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Tony LaRussa Retires from managing Cards


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There's just something about watching a ballgame where every once in awhile the camera scans the dugout and there's LaRussa standing with the same stone facd expression staring through those glasses under a hat that's too small and sits too high on his head. Maybe it's just what I'm so used to, but from the very first few times I watched A's games as a kid to just the other night, LaRussa has always been present. I've always been a LaRussa fan and appreciate getting to watch the success that came from his career.


On 11/19/2012 at 7:23 PM, oldschoolvikings said:
She’s still half convinced “Chris Creamer” is a porn site.)
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the game really won't be the same without him around.

It'll be better, unless you own significant Budweiser stock and stand to benefit from the increased ad exposure in his games' zillion ad breaks.

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I would say that I'm gonna miss TLR batting pitchers in the 8 spot, but Fredi Gonzalez is probably gonna carry on that tradtion. <_<

But in all seriousness, what a way to go out after that bizarre World Series & even more bizarre wild card & postseason run (in addition to bringing out the fangs in about 1 out of 5 CCSLC members :lol:). If I had the resume he had and went through THAT, yeah I'd go on ahead and retire as well. But good for him, he goes out as a champion, and he's probably headed to the Hall of Fame as well.



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You know, anyone who can draw this much ire from fans of teams in their division must really have been good. Even if he is a "prick" or a "maniac", the dude went to six World Series and won three of them. Maybe Cubs and Reds fans won't miss watching him manage his team in October from their couches, but I for one will miss him A LOT. I'd even go as far as to say he's my favorite manager in the game. Sure he made some poor decisions at times both on and off the field, and sure in his last few seasons he left you scratching your head more than lice, but the game really won't be the same without him around. So long, Tony. Thanks for the memories.



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Chances of Pujols resigning in St. Louis just went down 25%.

St. Louis also having to lock up key, young players like David Freese and Allen Craig knock it down another 25%.

Therefore, the Cubs chances of winning the 2012 World Series just went up 8%. :winner:


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I'm going to miss how Tony La Russa banned WGN from accessing the radar gun for Cubs telecasts. The speed of the meatballs Joel Piniero and Todd Wellemeyer were lobbing was proprietary information.

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The loss of LaRussa should mean nothing to Pujols. LaRussa wouldn't be around for his whole contract no matter what. He would have retired in a year or 2. Plus it'd change if he left anyway.

Also the world series means nothing as well. He either wants to stay or go.

Plus, if it means losing Pujols (it would suck) and LaRussa (I'm fine with this, pretty tired of him after the last 4 years of running promising young players out of town) I'll take that world series everytime. Thats the whole point!!!

Honestly having Pujols could be bad for the team long term cause no matter who signs him is going to have a huge salary to pay for a average player for about 4 years most likely.

That being said I really hope he sticks around no matter the cost, he's second only to Musial when it comes to the Cardinals...

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Chances of Pujols resigning in St. Louis just went down 25%.

St. Louis also having to lock up key, young players like David Freese and Allen Craig knock it down another 25%.

They have awhile before they have to spend a lot on those guys.

I guess I underestimated just how jealous Cubs fans really are. Oh well.

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LaRussa certainly knew how to enhance the performance of his players...


Also, might now be about the time to start up the "Pujols to Yankees" rumors/rants?? (Someone's going to, eventually.)

*Disclaimer: I am not an authoritative expert on stuff...I just do a lot of reading and research and keep in close connect with a bunch of people who are authoritative experts on stuff. 😁

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Jealousy is fear of loss. What's to be taken away from me? I am but a Cubs fan. I have nothing to lose. I'm not jealous of Tony La Russa, I just find him highly irritating.

♫ oh yeah, board goes on, long after the thrill of postin' is gone ♫

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Quick thoughts:

Tony was a heck of a manager. One of the best ever and definitely the best Cardinals manager ever (I say definite, others might debate it). Was he overrated? It's possible. Judging managers is an inexact science and usually comes down to their results. Baseball is a random game already, and wins and losses are also affected by a whole lot of things a manager doesn't control. But he was STILL one of the best ever. Hey the Beatles were one of the best and most influential bands of all-time, and they're simultaneously one of the most overrated bands of all-time. Those things aren't mutually exclusive. The better something is, the better people make it out to be.

Whatever you thought the chances Pujols would sign with the Cardinals was, go ahead and drop it by a single percentage point. This will have no more effect than that. Of course Pujols would have preferred to stick with Tony, but Tony wasn't going to be around a lot longer anyways. And it's not like Pujols can go somewhere else and play for Tony. He's going to play for a new manager wherever he goes. I think that chances remain high for a Pujols return.

While Jose Oquendo will be a candidate for the job, I don't think he's the favorite by any means. I'm not sure there is a favorite at the moment. Oquendo might be a smooth transition, but I'm not sure he's viewed as a serious Major League managing candidate. I expect the list of candidates to include Oquendo, Joe Maddon, Terry Francona, and Mike Matheny, and Jim Riggleman. There are certainly others as well. It will be interesting to see who they go with. It will no doubt be wide open and highly sought after. I think Joe Maddon makes the most season, but the Rays will obviously have the first say in whether that's even a possibility--Maddon has one year left on his contract with Tampa Bay.

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Ahh, Cubs fans. It's so cute when they get riled up. This just in: LaRussa being gone doesn't make the Cubs suck any less, boys.

Congrats to Tony LaRussa on an accomplished career. You might hate him out of jealousy, because of his perceived character, whatever reason; but you can't argue his results.

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On 7/14/2012 at 2:20 AM, tajmccall said:

When it comes to style, ya'll really should listen to Kev.

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Ahh, Cubs fans. It's so cute when they get riled up. This just in: LaRussa being gone doesn't make the Cubs suck any less, boys.

Congrats to Tony LaRussa on an accomplished career. You might hate him out of jealousy, because of his perceived character, whatever reason; but you can't argue his results.

Oh, we know. We just love to dream and kid ourselves into thinking our favorite baseball team is even halfway decent. B)


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Ahh, Cubs fans. It's so cute when they get riled up. This just in: LaRussa being gone doesn't make the Cubs suck any less, boys.

Congrats to Tony LaRussa on an accomplished career. You might hate him out of jealousy, because of his perceived character, whatever reason; but you can't argue his results.

Or you might hate him because his players were juicers and he claims to somehow not know.

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