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5 hours ago, BBTV said:

I get that - but that's not my point.  My point is that if you already follow the blue-check, then the imposter wouldn't appear in your feed unless you sought it out.  

If an athlete is trending, you’ll see people you follow & people you don’t follow tweeting about them.


Earlier today a fake Woj account with a blue check posted that the Nets were releasing Kyrie. It got thousands of retweets before Twitter did anything about it. 

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34 minutes ago, spartacat_12 said:

Earlier today a fake Woj account with a blue check posted that the Nets were releasing Kyrie. It got thousands of retweets before Twitter did anything about it. 


That same "verified" Woj account also reported on Kevin Durant tearing his junk. You're like 99% sure it's fake because of how wild that kind of injury sounds, but you still have to click to make sure it's a Woj imposter. 🤦‍♂️


The account it still up. it clearly states "PARODY" in the bio. But I'm sure it'll be suspended/shut down without an $8 refund.


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3 hours ago, Cujo said:

This is the real Elon replying. Threw $44B at twitter just to watch it burn to the ground.


Big if true. Is a hot dog a sandwich? Sir, this is a Wendy's!

♫ oh yeah, board goes on, long after the thrill of postin' is gone ♫

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17 hours ago, Cujo said:

Threw $44B at twitter just to watch it burn to the ground.

He paid $44 billion for a company that’s worth somewhere between $8 and $12 billion.


It’s only worth that amount because Twitter only generates about $5 billion in annual revenue, but it went $12 billion in the hole the second Musk signed off on the papers.


Make no mistake, this will be taught as a case study in business school. The hubris of thinking you know everything about a business you clearly know nothing about, combined with grossly overpaying for said business is a combination rarely seen to this extent.


I’m not shy about pointing to Tony Kahn’s shortcomings as the owner of AEW. But by comparison, he’s like Bill Gates at Microsoft compared to how Musk has operated Twitter. He may make mistakes, but he doesn’t say, why do we have so many wrestlers for? Why can’t two of them wrestle every match? And why do we have these cameras for? They’re way too expensive. Let’s put the matches on AM radio instead.


Point is there’s at least a basic understanding of what the product is and should look like. There’s none with Musk running Twitter. It can’t be understated how clearly bad he is at this.


I genuinely feel bad for the people working there, because it really did seem like a nice place to work. And to watch a dream job like that overnight turn into an absolute nightmare all because some rich ahole wanted to make a point. That sucks.

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16 hours ago, DG_ThenNowForever said:

It's funny because anyone who's ever worked with anyone who came in at a high level but was clearly clueless can see so clearly what's going on.


But there's a longstanding, unearned cult of personality around Elon that blinds people to what's happening right in front of their faces. No, he didn't invent electric cars, no the hyperloop isn't real, no he won't reinvent mass transit, and no he isn't a social network genius.



The person with the worst case of that affliction is Elon himself. I hope this wakes a few people up and dispels the mystique of him as some benevolent genius set on improving humanity. He's a memelord idiot who got lucky with some trust fund investments. Dickhead could've wiped out world hunger with 44 billion and instead he did this because he got mad about some non-existant grievance with a website. 


What's funny to me is I knew he'd be bad, but he's destroying it in ways that nobody could've guessed. Destroying the verification system so you can squeeze 10-15 million a year out of users when the debt is in the billions every year and in the process losing WAY more than 10-15 mill in ad revenue as a result. Never saw that coming because who would think he'd attack a common sense system like the one that lets users know the information is coming from the real person? 


This is the biggest unforced error in business history, right? 

I'm a little interested in seeing whether the exodus actually happens and to what extent the damage will be. I'm tweeting less, but I only have 1500 followers, but will the actual blue checks stay? The people with 100's of thousands of followers can't just leave and start over somewhere else that easily. It's like they're suddenly holding a currency that has half the value it had two weeks ago. 


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25 minutes ago, Germanshepherd said:

Personally, I haven’t noticed that much of a difference besides people posting largely about president Musty over other topics. I don’t think anyone’s going anywhere and within a month or two everyone will be back. 

It's gonna be slow, but Twitter is definitely going to lose their user base. It will be a major adjustment for most people after almost a decade, but there's only 4 situations that can happen:

  • Twitter loses it's user base to someone like Mastodon, so they go bankrupt
  • Twitter goes bankrupt, thus losing the user base
  • Someone actually stands up to Musk and tries to undo some of the damage done.
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Twitter's greatest sin is it's likely the only place in the world where Elon sees people criticize him.


