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What is it that looks so funny at Rexall Place?


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I've always thought the lighting looked more yellow at Rexall than in other rinks, and the corners a bit darker. Good news is, you may not have to put up with that too much longer, depending on what Edmonton city council decides today.

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Weird camera angle, upside-down rink. One of the few distinctive telecasts left in the league.

Them and the low angle of Detroit. And how the Islanders' camera is

That one has always irked me.

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I've always thought that Edmonton had unique lighting in their rink that was different to any other. San Jose and Chicago are kind of darker as well...and the MSG has a unique feel to it as well when watching on TV.

I'm Danny fkn Heatley, I play for myself. That's what fkn all stars do.

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I hate the inside-the-dasher ads meant purely for the camera. They really are distracting to see that much yellow somewhere that it shouldn't be

That's exactly what it is. It throws people off.

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. San Jose and Chicago are kind of darker as well

Huh? The United Center keeps the house lights down, but the Shark Tank has been like oppressively bright every time I've seen it.

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. San Jose and Chicago are kind of darker as well

Huh? The United Center keeps the house lights down, but the Shark Tank has been like oppressively bright every time I've seen it.

Well maybe the ice surface is brighter but the lighting in the crowd seems very dark compared to other rinks. It's just something I always notice. Like, in Calgary it's opposite.

I'm Danny fkn Heatley, I play for myself. That's what fkn all stars do.

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