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2021 NFL Season - Adults Arguing About Matt Stafford

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6 hours ago, ManillaToad said:


That was only if the outbreak was caused by unvaccinated players. Every Browns player who tested postive is vaxed


It seems to be pretty much agreed upon that the shots are good for about six months. I'm curious as to how many of those vaxxed players were six months or more past their last shot. Hell, I wonder how many "breakthrough cases" overall were six months past their last shot and how many were actually cases that got past the vaccination. It seems like the powers that be should look into that. In any case, getting that booster is a really good idea.




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3 hours ago, infrared41 said:




RE: Seasonality: Holidays aren't what caused Florida's cases to go through the roof in July and holidays aren't what caused Ohio's cases to plummet in July. Seasonality did that. Florida now has one of the lowest case rates in the country and Ohio's cases are on the way up again. That's happening because Ohio is now indoors and Florida has cooled off enough for people to get back outside. Households are one of the main vectors for transmission. We pile people together indoors for extended periods of time and yeah, the virus is going to have a much easier go of it. 


Up to this point, our mitigation efforts are akin to killing mosquitos with a 7 iron. Yeah, we're getting a few mosquitos here and there, but there a millions of others laughing as they fly past us. Honestly, I don't know what the answer is. I'm basing my position on what I believe hasn't worked.  Best I can tell you is virus is gonna virus. And there ain't much we can do about it.


I don't trust any data coming out of Florida. No one should.


"virus is gonna virus" is such a defeatist attitude, in this, supposedly the greatest country in the history of ever. Not attacking you but just being sad.

1 hour ago, ShutUpLutz! said:

and the drunken doodoobags jumping off the tops of SUV's/vans/RV's onto tables because, oh yeah, they are drunken drug abusing doodoobags

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42 minutes ago, DG_ThenNowForever said:


I don't trust any data coming out of Florida. No one should.


"virus is gonna virus" is such a defeatist attitude, in this, supposedly the greatest country in the history of ever. Not attacking you but just being sad.


OK, how about the data out of Ohio? Do we trust that? I ask because it's basically Florida's story in reverse. Cases way down in the summer and on the rise now.  Same deal with Michigan. Literally nothing has changed in Ohio since summer yet our cases are now on the rise. To me, that screams seasonality. With regard to Florida, I'm not willing to dismiss information simply because I may not like where it came from.  There were things I didn't want to be true about this mess, but I couldn't deny the facts that were staring me in the face. Some things are true whether I believe them or not.


I prefer realist over defeatist. The reality is that in the history of ever, we have never eradicated a respiratory virus. Zero Covid is a pipe dream. It's not going to happen. Covid is endemic. That's just the way it is. Like it or not, our only realistic option is to ride this one out as best we can until it mutates itself down to mostly harmless - which I hope is exactly what's happening with omicron.


Finally, I think going from "we're so :censored:-ed" to having a vaccine in less than a year is pretty good. I remember when this first started and I told you that I had faith in smart people figuring it out. Smart people figured it out and now we have a vaccine. Imagine how many more deaths there would be without it. Yeah, virus is gonna virus and we're going to keep figuring out how to protect people from it. That may be some Pollyanna bull-:censored:, but it's what I believe. We're much better off (and better prepared) than we were when this thing started. That ain't nothing.




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We're still :censored:ed. That we go to sports and whatever is window dressing. The state of the world is fundamentally :censored:ed.

1 hour ago, ShutUpLutz! said:

and the drunken doodoobags jumping off the tops of SUV's/vans/RV's onto tables because, oh yeah, they are drunken drug abusing doodoobags

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15 minutes ago, DG_ThenNowForever said:

We're still :censored:ed. That we go to sports and whatever is window dressing. The state of the world is fundamentally :censored:ed.


You're just a ray of sunshine today, my friend. 😎 We got to see Genesis live. That's not so bad, right?




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They won't shutdown again because we have vaccines now and nobody has the stomach to do a shutdown again. What is more likely to happen is we accept that living with covid is just a part of life now and a risk we live with and we should redefine how we handle positive cases if a person is vaccinated and asymptomatic. What I mean by that is if you test positive and you feel normal and you're vaccinated then ****ing move about the cabin and try to, I guess, wear a mask when close to people. 


Numbers with Omicron are popping off because it's more contagious, but it looks less severe if you're vaccinated (not going to talk about what I think of unvaccinated people, but if you're still unvaccinated right now COME THE :censored: ON) because the virus has mutated to a point where it doesn't kill its host (unless again, you're unvaccinated). It's possible that a lot of us vaccinated people are walking around with omicron right now and don't know it and the only way we would know is if we were on an NFL/NHL/NBA team that tests us weekly. I get the idea that we don't want to overrun hospitals with unvaccinated people who steal beds from people who need knee surgeries and such, but I do think that eventually in order to move on we can't treat every positive asymptomatic case like it's passing the bubonic plague because at this point we're only passing the bubonic plague to people who couldn't do the bare dang ass minimum. I'm tired.


