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NHL wordmark concepts


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At most, all they are is typefaces. Nothing is unique about them. All of them except for Winnipeg, Vancouver and Ottawa look like the same font. Try to add something to them besides just a typeface.



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I like the attempt, but these are lacking quality. They look like fonts you'd find on a 12-year-old's diary.

You have to do better than choosing a random MS Word font.

Smart is believing half of what you hear. Genius is knowing which half.


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Not sure what program you are using but I would recommend looking into Inkscape if you want to do something like this. The difference between the logos and the fonts is extremely noticeable & the overall quality is poor. You can find scaleable vectors for any nhl team at brandsoftheworld.com so there's no excuse for using low quality rasters. With that being said, I think the idea to do a series of NHL wordmarks is a good one and there are a few good ideas here (the oilers drop).

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These look a little too 90's and kiddish.

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Least Favorites: New York Giants, New York Mets, Washington Capitals, Pittsburgh Penguins, Philadelphia Eagles, OBJ

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Yeah, what everyone else is saying is pretty true. What program are you using? I would like to know because it doesn't seem to pop out like a wordmark should in my opinion. I like your ideas, but the base of what you're building off of seems kind of shake-y. Like Morgo said, get inkscape if necessary and at least get some better fonts if you want to keep your older base idea

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meh. My advice: Edmonton looks purple and yellow to me. Also try looking at the current team fonts and seeing the improvements you could make to them. These word marks should look more up to date than the 70s.





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