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Not only that, but Bears fans were cheering the injury. Now I hope Seattle blows them out by, like, 40.

Bringing the NFC Championship game to Seattle; home of the 7-9 Seahawks. How great would that be? Heads will explode if it happens.

Exactly. THAT'S the reason to root for the Seahawks this year. The awesomeness of sticking it to the overzealous NFL fans. I don't have to pretend to "always have had a soft spot for the Seahawks" to cheer for them. The hilariousness of the Seahawks getting above .500 just by winning the Super Bowl is all the hilarity and awesomeness I need.

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I've been saying that I hate the Steelers success all along, I never beat around the bush, but moreover it's that Steeler fans have it easy because of the success. On top of that, Steeler fans take it for granted how good their team really is. Instead of being thankful that you've made an NFL record 15th conference title game you guys act like it was owed to you after having to "endure" last year's 9-7 season. It's not fair. You guys have no idea what it's like to go through a miserable NFL season. I don't know how many times I have to keep restating that.

My only desire for the Steelers is that just once you go 2-14 so you understand how good you really have it. Once that happens then you'll truly appreciate what you've been given and right now I think the majority of Steeler fans think this is normal and don't get that their success has bordered on phenomenal.

You don't see it? I don't know what to tell you because Steeler fans I know grumble and complain about everything. I lived in Athens, Ohio with a lot of kids from Pittsburgh (and even more D-bags from Ohio who are Steeler fans). They complain about losing the AFC championship games to New England. They complain about Kordell Stewart, a QB who went to 2 AFC Championship games. You complained about Cowher until he finally won a Super Bowl. Like I said, purely anecdotal and obviously I can't prove this scientifically, but Steeler fans are the most intolerable group of baby fans in pro-sports. Last year when you were 9-7 the Steeler fans in Athens were unbelievably bitchy. Sorry you had to spend one season at 9-7. That must have been so tough for you. You don't get to win the Super Bowl every year. That's not how this works.

So your a scorn, bitter person at the Steelers because your Bengals cant get their act together, thats what this boils down to. Because you pull for an inept franchise the Steelers and their fans should have to go through the same thing. I dont hear Steelers fans saying they are 'owed' anything, either because of a good season or not, and you can restate your argument as many times as you like, you hate the Steelers because of the success, I get it.

Now the last paragraph I'd love to debate. Is it your contention that teams that do well should be happy with what they get even though in the end its a failure? Shall we ask Bills fans about that? Im sure they'd argue winning four AFCCG then in the end not having a Super Bowl to show for any of them isnt a pleasant experience. If the Bengals start reeling off success and make 4 or 5 AFCCG in 10 years or so, and lose them or a game or two in the Super Bowl, you would be happy?

So your a scorn, bitter person at the Steelers because your Bengals cant get their act together, thats what this boils down to. Because you pull for an inept franchise the Steelers and their fans should have to go through the same thing. I dont hear Steelers fans saying they are 'owed' anything, either because of a good season or not, and you can restate your argument as many times as you like, you hate the Steelers because of the success, I get it.

Ah jesus. I am scornful. Yes I hate the Steelers success and I hate Steelers fans for not appreciating said success. Have I not already said that? I am bitter, never pretended not to be. I've been up front about that the entire time. And yes, because my arbitrarily selected team sucks, others in a league that is designed for parity SHOULD have to go through some losing. The fact that fans of their arbitrarily selected team don't have to go through it is aggravating.

Is it your contention that teams that do well should be happy with what they get even though in the end its a failure?

Yes. You don't get to win the super bowl every year. Just be pleased that you're not one of the franchises perennially selecting in the top 5 and perennially missing the playoffs. Having success in the NFL means you get to watch meaningful football all year, you get to go to playoff parties, you get to see your team succeed deep in the playoffs. You should be feel privileged for what the Steelers give you every year even when it doesn't result in winning it all.

Shall we ask Bills fans about that? Im sure they'd argue winning four AFCCG then in the end not having a Super Bowl to show for any of them isnt a pleasant experience.

The Bills don't have 6 Super Bowl titles. If they had won Super Bowl 25 losing the next three would've been much easier to stomach. If they'd won one since then it would be much easier to stomach the four losses. It's easier to endure losing big games when you already have 6 in the bank.

