him?

Read the bolded part again.

Had Johnson not screwed around and kept the ball in his hand, this is a non-issue. Instead, he chose to celebrate early (with the ball well out of his hand and his back to the official...in other words, he's yet to see the official's ruling), and he screwed his team out of a win.

It actually looked like that as he was getting up, the ball came out inadvertently.

Cowboys - Lakers - LAFC - USMNT - LA Rams - LA Kings - NUFC 

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No kidding. Dom Capers and his defense clearly weren't expecting to see Vick on the field as much as they did. Vick was making them look silly for almost the entire second half, so why not turn him loose one more time on 4th down?

Why is he on the field, period? I hate that athletes can get away with any crime and never have to pay penalties for them. They just instantly get their million-dollar overpaid jobs back.

He went to prison for 21 months! He is like the one athlete that has paid a penalty for his crimes.

"Never" meaning "nowhere near as long a sentence as a 'normal' person would get.

Celebrities just get off easy, that's all I'm saying.

Have to call you on this. I live in Metro Atlanta and no one hates the Falcons or disliked Michael Vick at the time or loves dogs more than me. But watching his criminal deal play out, he spent 21 months in Leavenworth because he was Michael Vick. In other words, he got a much LONGER sentence than Joe Average would have gotten for the same crime. There are people who kill human beings (drunk drivers, manslaughter, etc.) who don't serve 21 months.

As for the Calvin Johnson deal, the rule says what it says. But it's one of those "I know it when I see it" deals and control of the ball with two feet down in the end zone is a catch. The only time the 'control to the ground' thing should be considered is when the receiver is going to the ground in the course of making the catch (diving catch, etc.). If the guy catches it and lands on his feet, TD and we're done.

Think back to the Lance Moore 2-point conversion catch in the Super Bowl. In real time, even I thought, "Crap, incomplete." It wasn't until they super-slow motioned it in HD that it became obvious it was a catch. And if THAT was a catch, this sure as hell was.


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Dear Calvin Johnson,

Don't celebrate until you see an official raise his arms. Don't give them any sort of reason to not signal "Touchdown", or you just might lose said touchdown.

Consider this your "Reggie Ball Moment".




What, like the referee standing 5 yards from him?

Read the bolded part again.

Had Johnson not screwed around and kept the ball in his hand, this is a non-issue. Instead, he chose to celebrate early (with the ball well out of his hand and his back to the official...in other words, he's yet to see the official's ruling), and he screwed his team out of a win.

No, I'm sorry. He caught the ball in the endzone. He had both feet in bounds. He landed on his ass in the endzone with full control of the ball. That's a touchdown. There is no possible way that's NOT a touchdown. Justifying the NFL's moronic interpretation of catching a football is pretty f*ing lame.

1) No touchdown. This is the National Football League, where the best of the best play. How it goes, especially now in the era of instant replay, catch the ball and hold onto the damn thing. If an NFL wide receiver isn't able to secure the football in that kind of a situation, then it's an incomplete pass in my eyes.


1) He did. He caught the damn thing, with both feet in bounds, and landed on his ass with full control of the ball. Even by the NFL's ridiculous standards of what constitutes catching a :censored:ing football it's still a touchdown. Not only is the rule itself in need of a review, but the officials calling the game made a piss poor call by the rule itself.

2) Lord knows I don't give two :censored: s about the Detroit Lions. I was just watching a football game that had its rightful outcome pissed away by a League who's officiating crew has its head up its own ass, and called by commentators who are to busy being tea-bagged by the league to object to said league's ability to COMPLICATE THE ACT OF CATCHING A FOOTBALL! Only the NFL could take that simple act and turn it into a "process."

Saying "ok maybe it was a :censored: ty call but who cares it's the Lions" really isn't the brightest thing to say.

Well, those games were interesting... Driver errors kept me from posting until now, but it looks like the Patriots were back to their old selves offensively-speaking, but that defense is still pathetic. As for the Packers game today, they weren't just lucky, they were really lucky that they left Philadelphia with a victory. It seems that both of my teams have defensive issues. *sigh*

I can't wait to see BBTV comment on the Eagles, but it seems the Kevin Kolb experiment didn't work out too well. I'm not a fan of Donovan McNabb in any way, shape, or form. However, it looks like Michael Vick is going to be way better for the Eagles in the long-term.

