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2021-2022 NHL Jersey Changes


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22 hours ago, andrewharrington said:

Only so much you can do when you find out who’s playing less than a year before the game. Essentially, it limits you to templates and colors that already exist at the factory.

Full of excuses as usual.

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25 minutes ago, Morgan33 said:

Full of excuses as usual.

What do you expect him to do in this situation, per chance; talk trash about his coworkers and the clients he does work for? That's a good way to both sour your coworkers on you and get said clients to not want you back to work with them for more jobs.


Besides, he's right in that this is how any new uniform is handled; you do concepts a while ahead of time, then whittle down to a final product that you and the client are happy with. That this was on a compressed timeframe just means the time to iron out kinks was lower and thus the end result isn't as refined as it could have been.

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1 hour ago, mattwillcox said:

oh come on...someone who has real experience in this industry openly shares their knowledge of how things actually work and this is the response?

Just because someone has experience in the industry and knows how it works, doesn't mean their work is exempt from criticism.  The amount of designs, we've seen from Adidas, that look like they were dashed off in less than 5 minutes, these past five years, is staggering.  I don't work for WWE but I'm allowed to say their product has been extremely underwhelming for a long time.   You put something in the public domain, people are going to have opinions about it.  Especially on a forum where people share their opinions on uniform designs.  Get over it. 


55 minutes ago, Ridleylash said:

What do you expect him to do in this situation, per chance; talk trash about his coworkers and the clients he does work for? That's a good way to both sour your coworkers on you and get said clients to not want you back to work with them for more jobs.

I don't expect him to do anything except stop making excuses for why new designs look like a total of 5 minutes of effort were spent on them.  The Arena's jersey just looks half-assed but the "Smashville" jersey was indefensible and I remember hearing a bunch of excuses about that too...  Back in 2006, the designer's behind the Sabres 'Slug' could be criticized and rightfully so.  I don't remember anyone on hear saying "that designer works for Reebok and knows the process so him and his work are off limits from criticism."  Give me a break.


55 minutes ago, Ridleylash said:

Besides, he's right in that this is how any new uniform is handled; you do concepts a while ahead of time, then whittle down to a final product that you and the client are happy with. That this was on a compressed timeframe just means the time to iron out kinks was lower and thus the end result isn't as refined as it could have been.

If that Arena's jersey is the result of "the process" then there is something seriously wrong with said process that should be evaluated.  I don't buy the excuse that "this is best we could do because we only had a year."  Someone could make a better design in 5 minutes.

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3 hours ago, Morgan33 said:

Just because someone has experience in the industry and knows how it works, doesn't mean their work is exempt from criticism.  The amount of designs, we've seen from Adidas, that look like they were dashed off in less than 5 minutes, these past five years, is staggering.  I don't work for WWE but I'm allowed to say their product has been extremely underwhelming for a long time.   You put something in the public domain, people are going to have opinions about it.  Especially on a forum where people share their opinions on uniform designs.  Get over it. 


I don't expect him to do anything except stop making excuses for why new designs look like a total of 5 minutes of effort were spent on them.  The Arena's jersey just looks half-assed but the "Smashville" jersey was indefensible and I remember hearing a bunch of excuses about that too...  Back in 2006, the designer's behind the Sabres 'Slug' could be criticized and rightfully so.  I don't remember anyone on hear saying "that designer works for Reebok and knows the process so him and his work are off limits from criticism."  Give me a break.


If that Arena's jersey is the result of "the process" then there is something seriously wrong with said process that should be evaluated.  I don't buy the excuse that "this is best we could do because we only had a year."  Someone could make a better design in 5 minutes.

Look at it this way…


When it comes to licensed apparel on a commercial scale, finding out who’s playing less than a year before the event is like someone saying, “Design me a uniform in ten minutes, and it’s due 5 minutes ago.”



I still don't have a website, but I have a dribbble now! http://dribbble.com/andyharry

[The postings on this site are my own and do not necessarily represent the position, strategy or opinions of adidas and/or its brands.]

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A decent looking matchup for the Heritage Classic overall. The Sabres jersey isn't especially remarkable as a slightly diferent take on their classic look, but I like the design in itself.


With the Arenas text in blue the Toronto jersey almost feels like it's meant to be a halfway point between the 1917 and 1918 versions, otherwise I'm not sure what they're going for. Or maybe they couldn't decide if they wanted it with or without the white Arenas text, either of which would have been preferable.


