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OKC Thunder Logo


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I'm liking it so far but the containing shape for the buffalo looks awkward to me. Possible solution: since the NBA generally wants all teams to have a basketball in their primary logo, maybe try replacing the capsule-like shape with a basketball? On the navy side, you could have the lines in light blue, and vice versa.

I'd have to say that would look really good. The shape it's in now is kinda odd. I also instantly saw the buffalo, I don't think you need to change that much there.

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But you see this is the thing. I know how to make a very bland standard logo out of this. The recognition aspect is something I may take a look at (although it's only folk on the board who seem to struggle with the recognition) everyone I've showed seems to get it straight away? The point is to make something that is a little different.

I think almost everyone here got it as well. It is easily identifiable for most, but you are also showing this to a group that loves to dissect and read into logo design as a hobby. For me, the longer I looked at it, the more my eyes "played tricks" on me, so to speak. With the unique style of the logo, I think a lot of people are going to have a hard time defining exactly what is needed to give it that "wow" factor that so many of your other designs have.

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I agree that the color split isn't necessary and somewhat distracting. I'd be curious to see how it would look if the entire outline were orange and the nose and star or thunder bolt were yellow?

As many people have said, I agree that the split is distracting. Reminds me of the HTML 5 logo.


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I really like it, and you're right it's VERY different from your usual style but fully understand the desire to try different things.

With that said I have two small concerns with it, firstly the colours, they are very similar and I think with such an 'abstact' style it might be easier for people to read if there was a greater contrast in the colours. The other concern I have is with just how vertical the whole thing is. It's so much taller than it is wide that I think if feels to light. I know that sounds a bit daft but I think if the whole thing was just a little wider it might help increase the sense of power in the buffalo.

Like I said I love this new direction, and think it could be really successful but feel you've maybe changed to much at one time. Perhaps going with a new style, but the punchier colour combos of your old stuff, or your old style with this new approach to colour might be all that's needed to really push this thing over the top.


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I can't help but think that my email to you on May 4th that included a link to my website (TimEOBrien.com) where I have done a fairly significant rebrand and recolorization of the Oklahoma City Thunder influenced your redesign.

Not that there's anything wrong with that. Your design is light-years away from mine but still includes a buffalo head and lightening bolt highlights on said head:


Anyway, I like your logo, but it doesn't fit in with the feel and image of most NBA teams. Once again, this isn't a bad thing but some sort of conformity is something teams usually pine for. Plus, according to unofficial NBA rules, you need at least one logo with a ball in it.

Great work as always, though...

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I can't help but think that my email to you on May 4th that included a link to my website (TimEOBrien.com) where I have done a fairly significant rebrand and recolorization of the Oklahoma City Thunder.

Not that there's anything wrong with that. Your design is light-years away from mine but still includes a buffalo head and lightening bolt highlights on said head:


Anyway, I like your logo, but it doesn't fit in with the feel and image of most NBA teams. Once again, this isn't a bad thing but some sort of conformity is something teams usually pine for. Plus, according to unofficial NBA rules, you need at least one logo with a ball in it.

Great work as always, though...

Yours also features the Marshall Thundering Herd logo.... but who's counting?

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I knew that logo looked familiar!


Absolutely pathetic. I can't believe Lukas didn't notice and call this clown out on his obvious plagiarism.

If you were paying attention, I called attention to the obvious influence of Marshall at the end of that post when I wrote, "Full Disclosure: While I was influenced by Marshall’s buffalo logo, I created these logos from scratch using Photoshop CS5." So thanks for breaking new ground.

But yes, mine is not perfect, but it is certainly better than the nothingness that the current OKC logo is. I was just saying how I was glad to see that someone as talented as Mr. Davidson was taking a crack at a logo that is so hideous and stupid. I also just mentioned how I thought it was... serendipitous, lets say... that an email I sent to Mr. Davidson may have provoked this. That's all. I didn't ask him for royalties, and - like I said - his is light years away from mine, it was just a comment.

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I knew that logo looked familiar!


Absolutely pathetic. I can't believe Lukas didn't notice and call this clown out on his obvious plagiarism.

If you were paying attention, I called attention to the obvious influence of Marshall at the end of that post when I wrote, "Full Disclosure: While I was influenced by Marshall?s buffalo logo, I created these logos from scratch using Photoshop CS5." So thanks for breaking new ground.

But yes, mine is not perfect, but it is certainly better than the nothingness that the current OKC logo is. I was just saying how I was glad to see that someone as talented as Mr. Davidson was taking a crack at a logo that is so hideous and stupid. I also just mentioned how I thought it was... serendipitous, lets say... that an email I sent to Mr. Davidson may have provoked this. That's all. I didn't ask him for royalties, and - like I said - his is light years away from mine, it was just a comment.