I was never sold on Kolb, and from listening to every analyst, including the locals in Philadelphia, you would've thought he was the second coming. Not to mention, in every game I watched him play last year he could sure put up some nice statistics when the game was out of reach, but he couldn't win when push came to shove. Besides, it wouldn't surprise me a bit (although I don't see it happening) if Donovan McNabb has a rebirth under Mike Shanahan like John Elway did. Though once again, I'm not expecting the Redskins to win much this year. It always seems former Eagles like Cris Carter, Reggie White, etc. always go on the better things once they leave the City of Brotherly Love.

This isn't meant to be a slam against the Eagles though... just a gut feeling I have about Kolb. If there's any franchise that needs a Super Bowl it would definitely be the Bills, Eagles, or Vikings.

How about those Lions though, Detroit fans... well there's always 2011, or 2012.

Wow. It's Week 1 guy. Quit over blowing everything like a chode.

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LIons fans should be mad, but they should be happy at how their team played two years ago they went 0-16 last year 2-14. If they go 6-10 this year and play like that every week they can start having hope again and that is all they need.



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I can't wait to see BBTV comment on the Eagles, but it seems the Kevin Kolb experiment didn't work out too well. I'm not a fan of Donovan McNabb in any way, shape, or form. However, it looks like Michael Vick is going to be way better for the Eagles in the long-term.

I was never sold on Kolb, and from listening to every analyst, including the locals in Philadelphia, you would've thought he was the second coming. Not to mention, in every game I watched him play last year he could sure put up some nice statistics when the game was out of reach, but he couldn't win when push came to shove. Besides, it wouldn't surprise me a bit (although I don't see it happening) if Donovan McNabb has a rebirth under Mike Shanahan like John Elway did. Though once again, I'm not expecting the Redskins to win much this year. It always seems former Eagles like Cris Carter, Reggie White, etc. always go on the better things once they leave the City of Brotherly Love.

How in the world can anyone say that the "experiment" didn't work out too well? After one half of football? He struggled, and played very poorly at times. It was just one of those games. To dismiss him after a single half would be idiotic.

I don't think anyone "sold" him as the second coming, but he has everything necessary to be a very good player for a long time. What the hell are you talking about every game you saw him play he put up good stats when the game was out of reach? He only played in three games - and with the possible exception of when he took over for McNabb in week 1, the other two were starts - hardly when the game was out of reach.

Seriously - the "experiment didn't work out too well"? That's just stupid. If he struggles like this the entire season, then maybe it's a valid statement. After 30 minutes of football though?

Also, it's clear you really don't know much about those players you mentioned. Cris Cater was killing himself with cocaine, and Buddy Ryan basically gave him every chance to go to rehab, and when he kept messing up, he got cut. That pretty much scared him straight. He was good in Philadelphia, he just had a drug problem.

Reggie White was a hall of famer based on what he did with the Eagles. He won a ring with the Packers, but I'm pretty sure that only an idiot would say that he got "better" once he left.

White was good with the Packers too, I think his best years were clearly with the Eagles, but he was still great in Green Bay just a wee bit older.

Honestly, I don't think you can compare his time in Phily with his time in Green Bay. In Phily he was a role-player and one of 15 pro-bowlers the Eagles had starting on defense. In Green Bay he was the team captain and the guy o-cords had to pattern their gameplan around... completely different expectations.

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Well, here's what I've learned from the first Sunday of the season:

-Way, way, way too early to call the Kolb experiment a failure. The guy got hurt during the first half of the game. You can't call anything a success or a failure after one poorly played half. The Packers did their job and clamped down on the wideouts. Now, the guy has a concussion and will be more then likely out for the next game (at Detroit). Vick did his best, but it wasn't enough. Now, Reid has a situation here once Kolb recovers from the concussion: Do you stick with your guns and put Kolb back in as starter or do you roll the dice and stay with Vick if he does well next week at Detroit?

-Houston's demons have been slain... for now. The Texans' win against Indy is huge for their ego. For a team that has only won one time against the Colts, a win now helps for confidence. Next step: Being able to keep that momentum.


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There's some [potential] good news in Detroit...

Lions sign Nathan Vasher

He may've lost a step, but Jay Cutler threw for over 300 yards yesterday. Any help is good help, at least in Detroit's secondary.