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8 minutes ago, Sport said:

It's possible that a lot of us vaccinated people are walking around with omicron right now and don't know it and the only way we would know is if we were on an NFL/NHL/NBA team that tests us weekly.


Thanks for that. I feel a whole lot better knowing that I could be a ticking time bomb. 🙃




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Looks like the Jags are at least going to try to not pay Meyer any more money.  They'll probably negotiate a settlement, but I hope they stick to their guns and fight him tooth and nail.



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Urban Meyer keeps on giving:



"Coaches weren't making this kind of money and didn't have agents." and "it used to be team, team, team."


Urban Meyer's starting salary at Florida was $1.5 million, at his CFB peak, he made $6 million.  No surprise, but what an :censored:.

1 hour ago, ShutUpLutz! said:

and the drunken doodoobags jumping off the tops of SUV's/vans/RV's onto tables because, oh yeah, they are drunken drug abusing doodoobags

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On 12/16/2021 at 8:11 AM, BBTV said:

I'm telling you - Doug Pederson will be their next coach, with Duce Staley as OC.  Quote this and praise me when the hires are official in January.


Pump the praise brakes there for a minute--according to "sources" (because we all know folk can simply say "sources" in this business and get away with it), your boy Pederson has his eyes on another position in the NFC North...

*Disclaimer: I am not an authoritative expert on stuff...I just do a lot of reading and research and keep in close connect with a bunch of people who are authoritative experts on stuff. 😁

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5 minutes ago, Dynasty said:

If the Colts didn't start the season off so poorly, they would be in the mix for the number one seed in the AFC.


They're better than their record.

Not with a total coward at qb. If it comes down to him, they’ll lose. 

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I knew I had a bad feeling about this game. Reich (along  with coughlin) seems to be one of those coaches that plays Belichick really tough. Really just beat him at his own game tonight. 


If you needed any more proof  he's the reason the Eagles won a SuperBowl, there it is. 

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9 hours ago, DoctorWhom said:

I knew I had a bad feeling about this game. Reich (along  with coughlin) seems to be one of those coaches that plays Belichick really tough. Really just beat him at his own game tonight. 


If you needed any more proof  he's the reason the Eagles won a SuperBowl, there it is. 

It wasn’t the offense that beat them though, it was a defense that was forcing turn overs, and a blocked punt. If anything if the blocked punt never happened and gave the 14 point swing and momentum to the colts you could say the offense would have lost them that game.

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10 hours ago, DoctorWhom said:

If you needed any more proof  he's the reason the Eagles won a SuperBowl, there it is. 


Reich wasn't the play caller and not even the primary game planner.  He was more like Carson Wentz' main QB coach.

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One other thing that came out of that game was this: because the Patriots lost, currently occupying the AFC 1 seed--at least for the next five hours--is the Snatit. Win today, and they go up 2 1/2 games on the Colts (though technically they can't clinch the division just yet), and because they swept the season on them and beat the Chiefs earlier this season, Tennessee would hold the tiebreaker advantage over them for the time being. And considering that #1 seed would come with a first round bye, that would be absolutely 


And games like today illustrate precisely why they are the Snatit. Now true, they are straight up DECIMATED by injuries at just about every position (and they just lost 6 more players for today's game), so by just about any qualitative measure no one should be too mad if they get pasted today in Pittsburgh. BUT...with as butt as Pittsburgh has looked all season long, if ever there were a game for Tennessee to actually prove itself as a truly top-tier team, today is the day.  BUT...a/ Tennessee ain't beat Pittsburgh since 2013 (which some Steelerheads have taken to calling the "curse of stomping on the towel", which I ain't even finna get into); b/ the game is in Pittsburgh, c/ that aforementioned injury situation, and d/ the refs wear black and [throw] yellow, so...you know. EDIT: And as I type this, the cameras caught the Snatit gathering on the Steelers' midfield logo....that ain't gonna go over well.  Did they not learn from when they did that in Baltimore?


All that said, I'm gonna go ahead and call it: I don't trust Tennessee; they're gonna get pasted in Pittsburgh today. They're welcome to prove me wrong, but I don't see it happening.

*Disclaimer: I am not an authoritative expert on stuff...I just do a lot of reading and research and keep in close connect with a bunch of people who are authoritative experts on stuff. 😁

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