PotD: 24/08/2017

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11 hours ago, Morgan33 said:

Just because someone has experience in the industry and knows how it works, doesn't mean their work is exempt from criticism.  The amount of designs, we've seen from Adidas, that look like they were dashed off in less than 5 minutes, these past five years, is staggering.  I don't work for WWE but I'm allowed to say their product has been extremely underwhelming for a long time.   You put something in the public domain, people are going to have opinions about it.  Especially on a forum where people share their opinions on uniform designs.  Get over it. 


I don't expect him to do anything except stop making excuses for why new designs look like a total of 5 minutes of effort were spent on them.  The Arena's jersey just looks half-assed but the "Smashville" jersey was indefensible and I remember hearing a bunch of excuses about that too...  Back in 2006, the designer's behind the Sabres 'Slug' could be criticized and rightfully so.  I don't remember anyone on hear saying "that designer works for Reebok and knows the process so him and his work are off limits from criticism."  Give me a break.


If that Arena's jersey is the result of "the process" then there is something seriously wrong with said process that should be evaluated.  I don't buy the excuse that "this is best we could do because we only had a year."  Someone could make a better design in 5 minutes.

There is a difference between criticizing the final product and being an asshat. Talk about how much you hate the design all you want, I'm not a huge fan of it either. But if someone is going to go out of their way to explain to you why something might have ended up this way  then don't turn around and say :censored: like "full of excuses as usual". That's not design criticism. This board has driven away enough people who can offer this kind of insight, let's not continue to do it.

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7 hours ago, mattwillcox said:

Talk about how much you hate the design all you want, I'm not a huge fan of it either. But if someone is going to go out of their way to explain to you why something might have ended up this way  then don't turn around and say :censored: like "full of excuses as usual". That's not design criticism. This board has driven away enough people who can offer this kind of insight, let's not continue to do it.

You're right.  It isn't design criticism, it's calling a spade a spade.  At least the person behind the Buffaslug owned up to it.  He didn't say it turned it out the way it did because of time and manufacturing constraints and try and pass it off as a good effort. 

From the time sports merchandise went mainstream till the mid 2000's, uniform designs didn't look they were dashed off in less than 5 minutes.  Even blunders like Fisherman, Mooterus and Predator's Mustard's (to name a few) at least looked like some effort was put into them...  They didn't just recolor Detroit's template, remove the sleeve stripes, slap a retro logo on it, and call it day.  But I guess a process with a track-record as unoriginal and slap-dash, as the below image indicates, is exempt from any criticism because someone shared some insider information about it...  Whatever the CCSLC mob says.  Flame on.



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1 hour ago, Morgan33 said:

You're right.  It isn't design criticism, it's calling a spade a spade.  At least the person behind the Buffaslug owned up to it.  He didn't say it turned it out the way it did because of time and manufacturing constraints and try and pass it off as a good effort. 

From the time sports merchandise went mainstream till the mid 2000's, uniform designs didn't look they were dashed off in less than 5 minutes.  Even blunders like Fisherman, Mooterus and Predator's Mustard's (to name a few) at least looked like some effort was put into them...  They didn't just recolor Detroit's template, remove the sleeve stripes, slap a retro logo on it, and call it day.  But I guess a process with a track-record as unoriginal and slap-dash, as the below image indicates, is exempt from any criticism because someone shared some insider information about it...  Whatever the CCSLC mob says.  Flame on.



You...do realize that it's ultimately the teams, and not Adidas themselves, that decide what to go with when it comes to jerseys, right? Adidas presents concepts and produces what the teams deem satisfactory, so the prevalence of this design motif isn't Adidas' fault for being lazy, it's that the teams producing said jerseys thought it looked the best for what they wanted.


You're blaming the wrong side of the equation. And like, aside from the Nashville Stadium jersey, these all look perfectly fine anyways.

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1 hour ago, Morgan33 said:

You're right.  It isn't design criticism, it's calling a spade a spade.  At least the person behind the Buffaslug owned up to it.  He didn't say it turned it out the way it did because of time and manufacturing constraints and try and pass it off as a good effort. 

From the time sports merchandise went mainstream till the mid 2000's, uniform designs didn't look they were dashed off in less than 5 minutes.  Even blunders like Fisherman, Mooterus and Predator's Mustard's (to name a few) at least looked like some effort was put into them...  They didn't just recolor Detroit's template, remove the sleeve stripes, slap a retro logo on it, and call it day.  But I guess a process with a track-record as unoriginal and slap-dash, as the below image indicates, is exempt from any criticism because someone shared some insider information about it...  Whatever the CCSLC mob says.  Flame on.



