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The 2013 NHL Season Thread


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Obstructators outshooting LA 13-6 after two, yet losing on a fluke goal by Jeff Carter.

Thank god this is the last meeting of the year.

the worst helmets design to me is the Jacksonville jaguars hamlets from 1995 to 2012 because you can't see the logo vary wall

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My cable provider could dump ESPN and there is a good chance that I wouldn't notice.

Your bill would be around $4-$5 cheaper.

Aah, I can't wait until a-la-carte cable/satellite options are available.

Your bill won't get any cheaper. Prices for the popular channels will skyrocket, the less popular channels will just cease to exist, and your bill will be the same.

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Enjoy the Chicago Blackhawks' 22-game season-opening point streak, because you are witnessing an event that likely won't happen again for centuries.

Richard Cleary, professor of mathematical sciences at Bentley University in Waltham, Mass., pegs the probability of its occurrence at once every 700 years.


"You are nothing more than a small cancer on this message board. You are not entertaining, you are a complete joke."


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Enjoy the Chicago Blackhawks' 22-game season-opening point streak, because you are witnessing an event that likely won't happen again for centuries.

Richard Cleary, professor of mathematical sciences at Bentley University in Waltham, Mass., pegs the probability of its occurrence at once every 700 years.


But it doesn't count because ties.


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I would say that advances in technology will allow it to happen again in just eight years, with key upgrades to the "Jonathan Toews" and "Marian Hossa" cyborgs.

♫ oh yeah, board goes on, long after the thrill of postin' is gone ♫

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Why are they focusing on the Heat's 14 game streak, anyway?

Because they're ESPN. For the same reason they were hyping Lebron having scored 30 points while shooting 60% for a few games in a row, which is more a quirk than an accomplishment, ultimately irrelvant and really dumb to focus on. They treated it like it was one of the greatest athletic accomplishments of all time. For the same reason they show the Heat's Harlem Shake video, then bring on people from various sports to ANALYZE the video and speculate on how much fun the Heat had making it. For the same reason they spend 24/7/365 felating the NFL and airing NFL Live daily in :censored:ing late February when there is literally nothing to talk about. Because they are senstionalist crap that will push stuff until people care about it and then exploit the things people care about because people are dumb and will listen when told to. "Wow? ESPN is telling me this is a big deal. I guess I should tune in this Friday night to see the Heat play the Pistons, in what may end up being the defining moment in the history of western civilization."

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Sorry, if this has been posted already Barry Melrose debated Stephen A. Smith yesterday. Smith gets his ass handed to him, and also tries to bring up a point about how you can "glide" around on the ice when you're tired during a game. Listen, :censored:, if you don't know what you're talking about, shut up.

On 4/10/2017 at 3:05 PM, Rollins Man said:

what the hell is ccslc?



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Sorry, if this has been posted already Barry Melrose debated Stephen A. Smith yesterday. Smith gets his ass handed to him, and also tries to bring up a point about how you can "glide" around on the ice when you're tired during a game. Listen, :censored:, if you don't know what you're talking about, shut up.

So SAS' arguments are:

- you can glide and take breaks on the ice. First, untrue. Ice skating is exhausting which is why they play in shifts. Second, has he watched NBA defenses? I see lots of walking and standing around.

- Ties. There haven't been ties since 2004. If you want to talk OTL that's fine, but know what you're talking about and use the correct terminology when debating. That's day 1 of Debate class.

- Basketball is as much a team sport as hockey. Very wrong.

- Lebron James is the best basketball player in the world so anything he does is automatically the best. Not necessarily true.

- There's more parity in the NBA. LOLWUT. There's nothing to support that claim. Wish Melrose would've attacked this harder.

Anyways, Barry Melrose won the argument simply by being not being a psycho and providing real points that make sense while SAS is still going on about the whole ties thing.

EMBRACE DEBATE and then realize you just lost to a calm and relaxed Canadian.


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Weiss is out for the year. This should ramp up the value of other 1st & 2nd liners at the deadline.

I always half-wanted him as a #2 center while half-suspecting Forward Bouwmeester. This saves me from myself, I guess. Sucks for him, though!

♫ oh yeah, board goes on, long after the thrill of postin' is gone ♫

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Anyways, Barry Melrose won the argument simply by being not being a psycho and providing real points that make sense while SAS is still going on about the whole ties thing.


Parity? Please. Kings won last year (vomit) as an 8 seed. 10 different champions in the last 10 years. NBA has like what 4 teams with 95% of the championships? NBA's parity might be better if it weren't creating teams like the Heat or my own Lakers with this superconglomerates of the leagues best players.

Gliding? C'mon. Because no NBA player EVER has not gotten back on defense or taken a play off.

Team sports? Just about every player matters on a hockey team. Your scoring superstars in the NHL might play 25 minutes at the most on a given night. Guys like Lebron and Kobe routinely play 45-50 minutes of the game. Talent wins in the NBA. And don't start reading the entire roster and listing Shane Battier as an argument for a better team sport. The Heat could win a title without Shane Battier or Udonis Haselm. The Kings dont win last year (vomit) without every single guy on their roster playing to their best ability for two months like they did.

And enough with the effing ties. Barry even slipped and said it a couple times, but I want to blame that on Stephen A ignorantly repeating it over and over.



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The Kings dont win last year (vomit) without every single guy on their roster playing to their best ability for two months like they did.

And the Bruins the year before that, too. Almost every Stanley Cup championship team has at least three lines that can go out there and score, and those lines come through in the playoffs. I saw this perfectly with the 2011 Boston Bruins. There first three lines were scoring threats and they still have one of the best fourth lines in hockey with Daniel Paille, Gregory Campbell, and Shawn Thornton.

On 4/10/2017 at 3:05 PM, Rollins Man said:

what the hell is ccslc?



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Team sports? Just about every player matters on a hockey team. Your scoring superstars in the NHL might play 25 minutes at the most on a given night. Guys like Lebron and Kobe routinely play 45-50 minutes of the game. Talent wins in the NBA.

Not quite right. Talent is the basic, ground-level requirement to win in the NBA, but chemistry, execution, and solid role players are what brings a team to the next level.

That's why the Heat, Spurs, Clippers, and Thunder are so good, but the Lakers are so mediocre even though their roster is comparable or even better on paper - the Lakers have a top-heavy roster and a dysfunctional locker room, so mediocrity is the end result.


POTD: 2/4/12 3/4/12

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