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Atlanta Thrashers Concept


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I'm very happy with the way these turned out. Yes, the away jersey is cream colored. No, there is no white anywhere on either uniform except for Roger's tag.

Any feedback is entirely appreciated. Thanks for taking the time to look and respond.





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I wouldn't necessarily say that more traditional equals more awesome for Atlanta. Their alternates, which are probably the most innovative and contemporary uniforms in any sport, are kick-ass, and I think their logo is best suited to a more modern look. That said, these are ok, but you need to do something about the colors because those stripes and shoulders on the home jersey sure look white to me. Maybe change the coloring on the road jersey as well and take out some of the texture; I think it takes away from the concept. Not bad overall.

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Also I'd do something about the lace-up color, because I can't imagine a red lace-up on a tan collar looking anything but grotesque in reality.

I'll note that what you're referring to as tan is supposed to look more orange, but apparently the color values got a bit messed up when I converted from one file type to another.




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I have nothin' but love for these. I really, really like them! I was never one for the tie string on modern sweaters, but it has grown on me. And that looks goes really well with this concept. They have a Kansas City Scouts look about them, and that really appeals to me. Very nice job!

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Nice look for them--although the cream colour looks like a stain--might look better white--but the concept suits the logo, and the striping looks nice...

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They have a Kansas City Scouts look about them, and that really appeals to me.

You're not the only one...

I'm loving it!!!!!!!

p.s.: as for the details: The shape of the collar doesn't work with the laces, RC has nice laces in his template...

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Not digging it.

It's kind of hard to do a "classic" or a "vintage" jersey for a franchise that has only existed for half a decade, and might not any more if the CBA doesn't fall in the owners' favour.

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Not digging it.

It's kind of hard to do a "classic" or a "vintage" jersey for a franchise that has only existed for half a decade, and might not any more if the CBA doesn't fall in the owners' favour.

The Trashers have one of the most exciting bunch of players I've seen in ages.

Kovalchuk IS the REAL THING.

I only wished the Leafs had the scouting talent and the Fututre hese guys have...

My understanding is that there is no risk for that fracnhise, they have solid ownership, and great fans...

This kind of attitude by guys like you make the Leafs be booed in every other NHL rinks...

Owner of the Rochester Americans of the MLH

Owner of the Toronto Frenchies of the GCFHL6

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I like these but I'd use the blue jersey's collar/tie-down combination on both. I like the idea of an off-white road jersey to go with the traditional look.

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Not digging it.

It's kind of hard to do a "classic" or a "vintage" jersey for a franchise that has only existed for half a decade, and might not any more if the CBA doesn't fall in the owners' favour.

My thought is, "SO?"

Why do teams' have to have existed for decades to use an older look?

They're not trying to lie--they're creating a look for their team--or in this case a designer here is creating a look for them...

Comic Sans walks into a bar, and the bartender says, "Sorry, we don't serve your type here."

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I've never been a fan of a single color shoulder yoke (although i am a fan of what the rangers and blues do). I think if you got rid of that, put their original numbers on, and contour the striping to kind of match the logo, these would be cool. for a throwback though these would kick some major ass.

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I see where you were going with this, but i'm not digging them as replacements.

If they wanted to do a new third jersey, as a faux-retro, this would be a pretty cool look.

I'm not huge on the "shoulder-area being a different color, just cause thats how they are assembled." It looks like someone was lazy and just used the paint bucket on the template. I know you didnt do that, but still... I'd rather see the tan integrated in another way, such as a stripe down the arm or somewhat.

I like retro, even form teams only 5 years old because it shows they respect and recognize the history and past of their sport.

Replace the current Thrashers jerseys? No thanks.. they already have some of the best designed gear in the league, IMO... but these? Pretty cool fashion jerseys... a cool faux-retro.

Nicely done.

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When I saw "more awsome", my eyes rolled a bit. But, I'll be...

Those ARE more awsome. I love it. It provides the somewhat modern colors/logos of the new team, with a more traditional look--without risking being dubbed "boring"

These would be a definate improvement over their current uniforms.

Disclaimer: If this comment is about an NBA uniform from 2017-2018 or later, do not constitute a lack of acknowledgement of the corporate logo to mean anything other than "the corporate logo is terrible and makes the uniform significantly worse."



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