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Aba At It Again...

Ez Street

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Some of the veterans of the baords will knwo who I am talking about but it appears if this ABA league is run by the long banned rember Xlr8r. He advoicated all sports leagues expanding to liek 40 teams and came up with odd names.



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Well... while I'll admit that both the name and logo leave a great deal to be desired creatively, it's not as though sharks are foreign to Massachusetts' waters.

Actually, Massachusetts represents the northernmost range for several shark species. The porbeagle shark is found there year-round. During the warmer months, ocean-going sharks - including the basking, blue, mako and thresher varieties - will swim onto the continental shelf areas of the region to feed and breed. Dogfish, dusky sharks, sandbar sharks and sand tigers can often be found in inshore waters. Even tropical species like the tiger and hammerhead are known to make appearances during the warmest months. And although rare, the great white is known to visit Massachusetts' waters.

And let's not forget that - at least cinematically - Martha's Vineyard was the site of filming for Steven Spielberg's Jaws.

As for the name Frenzy being combined with a shark mascot, it's obviously a reference to a feeding frenzy.

That said, the logo is still horrible... which is "par for the course" when it comes to the ABA.

Brian in Boston

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Did we find out anywhere if it is a LEGAL REQUIREMENT of the LEAGUE that all logos include that moronic globe-trotter basketball?

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"...a nice illustration of what you get when skill, talent, and precedent are deducted from 'creativity.' " - James Howard Kunstler

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Found it!

ABA Bylaws Article 4 paragraph 3

Each memeber franchise must have their logo designed by a focus group of Middle School aged children. Also the team logo must include a rendering of the league issue basketball. The logo must also be in a poor perspective and it is prefered that it use gradients. Teams are also allowed to use a logo from another league and simply re-color it.

See, kinda clears things up doesn't it.

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I'm not liking the way the shark fin runs into the R...it looks like its showing a little leg on a Vegas street corner.

I believe this league has officially "jumped the frenzy"

Yeah do that.  Do exactly THAT

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I believe this league has officially "jumped the frenzy"

I hate it when I read through a thread, get a great idea for something to say, and then read the latest reply and see that someone else is just as smart as me, but a bit speedier. Damn you.




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