So he turned it into 4chan. It's really only a matter of days before everyone uses goatse as their avatars.

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1 hour ago, ShutUpLutz! said:

and the drunken doodoobags jumping off the tops of SUV's/vans/RV's onto tables because, oh yeah, they are drunken drug abusing doodoobags

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Also have to wonder who would want a Tesla after all this? Maybe in the good old days but not in an era where your car is a computer that's forever connected to the manufacturer. I wouldn't trust the guy to not brick everyone's Tesla before long with management like this.


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1 hour ago, Red Comet said:

I for one enjoy Twitter’s downfall. It was a cesspit long before Elon wanted to buy Twitter.


I thought it got better after the 2020 elections.


You would frequently see what I would call Grandma Mary accounts. Little old lady from small town USA who loves her grandkids, her god, her country, and of course, her President. And it just so happens she has over 40k followers.


Beginning that January, I thought Twitter made a concerted effort to start going after those fake accounts because, by April of 2021, they were mostly gone, as far as I could tell. But I'm not sure if Twitter didn't essentially sign its death certificate when it did that because I'm not naïve enough to think that there aren't a lot of influential people out there who wanted those accounts floating around regardless of whether they're real or not. I believe the current person in charge was one of them, despite his claims of being a warrior for free speech.


I don't think Musk wants Twitter to fail. I think he has a very specific and narrow-minded vision of what Twitter should be, and if it can't be that, then the hell with it.


Anyone with that much money still getting up to go to work and be a boss is sick in the head. They're not doing it to make a living; they’re doing it for the love of the game. They enjoy bossing people around and having minions suck up to them.

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1 minute ago, TrueYankee26 said:

So let me get this straight


Elon is running Twitter to the ground

Zaslav is running Warner Bros to the ground

Netflix ending password sharing which is going to drive them to the ground

Let's not get started on Meta (Facebook)


Troubling trend in the business world


Our captains of industry are lucky morons.

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1 hour ago, ShutUpLutz! said:

and the drunken doodoobags jumping off the tops of SUV's/vans/RV's onto tables because, oh yeah, they are drunken drug abusing doodoobags

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32 minutes ago, TrueYankee26 said:

So let me get this straight


Elon is running Twitter to the ground

Zaslav is running Warner Bros to the ground

Netflix ending password sharing which is going to drive them to the ground

Let's not get started on Meta (Facebook)


Troubling trend in the business world

And this is before finding out just how many companies are in debt up to their eyeballs. Pigs feed, hogs get slaughtered. Also, banks are part of this too what with being overleveraged as well with bad debt. Next year is going to be so much fun!

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The power users who say they're leaving will be back. Nobody will leave Twitter to go into little echo chambers because the whole point of Twitter is to screw with and immiserate the people you don't like. Nobody wants to just talk about their special interests and more or less get along. That's what forums are for. Twitter is getting in arguments with strangers, replying to them with the picture of the pig pooping on its balls, looking up their personal information, and reporting them to HR. Good luck having that fun on Mastodon.

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♫ oh yeah, board goes on, long after the thrill of postin' is gone ♫

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5 minutes ago, Red Comet said:

Frankly, I think we could use less of stupid arguments and trying to get people fired over them. My two cents. 

That would be wonderful. Back to forums. The whole world was not meant to post on forums, especially not one big one.

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♫ oh yeah, board goes on, long after the thrill of postin' is gone ♫

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30 minutes ago, the admiral said:

That would be wonderful. Back to forums. The whole world was not meant to post on forums, especially not one big one.


This board here (and others of this ilk) are the best social internet experience I have. 


Reddit has the format of forums down, but the userbase typically takes the worst elements from Twitter and combines it with an air of superiority that makes everything feel confrontational regardless of context. I do like that more than Twitter (even though the content's worse) however because everybody is faceless there. Plus every comment is made by somebody who goes on Reddit, which makes it easy not to take seriously.


But here we can write paragraphs about our thoughts on the Detroit Lions' number font history and get positive reactions (and if somebody doesn't like it, they leave it alone. what a concept. love it here)

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i have unquantifiable corpses on my conscience 

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