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CFL 2020: A League-Wide Rebrand (16/16 ATLANTIC AND WINDSOR POSTED)


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I was hoping the Alouettes would get a more traditional feel, from the glory days of the 70's. The 60's throwback is a good start however.

The Cavaliers are quite how I pictured them, they look almost like the Colts in light blue.

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I think the Alouettes need a new logo, maybe a updated version of their 1986 logo, and BC's uniforms are good as they are. Victoria and Quebec are great! Keep up the good work can't wait for the rest of this series


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Thank you for the links, but it's working now. They all look amazing! Every one!

For Winnipeg, make sure you don't use the new "Block W" thing which I won't call a logo. It's just a letter, not a logo. The old one was miles better. Now enough of my rant.

Anyways, Great work!

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Absolutely love the Alouettes. The striping on the home/away jerseys is downright gorgeous. 1000x better than the monstrosities they wear now.

I really like the colors and logo for Quebec. The fleur-de-lis is unique, which can be hard to do. Not sure what's going on with the sleeve/shoulder striping though. They seem to be a little random. I think just the double stripes on the shoulder, but in an Indianapolis Colts-style loop, would look better.

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Quebec is really nice, good simple light blue and white. The fluer de lis is well done too. Striping is excellant. What I mean about the paw is the paw on the chest and I think the axes shoulden't be 3d. Thanks. Sorry is it was too confusing. Great thread.

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Nice start to this series of concepts

As I have done something similar in terms of new teams and tweaking or more for existing teams--but not to the point of full blwn concepts, I am interested to see what you come up with.

Lions-Please keep the paw on the helmets--it looks way better. It may not be the primary logo today, but who's to say it wouldn't be in 2020?

Overall I like the look--but the striping makes these look like miscolored TiCat unis to me--especially the away ones. Maybe a different number or size of stripes?

I realize it ties in with the paw which is cool, but if you change the paw size or angle you can do the stripes differently.

Victoria-the colours look odd for a team in Victoria--sort of a dull colour, but I like the use of plaid in the stripes. (I used a tartan pattern for a Cape Breton team--so I certainly appreciate this kind of design decision.)

Alouettes- Overall I like the look-but the stripes on the shoulders do not work for me--maybe they're too vertical. I do like the shoulder on the alts. The Retros look cool--although I prefer their red & green unis from years ago--the winged ones here are cool.

Quebec-nice & simple & straight forward. These would look great on the field--I like the light blue--certainly different enough from the teams that do use blue currently.

For future-I am watching for the Stamps and hope that if you use black it is as a highlight or trim colour and they truly live up to the red & white nickname.

But so far--pretty good.

Comic Sans walks into a bar, and the bartender says, "Sorry, we don't serve your type here."

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Really like all of them.

The only change I would have is changing Moncton's name. I feel the name should be in English as well and do like what the RedBlacks are doing, having one name in English and one in French.

No need to, I mean, Faucons is Falcons in english. On a wordmark, he could make a fun U becoming an L, see.

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Really like all of them.

The only change I would have is changing Moncton's name. I feel the name should be in English as well and do like what the RedBlacks are doing, having one name in English and one in French.

No need to, I mean, Faucons is Falcons in english. On a wordmark, he could make a fun U becoming an L, see.

I know Faucons is Falcons. I was just saying how the RedBlacks use


and they also use


Since New Brunswick is the only official bilingual province, I feel a team in Moncton could pull it off as well.


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