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Hamilton Tiger-Cats


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BiB--why the Stamps so low--

Personally I don't want them to change because I'm afraid of what they'll come up with.

In 2003 they used an alternate logo on their helmets for one game that was awful (a rearing horse behind a horseshoe)--it looks good on jerseys & shirts--but awful on helmets...

The Riders & Lions are worst...

The RIders have never had a logo I like the current one is better than the old upside down "S" one, though.

The Eskimos' interlocked "E"'s used to be in a football shape.

My ranking of logos/helmets

1-Blue Bombers









Comic Sans walks into a bar, and the bartender says, "Sorry, we don't serve your type here."

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No more ugliness... I'd been thinking that it was about time for the Ti-Cats to get with the century, and was hoping to come up with something myself. Dan Simon did a great job of this.

As for the Rider bashing... if GMac abuses his powers and kills the thread, I'll abuse mine and bring it back!

...and although the eps files don't seem to work, that pdf on the site is a boon to anyone with Illustrator. I can't imagine why though.

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...and although the eps files don't seem to work, that pdf on the site is a boon to anyone with Illustrator. I can't imagine why though.

What, exactly, isn't working? I've downloaded both the helmet logo and the secondary (tiger head) logo. The only thing I had to do was make sure the extension said .eps instead of .ps.

It's where I sit.

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i just got back to my computer after a 3 day absence (stupid research paper). anyway my return to the cc community was made complete with the great new logo the tiger-cats got. a perfect update in every sence of the word.

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The East is clearly the best looking division now with this kickass logo update.

I think every West team needs a uniform adjustment. Even the Stamps.

Well the Esks need to return to the yellow pants on the road,

The Stamps maybe just some number font tweaking

The Lions & Riders can keep their colours--but new logos--although the Lions should burn those black pants--or add stripes to them.

The Bombers are good as is.


The Als are pretty good, but should have some more consistency.

The Argos need less foam green & more light blue

The Renegades need a logo that is clearer than it is

The Ticats made a good step--I hope they stay with the black helmets, and I didn't mind their black pants.

Comic Sans walks into a bar, and the bartender says, "Sorry, we don't serve your type here."

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