Big no-no dude...use Illustrator if you want to make logos.

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I knew that logo looked familiar!


Absolutely pathetic. I can't believe Lukas didn't notice and call this clown out on his obvious plagiarism.

If you were paying attention, I called attention to the obvious influence of Marshall at the end of that post when I wrote, "Full Disclosure: While I was influenced by Marshall’s buffalo logo, I created these logos from scratch using Photoshop CS5." So thanks for breaking new ground.

But yes, mine is not perfect, but it is certainly better than the nothingness that the current OKC logo is. I was just saying how I was glad to see that someone as talented as Mr. Davidson was taking a crack at a logo that is so hideous and stupid. I also just mentioned how I thought it was... serendipitous, lets say... that an email I sent to Mr. Davidson may have provoked this. That's all. I didn't ask him for royalties, and - like I said - his is light years away from mine, it was just a comment.

First off, you can't say that because you didn't.

Secondly, I don't think you know what the word "influenced" means. I am "influenced" by all of Fraser's great designs, but that doesn't mean I rip them, change the color of the logo, then add some MS paint doodles around it.

Third, the fact that you are trying to pat yourself on the back, not only for your terrible concept, but for also for Fraser's, is grossly egocentric.

Fourth, most people realize the OKC Thunder have terrible logos. You should have seen the storm that ensued on this board after they were revealed.

Fifth, your "disclaimer" was not in your post on this board, and with you posting the image here, there was no need to go to a different website to view your "influenced" concept.

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I knew that logo looked familiar!


Absolutely pathetic. I can't believe Lukas didn't notice and call this clown out on his obvious plagiarism.

If you were paying attention, I called attention to the obvious influence of Marshall at the end of that post when I wrote, "Full Disclosure: While I was influenced by Marshall’s buffalo logo, I created these logos from scratch using Photoshop CS5." So thanks for breaking new ground.

But yes, mine is not perfect, but it is certainly better than the nothingness that the current OKC logo is. I was just saying how I was glad to see that someone as talented as Mr. Davidson was taking a crack at a logo that is so hideous and stupid. I also just mentioned how I thought it was... serendipitous, lets say... that an email I sent to Mr. Davidson may have provoked this. That's all. I didn't ask him for royalties, and - like I said - his is light years away from mine, it was just a comment.

Influenced? You stole the crap out of it. You changed approximately 10% and tried to pass it off as influence. And then you have the gall to sign up for the boards and say that Fraser ripped you off? I hope that isn't how you think things are done.

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First off, you can't say that because you didn't.

Secondly, I don't think you know what the word "influenced" means. I am "influenced" by all of Fraser's great designs, but that doesn't mean I rip them, change the color of the logo, then add some MS paint doodles around it.

Third, the fact that you are trying to pat yourself on the back, not only for your terrible concept, but for also for Fraser's, is grossly egocentric.

Fourth, most people realize the OKC Thunder have terrible logos. You should have seen the storm that ensued on this board after they were revealed.

Fifth, your "disclaimer" was not in your post on this board, and with you posting the image here, there was no need to go to a different website to view your "influenced" concept.

Whoever I was replying to alluded to UniWatchBlog.com, where I did say that verbatim and included a link to the image of the Marshall M logo, so that's what I was referencing.

If you don't like how close it is, sorry. It was my attempt, I'd love to see yours. (That's not sarcastic, a team as fun, energetic and GOOD as OKC deserves better.)

And I signed up to these boards specifically for this reason. No rip off there.

That logo is - admittedly - not my most original work, but I also don't think it's my best. I'm just starting out at this and am not trying to trick, fool or deride anyone. That was the FIRST image I had ever created from scratch and I'm pretty damn proud of what I created.

I'm sorry you find it too close for comfort but it is not illegal for me and try to create something that reflects the concept of thunder better than a triangle with three letters in it.

And to insinuate I took credit for Frasier's work is just silly. I made it clear I noticed a possible connection between the timing of my email and his design. His is far more original than mine, but still includes a buffalo that the original doesn't. While this leap from thunder to bison is not impossible (hell, I did it) I just hoped - perhaps - my email had something to do with it.

I can't help but assume I will be yelled at by people on these boards for this comment now, so I will no longer respond to derision but as someone who loves sports uniforms and sports identities, I just sought to improve.

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I also just mentioned how I thought it was... serendipitous, lets say... that an email I sent to Mr. Davidson may have provoked this. That's all. I didn't ask him for royalties, and - like I said - his is light years away from mine, it was just a comment.

You weren't the first person to associate the nickname "Thunder" with a herd of bison.

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