If the Bengals start reeling off success and make 4 or 5 AFCCG in 10 years or so, and lose them or a game or two in the Super Bowl, you would be happy?

Of course I wouldn't be happy, but the Bengals have never won the Super Bowl. If the Bengals start reeling off super bowls and AFCCG appearances I can guarantee I would appreciate the hell out of them. I've been through low points. I know what it's like to suck. You guys have no idea what it's like to suck so a Super Bowl by the Bengals would mean more to a Bengals fan (or a Saints fan or any other historically downtrodden team) than it does to a Steelers fan. It just would. On the other side a Super Bowl loss would also mean more because I wouldn't be able to fall back on my 6 other championships. You see how that works?

To sum things up: It's easy to be a Steelers fan, and you (the majority of your fanbase) take your success for granted.


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They are the only team proven to have juiced in the '70s.

Holy :censored: man, The Raiders.

In the 60s, the Chiefs team doctor was forcing the entire team to take steroids, until Ernie Ladd found out what it was and refused, at which point it became optional.

Granted, this was well before Vince McMahon decided that you had to be at least 6'5 and 300 lbs to go anywhere in the business, but how ironic that a freakin' pro wrestler would be the one to refuse it?

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How about the Bears? They're firing on all cylinders.

They are the only team proven to have juiced in the '70s.

Holy :censored: man, The Raiders.

In the 60s, the Chiefs team doctor was forcing the entire team to take steroids, until Ernie Ladd found out what it was and refused, at which point it became optional.

Granted, this was well before Vince McMahon decided that you had to be at least 6'5 and 300 lbs to go anywhere in the business, but how ironic that a freakin' pro wrestler would be the one to refuse it?

Ah, the days before muscle-bound freaks and poop jokes dominated the industry.

AFC North back and forth

Truth be told, I appreciate McCarthy's take on this. He's a fan of a Steelers divisional rival. He's pissed that as a fan of a downtrodden team the more successful divisional rivals are, well, more successful. Within the confines of being a sports fan, this makes sense. It IS possible to hate the Steelers without concocting a fictitious NFL conspiracy.

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Pothole? It's more like a sinkhole right now.

Now, if Seattle does lose it's not a big deal. Hell, how many people here, at the start of the season, would of said that the Seattle Seahawks would win the NFC West at 7-9 and actually win a playoff game over the defending Super Bowl Champions... hm?

Hell, I thought it would be a rebuilding year. Kinda shocking when you look at it.


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Definitely. As a Seahawks fan you had a great ride this season. Getting in at 7-9 and then rolling over the defending champs? Nothing to be ashamed of.

The Bears though, they're just dominating. Can't say they didn't earn this one.

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Definitely. As a Seahawks fan you had a great ride this season. Getting in at 7-9 and then rolling over the defending champs? Nothing to be ashamed of.

The Bears though, they're just dominating. Can't say they didn't earn this one.

It might be home-team blinders on, but I don't think it's a dominating. I think it's more that Seattle isn't executing. Hasselbeck has actually played an okay game, but his receivers seem allergic to the ball. The missed interception at the end zone hurts too.

I fully expect the Bears to win this game, but I also think that it's a little bit closer than the score would make it seems.

(And yes, I recognize how ridiculous that sounds.)

1 hour ago, ShutUpLutz! said:

and the drunken doodoobags jumping off the tops of SUV's/vans/RV's onto tables because, oh yeah, they are drunken drug abusing doodoobags

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Definitely. As a Seahawks fan you had a great ride this season. Getting in at 7-9 and then rolling over the defending champs? Nothing to be ashamed of.

The Bears though, they're just dominating. Can't say they didn't earn this one.

Although it seems weird that, with all the weapons Chicago has, Greg Olsen has been the breakout performer here. Who saw that coming?

But, yeah. Getting in at 7-9 definately felt weird. Hell, I would of been more then happy to give the home game to New Orleans because even I felt Seattle didn't deserve the home game. Yeah, they won the NFC West... but, come on. All 7-9 usually gets you is time to prepare for the Draft, not the playoffs. Yet, Seattle won and took out the defending champions.

