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Cleveland Browns lack of identity


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When I say lack of identity I don't mean the blank helmet. By lacking identity I mean the few logos that they use and it's hard to notice which one is primary. And then when you figure out that helmet is the primary logo, how bad is that logo? Imagine if baseball team would have a baseball bat as a logo? I could live with helmet logo if they would take Frazer Davidsons design of the helmet, but this realistic looking helmet has to go.

So my question to you is: When you would get a chance to redo the Browns identity, what would your primary mark be. Would it be helmet, leprechaun, letter B or Dawg? I assume you would redesign no matter what you choose, but which one would you pick to build identity around?

Here's my take on in. I took leprechaun as I think it's less common then dawn image or even generic B, and of course for me helmet is out of the options. So I just took the old leprechaun and gave him a modern twist without changing much. I know some of you would do this better, and I would love to see it.


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I'm from Cleveland, but I'm a Panthers and Steelers fan. But if I don't say it, someone eill. It's called the Brownie Elf, not a leprechaun. Also, I agree with you completly. The Brwons should rediesign or reband their current identity.



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The Browns seem to revel in their dullness in real life. I'd throw the fans a bone and use some kind of dog on the helmets, and maybe pattern the jerseys after the short lived design from 84:


There's a reason that look was short-lived, everyone hated it.




All roads lead to Dollar General.


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Glad I'm not the only one who thinks the Browns need a serious rebrand. That being said I think Brownie Elf is too detailed and cartoony to be used on their current helmet. Then again the bright orange helmet color is loud enough itself that I think slapping any logo on them could end up in a busy mixup of aesthetic elements, so I can see why it's always been primarily blank.

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just place this on the side of there helmets with out the football. done!2tgfj27mexxtg6gt2mhwax6wr.gif

In the last game against Detroit, the time from ten minutes left to one minute left was probably the longest nine minutes of my life. But from one to zero was probably the greatest time I've ever had. I didn't want the clock to run out. It was such a great feeling: people crying in the stands, people jumping up and down, people cheering. Guys couldn't even sit up on the bench. It was probably the best minute of my life.

Ah, the "I'm kidding" - the universal internet excuse for saying something that others perceived as dumb.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I would use this as the primary logo used on merchendise, in the stadium, on television.


For Uniform using the actual Cleveland Browns colors of Cleveland Browns Brown, Cleveland Browns Orange and White.

Helmet. I would like to use a Matte finish on the helmet. The lack of a logo on the helmet shows to much glare. I also went back to a white facemask, I believe it gives the uniform a cleaner look.

Home uniform. Switched to orange as the jersey color. The font stays the same. Gave the numerals a shadow paying Homage to the 1946 uniforms the Browns wore. Switched to Brown pants. Used the same striping as the jersey.

Away Uniform. White jersey. Again used the shadow in orange. brown pants and kept the striping of the socks the same as the jersey.

Alt is the uniforms worn in 19 late 70's early eighties.


This is my first time posting I have been lurking for the past 2 years. i decided to givr this a shot. Obviously i use paint. Any C and C is appriciated.

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When I say lack of identity I don't mean the blank helmet. By lacking identity I mean the few logos that they use and it's hard to notice which one is primary. And then when you figure out that helmet is the primary logo, how bad is that logo? Imagine if baseball team would have a baseball bat as a logo? I could live with helmet logo if they would take Frazer Davidsons design of the helmet, but this realistic looking helmet has to go.

So my question to you is: When you would get a chance to redo the Browns identity, what would your primary mark be. Would it be helmet, leprechaun, letter B or Dawg? I assume you would redesign no matter what you choose, but which one would you pick to build identity around?

Here's my take on in. I took leprechaun as I think it's less common then dawn image or even generic B, and of course for me helmet is out of the options. So I just took the old leprechaun and gave him a modern twist without changing much. I know some of you would do this better, and I would love to see it.


His expression is a bit too happy in the original version but this guy is never going to look like a badass no matter what. That's what I wish teams like the Cardinals would figure out, a cardinal is just never going to look fierce so give up on putting a scowl on it.


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theres a difference between "lack of identity" and not having a logo. identity is so much more than a logo. i doubt you mistake the Browns for anyone else when you see the uniforms or a t shirt in the mall.

typography, color, texture, photography, and supporting graphics (helmet stripe, jersey stripes) make up an identity. as you can see on their website, they manage a strong identity without any logos: http://www.clevelandbrowns.com/ and the biggest reason its so strong is that its managed by, in my opinion, the best creative director in the NFL. they dont have much to work with, but that only opens up more possibilities for ideas. its not a weakness. check the season ticket package from 2 years ago


the only problem here is the use of the helmet as logo, like mentioned. but thats NOT an identity problem, thats a logo problem. i just wanted to make that clear. i dont think the helmet icon is a good solution and neither is the elf. we're talking about a modern professional football team here. these guys dress like gladiators and knock the :censored: out of each other. the fan base is called the "dawg pound". they play on natural grass (i think they still do) outside in the mud and snow. a little smiling fairy does not represent any of this. i think they would be smart to adopt the "B" logo full time. They already have a word mark that works well too. i wouldnt change anything dramatic about the uniforms. just wherever you see the helmet icon used, replace it with the B. ditching that out of date icon in favor of the B logo makes the identity stronger without losing anything that is already great about it




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Couldn't possibly agree more with what Brandon said. The Browns have one of the strongest identities in all of pro sports and the (=B=) could be used the same way the Vikings' use their "Hulk Hogan" or the Eagles use their eagle-head and not have to make any changes to their helmet at all.

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Illwauk and Brandon hit the nail on the head. I think their creative team has a tough job in designing things, really without a logo, but I wouldn't say they have NO identity, or a lack of one. There is no other team that you can confuse with them, and that really is the largest purpose of having an identity. Sure, the logo is weak, but they've done a pretty solid job of maintaining the brand, and resisting trends. I actually like their identity, boring as it may be.

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I hope I'm not the only one that would prefer a <=C=> logo instead of the <=B=> logo. I've seen it somewhere (here?) before and I much prefer the C. Between the stripes, the colors, and the football shape, the identity of the Browns is well presented, you don't need to throw a "B" in the logo. What is needed is something that says Cleveland, and a simple block C would do the trick.

I wouldn't mind there being an expanded role for the Elf or Dawg Pound logos but they are not fit as primaries (one is silly and one is really more of a fan logo).

And I certainly agree that the Browns have a strong identity and a weak logo.

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I'm from Cleveland, but I'm a Panthers and Steelers fan. But if I don't say it, someone eill. It's called the Brownie Elf, not a leprechaun. Also, I agree with you completly. The Brwons should rediesign or reband their current identity.

Elyria Catholic?


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The Browns don't need an overhaul. They have a great identity. They just need a logo. One logo. and it needs to be:

<-------The Brownie, which would never be used on the helmet, and probably not even at midfield if I had my way...

Or a 'C' (in which case they would totally ditch the quirky, whimsical attitude that inherently comes with using an elf as your logo and go a simpler, more understated route, just using a monogram, kind of like what the Indians seem to be doing, and what the Giants already do, but not on the helmet).

I would like a 1946 throwback, white helmet and all.

They should wear orange pants for a few games each year.

They need to bring back brown socks with stripes.

I still don't have a website, but I have a dribbble now! http://dribbble.com/andyharry

[The postings on this site are my own and do not necessarily represent the position, strategy or opinions of adidas and/or its brands.]

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