You’re comparing 4 special event jerseys that were designed and created in less than a year to jerseys that were true alternates that had a full time to do the design process. Clearly you are over your head and should stop before you dig that hole any deeper.

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37 minutes ago, dont care said:

You’re comparing 4 special event jerseys that were designed and created in less than a year to jerseys that were true alternates that had a full time to do the design process. Clearly you are over your head and should stop before you dig that hole any deeper.

Because there are no lazily designed alternates in the league right now that went through "the full design process" :rolleyes:.  No full time jerseys either.  I would love it explained to me in detail why a Detroit, recolour with no sleeve stripes and a logo that already exists couldn't be topped by anyone with mild knowledge of Illustrator in under two days...  And your approval means oh so much to me "don't care." 

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Well all of these designs might be simple to put together, but finalizing everything within a whole organization definitely takes a while. And on top of the fact that there’s a governing organization that also has a say in these designs, especially for the Outdoor games. 

I mean sure the Lightning are really trying to go for that Faux O6 look, which is very similar to Detroit. A lot of us here would love to see them back in black and silver as well, but the Lightning seem to be perfectly happy with their look. And even that Dallas jersey is a throwback to another look. It’s similar to the Red Wings, but all of the little elements, from the patches on the sleeves to the green base had to be decided by an organization. There’s so much more to this than just slap on stripes and call it a day. Sure there are some designs that are way simpler than others, and often seem like there’s not a lot of thought behind them, but you’re really oversimplifying the process here.  

"And those who know Your Name put their trust in You, for You, O Lord, have not forsaken those who seek You." Psalms 9:10

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29 minutes ago, Morgan33 said:

Because there are no lazily designed alternates in the league right now that went through "the full design process" :rolleyes:.  No full time jerseys either.  I would love it explained to me in detail why a Detroit, recolour with no sleeve stripes and a logo that already exists couldn't be topped by anyone with mild knowledge of Illustrator in under two days...  And your approval means oh so much to me "don't care." 

You’ve been told why and have acted like a petulant child because it wasn’t the answer you liked.

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52 minutes ago, dont care said:

You’ve been told why and have acted like a petulant child because it wasn’t the answer you liked.


You've said nothing that explains why more time and effort can't be put into the striping of new uniforms... You've just parroted that Adidas only had a year.  Well it doesn't take a year to come up with a few different options besides re-colouring Detroit's template...  Especially when you have a 100+ year history to draw from.

1 hour ago, chcarlson23 said:

Well all of these designs might be simple to put together, but finalizing everything within a whole organization definitely takes a while. And on top of the fact that there’s a governing organization that also has a say in these designs, especially for the Outdoor games.


Again, this doesn't explain why more striping options can't be presented to teams.  Adding and changing the width and colours of horizontal stripes is hardly an arduous process.

1 hour ago, chcarlson23 said:

I mean sure the Lightning are really trying to go for that Faux O6 look, which is very similar to Detroit. A lot of us here would love to see them back in black and silver as well, but the Lightning seem to be perfectly happy with their look. And even that Dallas jersey is a throwback to another look. It’s similar to the Red Wings, but all of the little elements, from the patches on the sleeves to the green base had to be decided by an organization.


Detroit is not the only team that has a Faux 06 look.  The Lightning had a very traditional striping configuration when they entered the league but it stood apart because of how it was coloured and framed.  Dallas had plenty of traditional striping configurations in their history (especially if you included their North Stars history) they could have drawn from that looked very different from the Detroit template.


There’s so much more to this than just slap on stripes and call it a day. Sure there are some designs that are way simpler than others, and often seem like there’s not a lot of thought behind them, but you’re really oversimplifying the process here.  

I'm not oversimplifying the entire process.  I'm wondering why teams and Adidas can't come up with striping configurations that honor there own history or break new ground instead of going with that tired Detroit template for 50th time.  Horizontal striping is one of the most distinctive characteristics of a hockey uniform.  Why can't more attention be paid to it?

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So this is the uniform the Leafs are referencing...




The blue-on-blue "ARENAS" is headscratching but aside from that...why the hate on the simplistic template? Look at the uniform they're basing this off of. It's as simple as it gets. 


"Adidas made a throwback that looks like it's supposed to" is pretty weak criticism. 

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