Stafford doesn't need surgery

This is great news. I'm a bit upset he probably won't play next weekend (when I drive 8+ hours to Detroit to see the game), but I'm glad it's not looking like a season-ending injury.

On a side note, apparently Peppers stopped by and checked on Stafford after the game. That's a class act if I've ever heard of one.

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The Jets know how to talk, but Mark Sanchize looked like a deer in the headlights and some one should tell Dustin Keller when stepping OB on 4th down make sure you get the first down first.

For the Jets one loss down eight more to come :grin:



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Did someone forget to tell the 'Skins, Cowboys, Ravens, and Jets that those national prime time games aren't supposed to absolutely suck ass?

On January 16, 2013 at 3:49 PM, NJTank said:

Btw this is old hat for Notre Dame. Knits Rockne made up George Tip's death bed speech.


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Man... This :censored: ing sucks. The one time Choice decides he should have his first career fumble, is a fumble recovery for a touchdown. Way to go 'Boys... <_<

First impression, the Cowboys defense is extremely good at stopping the opposing offense from scoring. 3 straight plays at the 5, and the 'Skins still couldn't get past the 'Boys D. No offensive touchdowns for the day, against the Cowboys.

That is some good news for my Cowboys...

Here's the bad news... Our offensive play-calling sucks. Really bad actually. I mean, c'mon Garret! Two straight Wide Receiver Screens to Bryant?? Back-to-back?? This insanity doesn't stop here! He called a play that pitches the ball to Barber on a sweep... then another where the play calls for Felix pounding it up the middle? That, to me, makes no damn sense.

Second impression, our offense lost the game. Not the D. Our D stopped them when we needed to, but our offense couldn't deliver. Romo played great, our running backs did the best they could, Austin had another good day, and most of our wideouts played well...

But our o-line! Actually, just Barron. God. I hope he doesn't start, play another down for the Cowboys. He was getting beat all day, and he had that penalty to lose us this game... Right when I thought we stole it back. Disgusting. Who'd have thought, that our defense is elite, but our offense is mediocre at best...

Gotta win these next two games. Don't wanna fall behind with the schedule that we have this year.

1-Choice had to take the ball because Romo gave him a lateral. Should he have gone down...sure, but there was more wrong before then.

A.) DAL has two coordinators and no head coach. Garret should have never called the play and Wade should have overridden it to take a knee. They have little to no quality control.

B.)Barron made the team as a backup meanwhile Bobby Carpenter, who they traded was even more of a first round bust, who was cut from STL. After 59 minutes, the team should have realized that Barron needed help on Orakpo.

C.) DAL may not have many road wins left in the barrel.

D.) Having Barber throw his first NFL pass shows that you as the OC are getting too cute and the injuries on your OL are too great now.

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How can you sit here and not love what the Chiefs are doing? Just pure fun to watch. I love it.

I imagine LightsOut is currently looking for sleeping pills.

On 8/1/2010 at 4:01 PM, winters in buffalo said:
You manage to balance agitation with just enough salient points to keep things interesting. Kind of a low-rent DG_Now.
On 1/2/2011 at 9:07 PM, Sodboy13 said:
Today, we are all otaku.

"The city of Peoria was once the site of the largest distillery in the world and later became the site for mass production of penicillin. So it is safe to assume that present-day Peorians are descended from syphilitic boozehounds."-Stephen Colbert

POTD: February 15, 2010, June 20, 2010

The Glorious Bloom State Penguins (NCFAF) 2014: 2-9, 2015: 7-5 (L Pineapple Bowl), 2016: 1-0 (NCFAB) 2014-15: 10-8, 2015-16: 14-5 (SMC Champs, L 1st Round February Frenzy)

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The Jets' offense reminds me of the Ravens' from last year. They just couldn't get it done in the redzone. Honestly I wasn't afraid at all when the Jets got the ball back at the end of the game. Mark Sanchez better step it up, if they want to be the Super Bowl contenders they think they are.

The Ravens did alright. I think they played a little too cautiously towards the end. The passing game was certainly better this year, but it still needs some work. I think the Jets secondary penalties slowed it down some. The running game also had trouble, but that was somewhat expected. Overall I'd say the offense was disappointing, but I'm willing to give them another week before making a solid judgement. Just happy to get a win.

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