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High school goalie's own-goal protest goes viral


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You may have seen this elsewhere on the intertubes already, but in case you haven't...

Apparently this has been a long time in the making, the culmination of a season-long spat between this goalie and his coaches over playing time (he is a senior but had been relegated to backup duty most of the season behind a sophomore). So, ironically during Senior Night, he scored a game-tying own-goal and promptly left the ice, giving the coaches the one-finger salute as he did so. His team went on to lose by, you guessed it, that one goal.

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I'm sure his teammates kicked his ass after the game was over, and deservedly so.

They didn't. They were in on it, or at least knew it was coming.

The kid got a 10 game suspension from school. But what makes this funny, is that the kid's committed to joining the United States Marines following graduation. His DI's gonna just LOVE him.


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I can understand his frustration.

After a great junior year of high school hockey, my senior year sucked badly due to a new defensive coach and my playing time being cut down drastically. Like this kid, the culmination of the frustration came at Senior Night. Before the game, a few of my teammates (including our starting goaltender) said they weren't going to try hard because it "wasn't their Senior Night." I layed into them in the lockerroom, like any good captain (which the defensive coach would threaten to strip me of every damn game) would do. That wasn't enough and our goalie didn't try. At all. I kept advocating to put in our backup (who was a kid that always got the short end of the stick despite busting his ass at practice) to be put in. I was benched for that. After the game, the defensive coach layed into me (as well as an offensive coach how had spoken a grand total of one word to me before this encounter) and I just went off of them. Don't regret a thing.

TL;DR - I went through a similar experience and can understand his frustration. The action however, meh, I'd have to hear more about what the coaches said and did to him prior. I have a sneaking suspicion, though, that more than likely, a few parents were behind this.

On 4/10/2017 at 3:05 PM, Rollins Man said:

what the hell is ccslc?



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The politics of life....my story comes from my senior year of high school on my lacrosse team. I was the only senior on the team, and most of the other guys were freshmen and sophomores. They all hung out together and the coach was good friends with some parents of the younger guys. In the end I gave it my all and knew I needed to work twice as hard as everyone else to earn my respect. After a year of finding it hard to get on the field in the last practice of the year one of the coaches "darlings" decided to take a cheap shot so I dropped my gloves and leveled him, promptly I was kicked out of practice but was graduating the next day so it didn't matter anyways but I certainly left my mark



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Eh... I dunno. Bitch move by the kid, but ballsy as well.

I can see both points of view - "don't suck and you wouldn't be on the bench / gotta do what's best for the team" vs. "senior / has (assumingly) put in more effort over X years"

In the end, he let his teammates down more than the coaches... so I'm leaning toward "whiny bitch move."


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As a former high school hockey player who played in a very functional program under a good coach who's had a lot of success, I can't side with the kid even a little bit. We all knew where we stood going in. The best kids were going to play which meant that my best friend got cut our senior year to take a sophomore on the varsity roster defense. It sucked for him and the rest of the seniors, but we were a better hockey team.

I'm going with 100% whiny bitch move and I'm going to add that someone with the predilection to pull something like this probably earned his lack of playing time for some reason or another. Sorry the sophomore is better than you. That's how competitive sports works. Have some respect for yourself as an athlete and do the best you can when you're given a chance.

When I was in high school and kids complained about the "politics of high school sports" they were almost always not good at the sport they played. If you're the best player, you're going to play. If you're not, sorry, life isn't fair and the only good way to handle it is to accept it without behaving like a jackass.

also, more evidence to support my "goalies are weird people" theory.


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High school sucks. This guy is awesome.

Am I the only one who enjoyed high school? And mind you I wasn't a star jock or one of the "popular" guys either. I was the fat nerd who wore oversized glasses, was a TA for the geology class and was in the pottery club.

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I'm sure the views of what the kid did probably vary by generation. Most old guys like me probably see him for the selfish a** he is. See, he may be right and maybe he was mistreated somehow, but here's the catch: it doesn't matter. You don't do what he did. That's not how a man handles things. There's no justification worthy of it. A man doesn't have to have the last word. He doesn't need to run to Facebook or Twitter and tell the world what a heroic martyr he is. A man knows the truth and that's all that matters. He doesn't need validation from others.

Just my 2 cents.


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Yeah, but there wasn't a generation where goalies weren't nutballs forever on the brink of meltdown. Gump Worsley wasn't afraid to play without a mask but was afraid to fly in a plane. You can't explain these people.

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What a jackass he really shows was more person use for doing that maybe you steam wasn't very good but it doesn't matter you just try to go out to you compete doing something like that really is really shallow and 1 day 1 day hopefully he'll be ready and then when he goes into be a midterm leave make sure if he acts like that he's going to have his ass 1 out by some DI. Maybe you'll be lucky enough to have that guy Gunny like he was in a full metal jacket that would be funny



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