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New U. of Arizona Football Jerseys


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I was slumming on Fanhome (sorry, but I've been bored today) and someone posted these. I figured they'd post them here but I haven't seen them yet so I thought I'd throw them up. Credit for finding them goes to stat32.



I think this is the first time a team's name has been placed on the back of the jersey. I can't imagine that this is going to look very good on the field.

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Good find...I knew they were changing jerseys, just didn't know when this summer.

I'm amazed that Miami's template is as popular as it is, considering the fact that it's pretty hideous. Mark up another one in the column "Jerseys Nike has ruined with piping/bra strap".

Smart is believing half of what you hear. Genius is knowing which half.


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First Miami, Then Michigan, now Arizona????

What is Nike up to? This is just .......ugh. :puke:

If allowed to continue every Nike jersey in D1 football will be the same template, just different colors.

It's a horror that Michigan allowed Nike to butcher their road uniform (The home is almost untouched) But what if other teams like Oklahoma, Nebraska, Texas, Texas A&M, or even Alabama went the same route. (Glad most of those teams are Addias along with Arizona State) It would be worst thing since the BCS!


John Nelson


"Post Hoc, Ergo Propter Hoc!:  "After this, therefore, because of this."


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(Glad most of those teams are Addias along with Arizona State)

Arizona State is a Nike school. Started last season.

Smart is believing half of what you hear. Genius is knowing which half.


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That thing looks like an arena football jersey...maybe even worse. I can't stand what Nike has done to some of these teams uniforms. Piping should be outlawed on football jerseys...especially if it is going to be on everyone's!

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It looked good on Miami, and it looked good on Clemson because they have vibrant colors. It looks like garbage on this, and the Arizona on the back amplifies it. I liked it for Miami, but Nike needs to stop playin with this nonsense template.



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To quote my favorite wrestler of all time The Rock,


That is horrible. I mean just terrible. Now look, I'm a big fan of some of the templates that Nike has created. But that my friends is the worst. Bad form, just plain bad form.


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First Miami, Then Michigan, now Arizona????

What is Nike up to? This is just .......ugh. :puke:

If allowed to continue every Nike jersey in D1 football will be the same template, just different colors.

It's a horror that Michigan allowed Nike to butcher their road uniform (The home is almost untouched) But what if other teams like Oklahoma, Nebraska, Texas, Texas A&M, or even Alabama went the same route. (Glad most of those teams are Addias along with Arizona State) It would be worst thing since the BCS!


John Nelson


Nike + college sports = bad.

Nice avatar?are you an umpire too?

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