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infrared41's Best and Worst - NFL Week 2


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Read what I wrote. Thanks for the hatred.

I did and that's why I was pointing out it indeed deserves being stripped away in the name of consistency. I totally get the fact that you as a Cowboys fan have grown accustomed to these. Does this fact make the white set a tad better? No it really doesn't... He gave all the credit the navy set deserves and the fact that the colors are matching is a major factor for almost everyone but those who have grown "accustomed" to the white ones.

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Personally regarding the Cowboys, I'd love it if they made the helmet color match the home pants rather than the other way around. I really love the way that greenish silver color looks with royal blue, and it'd be a pretty unique helmet color all across football.

You'd have to do something a little different for the road darks to make everything mesh, but even a navy top paired with the greenish silver helmet and pants would look great, I think. So they could go with a new royal or a new navy jersey and I think it'd work.


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Maybe it's Stockholm syndrome or the fact that it somewhat resembles the old unis, but that is the best possible the bucs can look. They chose the correct color socks as well. Just my 02. Not saying best uni, but best possible combo

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I hate the Cowboys as much as anyone but I've got to admit the navy set is miles ahead of the white. It looks totaly awesome and the fact that colors actually match is a major reason why. Tradition can be good for some (Packers, Raiders, Colts, etc) but the Cowboys white set is definitely a hot mess and has been looking like crap for way too long.

The Cowboys' navy jersey blows. I've never understood the love for it, other than that people are excited just because it's only seen once a year. The *only* good part of it is that the pants match the helmet (although that wasn't the case until 2012). The jersey itself looks like a Walmart bastardization of a Cowboys jersey. "Uh, take their sleeve stripes. Okay, get rid of one. Now put the primary logo on top of it. Ok, good. And let's just throw in a random detached white outline around the numbers. Perfect." When I'm in Walmart and see the $40 Bears jerseys with two orange stripes on the sleeves with the primary logo above them, I'm reminded of the Cowboys.

Setting aside the :censored:ty design, it's a bad jersey because the Cowboys shouldn't wear navy! Regardless of people disliking the mismatched home set, that's how the Cowboys look. I don't care if dunce Jerry Jones has them wearing navy gear on the sidelines. The team uses royal blue for about 95% of its games, and has probably only worn navy 30 times ever.

So, they obviously need to match the helmet to the pants. I'd love to see a silver-green helmet, but going back to bluish silver on both would probably be best. Then take the white jersey and swap the colors to get the blue jersey. That's all they need to do. While the primary set is flawed, I'd still much rather look at those flaws than see the Cowboys wear something that looks like a concept someone posted on Bleacher Report.

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Maybe it's Stockholm syndrome or the fact that it somewhat resembles the old unis, but that is the best possible the bucs can look. They chose the correct color socks as well. Just my 02. Not saying best uni, but best possible combo

Off topic but relevant to post, I was in what was the Kreditbanken building a couple weeks ago.

"The views expressed here are mine and do not reflect the official opinion of my employer or the organization through which the Internet was accessed."

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Really like the weekly updates Red, but can we lay off the "mismatched Cowboy blues" comment every week?

Believe me, I'd love to. I'm as sick of it as you are. The problem is this; any time I put the Cowboys home uniforms on the best list without mentioning the mismatched colors, the first comment is always something to the effect of "how can you put the Cowboys on this list when their colors are so screwed up?" When the Cowboys blue jerseys make the list (and they almost always do) if I don't say "and the colors match", the first comment is always "you forgot to mention the best part, the colors actually match." With the home uniforms, I just got tired of constantly having to defend why I like them. I bring up the mismatched colors to save us all the trouble of seeing the same old tired debate pop up every time Dallas makes the best list. It's the same thing to a lesser extent with the blue jerseys. If you go back to the first couple years of my silly little list, you'll see that I always said "I don't care if the colors don't match, I still like the look." You know how it is around here. If you like something that isn't matched in every conceivable way, you'll never hear the end of it.

TL;DR version: I'm not as obsessive about socks, colors, and matching stripes as most people and I got tired of explaining that every week. I like what I like. All that matters to me is that a uniform looks good.






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I'm willing to bet the Bucs uniforms don't change after 5 years , why should they just because a very vocal minority hates them? They are all over the place in Tampa so people are buying them.

Aside from minor tweaking i like em, but you can't say that stuff in these here parts.

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Really like the weekly updates Red, but can we lay off the "mismatched Cowboy blues" comment every week?

I know they don't match, most Cowboys fans know they don't match….hell, Stevie Wonder knows they don't match. The truth is I don't care. It's a quirk many here have grown accustomed to and I think stripping it away in the name of consistency is a mistake. To me, having the blue elements of the white uniform (pants and all) have either all navy or all royal as a "unifying" color would look foreign to me. I even like the silver-green pants, which makes even less sense. I guess it's my growing up with something I identify with. We still look better than the Seahawks, Buccaneers and Jags entire set.

As far as the "blue jersey curse" goes, I swear Cowboy fans (the ones I know) care a lot less about it than you would think. I think Cowboys opponents play it up more than Dallas does to be honest.

The white jersey at home thing is another quirk I grew up around. I like it.

I completely see where you are coming from and I totally understand. But, I don't think I've cringed more than anytime I've ever watched the Cowboys. This is coming from my graphic design state-of-mind. As for my football state-of-mind, I love tradition and enjoy watching great football, which often times, the Cowboys exhibit. I just can't let the design state-of-mind be ignored on this one...The Cowboys NEED to fix these things. I don't care how long they've done it, how many 'ships they've won in them, or what Jerry Jones thinks about them. The colors don't match, and the home unis are the worst in North American sports because of the inconsistencies...I hate to say this and Cowboy fans might hate to hear it, but I think a change is inevitable, no matter how much you think it is not...It might not be 5 years, 10 years, down the road, but these inconsistencies will be fixed. Right now Jerry Jones is the road block, but once a younger, fresh minded person takes over in the future, I believe these will be fixed...hopefully.

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With all this talk of Dallas and their mismatched hues... I think part of why Dallas lightened the blue on their white unis was that the "matching" blue often looked too close to black:


I personally have no problem with this look:


I don't think the lighter numbers were an issue until the team got away from screenprinting and/or heat-pressing... whatever material they started using for their stitched numbers seems to catch the light differently, with much less consistency overall... switching to Nike hasn't solved the problem.


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I'm willing to bet the Bucs uniforms don't change after 5 years , why should they just because a very vocal minority hates them? They are all over the place in Tampa so people are buying them.

Aside from minor tweaking i like em, but you can't say that stuff in these here parts.

Yes. You're so brave to voice an opinion on a message board, fully knowing that most people disagree with you. A modern William Wallace.

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