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You Know What I Hate?


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OK, what is your least favourite thing about going to a sporting event? Next to the really overweight guy sitting next to ya, Mine is.....


THE '80's are OVER! STOP IT NOW!

There is no pain, you are receding, A distant ship, smoke on the horizon

Whew, anyway, what's your annoyance?

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Fans that boo or simply don't respect the Canadian national anthem. It's a damn good anthem. Oh...and people who cheer when a player is injured. That's just wrong.




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I hated the wave in the 80's, and usually ignored it--if I didn't I lifted one hand a little bit, and stayed sitting...

It was goofy, and didn't mean you were into the game--in fact people missed soem good plays doing it, or blocked my view of them...

My big beef is fans of the visiting team that are obnoxious when their team is losing big time, and they haven't been picked on by anyone...that shows no class--it's one thing to support your team, but do it sensibly, and don't drag down the other team to do it...

Comic Sans walks into a bar, and the bartender says, "Sorry, we don't serve your type here."

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people dressed up in suits who have the really good seats, but dont care or have no idea about the game, they are just there because it is fashionable, or just because they can afford the expensive seats.

I had 10th row seats at the Wings game today (and if I hadn't gotten them free I'd demand a refund) and the people in front of me showed up late for the first and skipped the entire second. Why the hell did you even show up! That kind of thing bothers me, 'cause someone who actually wants to be there could have those tickets.

That, and one of the old ladies in that group kept looking back at me any time I yelled at anyone on the ice with a look like, "I say, young man, do quiet down, you're interrupting my Saturday afternoon nap."

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and if I hadn't gotten them free I'd demand a refund

YzerFan--even if you paid you got your money's worth...

Comic Sans walks into a bar, and the bartender says, "Sorry, we don't serve your type here."

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The one thing I hate the most is those people on their cell phones waving to show their buddies or loved ones they're on TV. Happens unfortunately all the time on the first pitch in the baseball park at Willie Mays Plaza.

2004 San Jose Sharks 7th Man Fan of the Year

San Jose Gold Miners - 4x Lombardi Cup Champions

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The one thing I hate the most is those people on their cell phones waving to show their buddies or loved ones they're on TV. Happens unfortunately all the time on the first pitch in the baseball park at Willie Mays Plaza.

that sort of thing is NOT tolerated in the bleachers! they get treated the same way as the opposing teams left fielder! :D

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annoying visiting team fans who heckle the home team fans...not even paying attention to whats happening on the field/ice...ARG! :cursing: I don't pay money for some out-of-town dip:censored: to give me a hard time!

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AM I alone here thinking do the wave is fun. I rember going to Mets games in the mid 80s where it would go from one end of Shea to the other and back.

Of course if its done mor ethen twice its gets tiring and ridiculous but whose counting.



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I never minded those things. I think its fun and gets the crowd going a bit. Then again, if it goes on forever, oye ve!

2004 San Jose Sharks 7th Man Fan of the Year

San Jose Gold Miners - 4x Lombardi Cup Champions

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The wave is fun in a "enclosed" type setting like Shea or SkyDome. But with ballparks built the way they are today, you can't really expect the wave to be effective. I liked the wave, in a full stadium.

What annoys me at a game? Any guy or boy who takes his T-Shirt off and waves the shirt around. Why can a good-looking female do something like that?

I saw, I came, I left.

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I hate when the goal horn comes on. Why would you notify people that they scored if they are already watching the game?

Think...does the goal horn go on after the VISTING team scores? No. It gets the crowd pumped, gets noise up in the building, which in turn gets the fans more into the game, and thus gets the players themselves more into the game. The goal horn is magical. Plus each team has it's own horn/song/cheer after a goal that makes it's building unique...just ask BrassBonanza over there. :D




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I hate when the goal horn comes on. Why would you notify people that they scored if they are already watching the game?

Think...does the goal horn go on after the VISTING team scores? No. It gets the crowd pumped, gets noise up in the building, which in turn gets the fans more into the game, and thus gets the players themselves more into the game. The goal horn is magical. Plus each team has it's own horn/song/cheer after a goal that makes it's building unique...just ask BrassBonanza over there. :D

A tradition I wish Hartford's current hockey team had continued... :cry:

What really frosts me is when people wear a rival team's jersey to their home team's games - and the rival isn't even playing! I saw a Red Sox-Tampa Bay game on TV the other day and this one guy in the Monster seats was wearing a Yankees jersey! :cursing: It's OK to root for your team, but do it when you can see them there!

Another thing I can't stand is when sports that don't have cheerleaders traditionally use them (hockey, I'm looking at you). Sure, I like the eye candy as much as the next guy (and Hartford's got some honeys on their dance team), but really, what is their purpose? You've already got the Jumbotron egging the crowd on ("NOISE!!!!"), music blaring over the PA system, and mascots roaming the stands. What about the GAME?


Sodboy13 said:
As you watch more basketball, you will learn to appreciate the difference between "defense" and "couldn't find the rim with a pair of bloodhounds and a Garmin."

meet the new page, not the same as the old page.

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what I hate is that little kid in your aisle that has to get something every five minutes so he climbs over you and you have to stand up all the time. Or that girl that is there with her boyfriend and she doesn't care what is going on in the game so she talks to the guy about the dumbest stuff or asks really stupid questions such as, Why does that guy have big pads on his legs when everyone else has skinny pads?while the game is going on, that is horribly annoying.



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I agree about the cheerleaders. I remember watching a game, and one of the "Ice Girls" couldn't even skate. She just pushed with one foot.....

The goal horn is pretty much in the same category as the wave: It's been done. It's not cool anymore.

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