I also want to mention that history has kinda seen Seattle hit the end of the road in the Divisional... Last two postseason trips ended in this round, so it's pretty much par for the course. :)


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I believe you should be a true fan to one team in a sport (and a bandwagon fan to anyone playing your rivals).

Why is that? I'm curious to hear your reasoning on the matter.

I'm not sure, but I bet LeBron's going to be involved somehow. :rolleyes:

And also good to see Chicago is pimp slapping Seattle. Normally I'd be behind the LOL 7-9 team for teh Super Bowl thing, but there's also the hated division rival thing which means I can't bring myself to cheer for the Seahawks.

On 8/1/2010 at 4:01 PM, winters in buffalo said:
You manage to balance agitation with just enough salient points to keep things interesting. Kind of a low-rent DG_Now.
On 1/2/2011 at 9:07 PM, Sodboy13 said:
Today, we are all otaku.

"The city of Peoria was once the site of the largest distillery in the world and later became the site for mass production of penicillin. So it is safe to assume that present-day Peorians are descended from syphilitic boozehounds."-Stephen Colbert

POTD: February 15, 2010, June 20, 2010

The Glorious Bloom State Penguins (NCFAF) 2014: 2-9, 2015: 7-5 (L Pineapple Bowl), 2016: 1-0 (NCFAB) 2014-15: 10-8, 2015-16: 14-5 (SMC Champs, L 1st Round February Frenzy)

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Can someone answer me one thing: Are NFL announcer's booths NOT heated??? Year after year since I was a child, I've seen the announcers at cold weather sites bundled up like they were reporting from the sidelines...but why?? With most every stadium in the NFL built within the last 10-12 years, then SURELY they're heated,no?? Or do the networks have them dress that way to give the appearance at home of how cold it is?? I just don't get it.


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Did anyone else notice that the Soldier Field PA is playing "Enter Sandman" while the Seattle player is out cold on the sideline? That's pretty tasteless. Or pretty funny. Take your pick.

I think you know MY answer....

Can someone answer me one thing: Are NFL announcer's booths NOT heated??? Year after year since I was a child, I've seen the announcers at cold weather sites bundled up like they were reporting from the sidelines...but why?? With most every stadium in the NFL built within the last 10-12 years, then SURELY they're heated,no?? Or do the networks have them dress that way to give the appearance at home of how cold it is?? I just don't get it.

Heated booths don't do you much good when the booths are open to the elements and subjected to the swirling winds.

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A Packers-Bears NFC championship game will be awesome. I'd prefer if the game were played at Lambeau, but you can't have everything. When was the last time both teams in this rivalry were good at the same time? The 40?s


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Can someone answer me one thing: Are NFL announcer's booths NOT heated??? Year after year since I was a child, I've seen the announcers at cold weather sites bundled up like they were reporting from the sidelines...but why?? With most every stadium in the NFL built within the last 10-12 years, then SURELY they're heated,no?? Or do the networks have them dress that way to give the appearance at home of how cold it is?? I just don't get it.

Correct. They're open air...shielded from precipitation, but exposed to the temperatures.

I imagine they could use space heaters or overhead ones or whatever, but it won't do much since they're not behind glass.


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I went to the gym for the second half, and left when the score was 35-10. Looks like I missed quite the finish, but I'm assuming it was never really in doubt.

Mike Williams really crumbled, huh? That was painful to watch.

1 hour ago, ShutUpLutz! said:

and the drunken doodoobags jumping off the tops of SUV's/vans/RV's onto tables because, oh yeah, they are drunken drug abusing doodoobags

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OK, now that the season is officially over with, I decree that all who jumped on the Seahawk bandwagon... be thrown off!

*Throws everyone off the Seahawk bandwagon... which turned back into a pumpkin*

Oh well. Congrats to Chicago for winning the game. The idea of a 7-9 Seahawks team winning the Super Bowl would been nothing short of pure total awesomeness, but sometimes you just got to accept that someday, the other team is just that much better then yours.

EDIT: Want proof that the Pats don't put up with stupid ass :censored:? Welker is on the bench to start the game for his 'foot' parade on Thursday.


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The idea of a 7-9 Seahawks team winning the Super Bowl would been nothing short of pure total awesomeness

If they hadn't played against the Bears, I'd be cheering for them for that exact reason.

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