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2010-11 NBA Season


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Typical. T-minus 1 hour until Lights Out comes on trying to defend his clippers. :P

At least he doesn't bail on his team if they lose a game.

Please stop picking on me.

No one is "picking on you." You made a smart-assed remark and you got called on it. You should expect that to happen each and every time you do it. You want to act like the adults but you can't handle being treated like we'd treat any other adult. Seriously kid, I think you're in a little over your head on these boards. My advice is that you step away from here for a while and come back when you're better equipped to handle it. If you want to act like a kid then act like a kid and you'll be treated as such. If you're going to try to behave like an adult then you should expect to be treated as an adult. The truth is an adult wouldn't see what I said as "picking on them."






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Man, oh man, Sterling. He needs to sell the Clippers. Maybe the reason why they're so historically bad is because of how big of a douche Sterling is. Maybe the Clippers are just suffering from an awful case of karma.

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If you are going to race-bait for a NBA owner go here first.

I think you also forgot about the Knicks/Isiah Thomas suit.

For the NJTank political side: Sterling agreed to pay Baylor off, yet not admit no wrongdoing.

Testimony is testimony, but the settlement was reached before a verdict was reached and a court person like Tank should not really accept what the plaintiff tells us? Right?

Soon this side, what is the problem? His case is now about age discrimination yet Elgin was/is an old man who in 20+ years at said job illustrated that he showed little basketball knowledge once every time he had the #1 overall pick.

Tank, did you also realize that Carl Douglas worked on OJ's defense as he was a lead member of the late Johnny Cochran's firm. He is not the "Kung Fu Fighting" singer turned lawyer.

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Holy Mother Mary of God Dfwabel could be more god damned petty. I am sick and :censored:ing tired of you criticzing every god damned post I make. I posted an ESPN article that caught my attention. It was an article that demonstates how inept the Clippers are. That was my agenda a laugh at the Clippers. Not the race angle, not the legal angle. I am sure ESPN has a team of experts who analyzed it before it was printed, they are a professional media company. I am an amatuer web developer with a job, I think my web site is good it provides many great photos and info of team histories and a good daily front page. I do predictions. I am also a sports fan.

Oh and the Knicks lawsuit is over, I discussed it when it was news. It was a black eye for the franchise and owner James Dolan. Do I have to do the entire history of sports lawsuits everytime one comes up?



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To be fair to Tank, I took it that the article was being posted to show how poor an owner Sterling is. I didn't see a political angle at all in this. And I'd agree that Sterling really seems to be making something of an idiot himself now that the Clippers are gathering more focus. Perhaps he should just trade Griffin away and crawl back under a rock.


2011/12 WFL Champions

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I'm just wondering at this point what it is going to take for Stern to step in and get Sterling away from the Clippers. It's time.

And if he traded Griffin away, there would be no rock for him to hide under. The fanbase would revolt and the media would absolutely eviscerate him.

I don't know but if Stern tried that I'd imagine a lengthy and spirited legal case would ensue. Commisioners might be able to do something about incoming owners they don't like, but is there any precedent for doing anything about current owners.

And I was kidding about Griffin, but it's interesting how Sterling's profile has risen with Griffin's.


2011/12 WFL Champions

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I'm just wondering at this point what it is going to take for Stern to step in and get Sterling away from the Clippers. It's time.

And if he traded Griffin away, there would be no rock for him to hide under. The fanbase would revolt and the media would absolutely eviscerate him.

These are the Clippers. Part of the charm of being a Clippers fan is dealing with Donald Sterling's nonsense. If you to root for a well run team that doesn't let its good players walk away, root for the Lakers.

1 hour ago, ShutUpLutz! said:

and the drunken doodoobags jumping off the tops of SUV's/vans/RV's onto tables because, oh yeah, they are drunken drug abusing doodoobags

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adding Carlos Boozer, Ronnie Brewer, Kyle Korver, CJ Watson, Big Sexy, and Scalabrine didn't hurt either.

Okay, let's not belabor the point!

♫ oh yeah, board goes on, long after the thrill of postin' is gone ♫

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Whoa...shows how much I've been paying attention. When did the Celtics let Affirmative Action go?

(Another question: how long have the Pacers had those yellow alts? I've been seeing games/highlights of them all season, but this is the first time I remember seeing those. And as much as I like the color yellow...those particular alts don't really work for the Pacers. I could barely read the numbers & front chest scripts on them.)

*Disclaimer: I am not an authoritative expert on stuff...I just do a lot of reading and research and keep in close connect with a bunch of people who are authoritative experts on stuff. 😁

|| dribbble || Behance ||

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Whoa...shows how much I've been paying attention. When did the Celtics let Affirmative Action go?

(Another question: how long have the Pacers had those yellow alts? I've been seeing games/highlights of them all season, but this is the first time I remember seeing those. And as much as I like the color yellow...those particular alts don't really work for the Pacers. I could barely read the numbers & front chest scripts on them.)

The Pacers have had those yellow alts since the 2007-08 season. I also find it interesting that you say you have trouble reading the wordmark and numbers. Did you have the same problem with the previous yellow alts (which just to throw this out there, the 1998-2005 set is the most unoriginal uniform in sports)?

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Whoa...shows how much I've been paying attention. When did the Celtics let Affirmative Action go?

Thibodeau? The Bulls signed him away over the summer. If the Bulls signed him after 2008, which they were going to do before Reinsdorf decided that would be too expensive, the Bulls would be much more of a contender for the title this year than they already are. Best signing of the 2010 offseason. Derrick Rose is going to win the MVP, and Luol Deng has never looked so good.

just to throw this out there, the 1998-2005 set is the most unoriginal uniform in sports

Tough call to pick THE most unoriginal uniform, but I hated those Pacers uniforms a ton.

♫ oh yeah, board goes on, long after the thrill of postin' is gone ♫

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The Pacers have had those yellow alts since the 2007-08 season. I also find it interesting that you say you have trouble reading the wordmark and numbers. Did you have the same problem with the previous yellow alts (which just to throw this out there, the 1998-2005 set is the most unoriginal uniform in sports)?

Not nearly as much...but yeah, those were hard to read, as well. I think the issue for me with this current version is that the scripts/numbers are so thin...and the yellow appears to be a bit darker, whereas with the previous version, the pinstripes just muddied the whole thing up. (And, for what it's worth, I really never was a fan of any of the three variants of the previous uniform design. The "side-sash" sets of Reggie Millers' heyday were my favorite Pacers set--and hell, among my favorite NBA sets of all.)

Whoa...shows how much I've been paying attention. When did the Celtics let Affirmative Action go?

Thibodeau? The Bulls signed him away over the summer.

I was actually talking about Scalabrine. :P But good point about Thibodeau, too.

*Disclaimer: I am not an authoritative expert on stuff...I just do a lot of reading and research and keep in close connect with a bunch of people who are authoritative experts on stuff. 😁

|| dribbble || Behance ||

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Why. They should play defense like the Celtics; they shouldn't dress like them. Leave promotional holiday one-offs to the Rockford IceHogs. This team won six titles. Wear what Michael wore, especially when you're playing the sorry-ass Nets and have a good chance of putting together a serious highlight reel.

♫ oh yeah, board goes on, long after the thrill of postin' is gone ♫

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