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Browns "B" and Ligature


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Hi, I'm new to this board so please bear with me. As a long time Browns fan, I've always appreciated the simplicity of the uniforms and logo. Much has to do with the stuff I collected as a kid and still is pretty relevant as a 37 year old. Anyway, I always like the font or ligature that the Browns had up until 2 years ago when the went to a more, generic block spelling. For awhile that B would show up on t-shirts and hats and was at the stadium. As I read some of the other posts, they are getting away from the new font. Is this true? Are they moving back to the old one? I've noticed that some of the jerseys have the old font on it, but others have the new ones. The odd thing is that I think they started using the "Browns" on the jerseys after they changed the logo.

Anyway, here is an email response from the Browns I received 2 years ago about the new font.

Thanks for your inquiry.

In a cooperative effort between the NFL, Reebok, and the Cleveland Browns, you will begin to see an introduction of the ancillary logo design featuring a new Browns typeface as well as a new ligature "B" design. Simple, but effective ways to keep the beloved Brown and Orange fresh and exciting without having to tamper with the "holy grail" that is our beautiful orange helmet.

Thank you for your continued support,

Brett Reynolds

Brett W. Reynolds

Director, Marketing & Sales

Cleveland Browns

76 Lou Groza Boulevard

Berea, OH 44017

440-891-5043 phone

440-891-7505 fax

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Whats your question?? Im a long time Browns fan and Cleveland resident, as well.

The =B= logo inside the football shape just started when the new tyupe face (which I prefer, by the way) started.

Back 4 or 5 yrs ago, Tim Couch and others wore sideline caps that just had the "B" logo from the pre-2004 version of the "B". But the logo didnt start til they changed the typeface.

If you recall, at that time, they adopted two secondary logos, the =B= as well as the dawg face that has appeard on the field and on hats, jackets and shirts.

I believe the type face that is on the jersey has only been the newest font, the block that you stated you dont like.

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The B logo is gone, officially, but who's to say it won't come back? I really liked it.

There are jerseys with the old font, I've seen them as well. They may have received a bunch of blank ones, and had them left over from years prior to switching the wordmark, then just sewed numbers and nameplates on them as needed.

I prefer the new font, by the way. The old one is just too delicate and thin for a sports logo.

I still don't have a website, but I have a dribbble now! http://dribbble.com/andyharry

[The postings on this site are my own and do not necessarily represent the position, strategy or opinions of adidas and/or its brands.]

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My question is are they still using that new B logo for this year?  Someone suggested that they were going to drop it.

It, my friend, is history.

I didnt realize the =B= was history. If given a choice between that and the dawg face, I would have went with the =B=.


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  • 2 weeks later...

This is my understanding from a good source with the Browns. The <=B=> logo and "BullDawg Logo" are out. The 3-D helmet IS indeed an official logo. Sort of an "update" of the old 3-D helmet the Browns used in the late 70s early 80s. It was a 3-d helmet tilted down with a simple ficemask. (I htink I emailed it to Tank some time ago)

They are indeed testing the "Brownie Elf" logo on merchandise and various other placement. This may determine the release as an "official" logo. This will have no impact on the helmet or anything like that. The current ownership wants to connect with the past. Art Modell is the one who did not like the Elf logo and stopped using it.

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Okay. I will be nice. Long time STEELERS FAN, here goes.

I like the Cincinnati B logo and I believe if Cleveland were to go with that kind of logo then why not show that style of font with a bone running in the spots of where the hole in the be would be. It's just a thought, but it would be a sharp logo to put on the helmet.

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I never liked the "Dawg" too much. I'd rather see a return to the Brownie.

The B logo is gone, officially, but who's to say it won't come back? I really liked it.

There are jerseys with the old font, I've seen them as well. They may have received a bunch of blank ones, and had them left over from years prior to switching the wordmark, then just sewed numbers and nameplates on them as needed.

When I was at the Hall of Fame at Canton, they had a display with the jerseys worn by the QB and receiver during a "miracle finish" game (Couch and Robinson? Can't remember - help me out, Browns fans) and they had different wordmarks under the collar.

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I'm sorry. Please don't take this the wrong way, but I hate that Elf. I think it is one of the most rediculous logos in sports history. Sorry, I know that might tick you off, believe me, that is not my intention. I just really hate it. I would prefer that they go with the Dawg logo. I hate the dawg pound, but lets remember, they made playing in Cleveland a nightmare. When I think of the Browns, I think of the Dawg Pound.

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I like the Dawg logo. It's really well done, but I don't know that it should represent the team; I'm undecided. The <=B=> logo was perfect to represent the team, as is Brownie Elf, though I think they should clean him up a little so he doesn't look like he is still from the 1950s. The helmet for the primary logo is corny, and stupid.

And Buddy, NO logo is a sharp logo to put on the Browns' helmet. :P

I still don't have a website, but I have a dribbble now! http://dribbble.com/andyharry

[The postings on this site are my own and do not necessarily represent the position, strategy or opinions of adidas and/or its brands.]

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And with tongue planted firmly in cheek, I give you my new Browns' helmet proposal:



Although I probably shouldn't have... I laughed.


My, My, My, Mitchell.



"If things have gone wrong, I'm talking to myself, and you've got a wet towel wrapped around your head."

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