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Minor League Theme Nights


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This week, on the Logocast, our Top 5 is going to be Worst Minor League Theme Jerseys.

Originally, as kind of a bookend to last week's Top 5 Favorite Minor League Baseball Identities, it was going to be Top 5 Ugliest Minor League Theme Night Jerseys, focusing on baseball.

But as soon as I did that, I realized that it would be leaving out all of the really wretched minor league hockey theme nights.

So now, there is no sport segregation, so long as it's minor league and ugly as hell.

Which do you think should make our lists? And which that we might end up hating on do you really like?

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Kingston Frontenacs- Don Cherry Night-- BAD


Colorado SkySox Firefighter/Police Night-- BAD


On September 20, 2012 at 0:50 AM, 'CS85 said:

It's like watching the hellish undead creakily shuffling their way out of the flames of a liposuction clinic dumpster fire.

On February 19, 2012 at 9:30 AM, 'pianoknight said:

Story B: Red Wings go undefeated and score 100 goals in every game. They also beat a team comprised of Godzilla, the ghost of Abraham Lincoln, 2 Power Rangers and Betty White. Oh, and they played in the middle of Iraq on a military base. In the sand. With no ice. Santa gave them special sand-skates that allowed them to play in shorts and t-shirts in 115 degree weather. Jesus, Zeus and Buddha watched from the sidelines and ate cotton candy.

POTD 5/24/12POTD 2/26/17


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I actually own one of these. I put down the minimum bid at a fundraiser for a school where I used to teach and no one else bid on it!

They also did a "Friends of the NRA" jersey night. I can't find a picture. It was around Christmas, and for the first period I thought they were Santa Claus jerseys from my view in the balcony until they made an announcement about them!

And some more...


autism awareness...


And this one from the NW Arkansas Naturals (I do enjoy the alternate universe what if nights)?


The Memphis Redbirds threw back to Chicks jerseys:


"I did absolutely nothing and it was everything I thought it could be." -Peter Gibbons

RIP Demitra #38

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Local team, the Eugene Emeralds, held Grateful Dead night earlier this season


As well as last year (pics down the page, very large):



My only question is: Whyyyy? The Ems are better than this garbage. (Well, maybe they're not.)


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I hope they introduced all the batters with "C'mon down!"

On September 20, 2012 at 0:50 AM, 'CS85 said:

It's like watching the hellish undead creakily shuffling their way out of the flames of a liposuction clinic dumpster fire.

On February 19, 2012 at 9:30 AM, 'pianoknight said:

Story B: Red Wings go undefeated and score 100 goals in every game. They also beat a team comprised of Godzilla, the ghost of Abraham Lincoln, 2 Power Rangers and Betty White. Oh, and they played in the middle of Iraq on a military base. In the sand. With no ice. Santa gave them special sand-skates that allowed them to play in shorts and t-shirts in 115 degree weather. Jesus, Zeus and Buddha watched from the sidelines and ate cotton candy.

POTD 5/24/12POTD 2/26/17


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Those Price is Right jerseys are fantastic, with the details down to the nametag.

Though my favorite has to be Rod Blagojevich night with the Las Vegas Wranglers and Bakersfield Condors




and even the goal judges apparently got into it with robes and wigs. Classic!

I'll respect any opinion that you can defend.

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Though my favorite has to be Rod Blagojevich night with the Las Vegas Wranglers and Bakersfield Condors


Dedicating a game a convicted felon is kinda tacky, IMO. Does this mean the Penguins should have a "Jerry Sandusky Night"? Or how about they dress the Avalanche up as the Joker? :wacko:


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http://ozsportsonlinesports.files.wordpress.com/2012/06/bras-off-for-breast-cancer-aa.png they wore these in warm ups for breast cancer luckily no one goes to watch them haha,

https://a248.e.akamai.net/origin-cdn.volusion.com/sdprj.pjrxh/v/vspfiles/photos/MSJR219PPL-2.jpg?1344192777 these have to be one o my favorites but I missed the game on tv (btw this isn't a minor team one of the best teams in Aussie rugby)


These are just horrible and it wasnt even for breast cancer just women's night

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If I remember correctly (and its a unique touch to the jersey), didn't those Grizzlies jersey nametags come blank and the players wrote in their name as a contestant would? I can't remember if I read that on uniwatch or something.


J M yoU wish you had a Duke Dog!

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