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I don't think there has been a team that has choked more in any sport. Ever.

I don't care if you won 14 straight Division Titles. If you only win one World Series after winning 14 straight division titles, you're a joke. The Marlins have won twice as many World Series and havn't won a division.

The Atlanta Braves are a joke. And i love laughing at them. Go Yankees.

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Great coaching can only take you so far... the playoffs are for the players to come in clutch when everything's on the line. It divides the contenders from the pretenders, and the Braves fall victim to that year after year. Unfortunately for Bobby Cox, you can't coach that kind of thing.

Andruw Jones hit 50 home runs this season, but that don't mean anything if he can't hit one out when your team needs you the most. Those Braves choked... big time.


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Typical Braves....it wouldn't be an official October without these jokers folding like a cheap card table and surrendering like they were members of the French Army.

They get pretty good performances from Sosa and Hudson in Houston this weekend, only to watch as those arsonists they call a bullpen absolutely wreck any chance this team ever has of getting out of the NLDS for the umpteenth time....

And before any Braves Apologist tries to give me this "it's impressive they've won all these division titles" bullplop, here's a little something to nibble on...

The object is to win the BIG ONE...and that's something they've had a serious inability to do, even when blessed with one of the best pitching staffs in the last 40 years and a pretty potent lineup...

They should have had at least another 2 rings to go with the one they won in 1995...Lonnie Smith's brain fart on the basepaths cost them a win in 1991 (he doesn't hold up for whatever silly reason, he scores easilly and we're saying Charlie Liebrandt had the outing for the ages in a Game 7 and NOT Jack Morris)... and we won't even discuss 1996's debacle (how a team can go up 2-0, totally smacking the Yanks around..IN THE STADIUM no less and completely bend over at home is beyond me..oh wait..an ill advised hanging breaking ball from Wholers to Jimmy Leyritz has a lot to do with that..)

See that, Braves fans?....this is the rest of America giving those choke artists that wear your team's threads a well deserved MOCK CHOP.

Then again, it's way too easy to pick on a team who's fan base consists of folks that dress like empty blue plastic seats every October...


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The Braves are built for the regular season deep starting rotation, and a solid line up. However good pitching can shut down their line up and when matched up against other good pitching their pitching edge vanishes which leaves it up to the pen which never has been the Braves strength.

Basically the Braves can run the marathon but cant do a sprint, and the playoff are a sprint, and thats even more true for the NLDS which is best of 5.



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14 years of coming up empty interrupted by one October where everything broke right. That almost defies statistical probability.

More noticeable is that this was the first time I remember any of the Braves' old hands - Smoltz, Chipper, Andruw - show visible frustration over their failure to win the Series. Amazing - a decade and a half with very little to show for it, and it's NOW that it's getting to you?

It's a sadder commentary that no one in the NL East has done anything to interrupt their march to their October demise. At least the Yankees have the Red Sox (and Orioles) to fend off, and the Cardinals have to worry about someone every odd year (Astros, Cubs). I'm tired of being fed the "THIS year is the Phillies' year to dethrone the Braves!" crap, which I am sure is echoed up the Jersey Turnpike in Flushing. Will someone put this team out of its misery and keep it out of the playoffs? Just ONCE?!

"Start spreading the news... They're leavin' today... Won't get to be a part of it... In old New York..."


In order for the Mets' run of 12 losses in 17 games to mean something, the Phillies still had to win 13 of 17.

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I'm here to defend my Braves.

I agree. See that? I agree with you guys. The Braves can't win in October and don't deserve to win the NL East, but it's just like the Yanks in the AL East, there's no one who's gonna step up and finally knock us off the top.

However, don't knock the '95 team, they won it, and you should stop being mad about it. When it comes to October, there are three things to remember.

Yankees Suck.

Braves Choke.

And Expos..whoops, strike that, the Nationals won't be there.


I don't speak for democrats, democrats don't speak for me.

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I don't think there has been a team that has choked more in any sport. Ever.

I don't care if you won 14 straight Division Titles. If you only win one World Series after winning 14 straight division titles, you're a joke. The Marlins have won twice as many World Series and havn't won a division.

The Atlanta Braves are a joke. And i love laughing at them. Go Yankees.

You know what else was a choke...2004 ALCS. :P



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14 straight (when a champion was declared). Or is this just semantics?

When people say 14 straight, this is what they mean.

As for my general opinion on the Braves, see what Tank said.

I notice a few parallels between the Braves and the Brooklyn Dodgers of the late '40s and '50s.

From 1945-1957, the Dodgers were 1-5 in World Series.

Since 1991, the Braves have been 1-4 in World Series.

The Dodgers never finished below 3rd in any year from 1945-1957

The Braves have had at least the 3rd best record every year in the NL since 1991 except 2001.

If people are going to call the Braves of the past decade+ a bunch of mediocre chokers, they should also call the Dodgers likewise.

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You know what else was a choke...2004 ALCS. 


So is the Red Sox being swept by the White Sox this year.

Your point is?

Oops, sorry. My bad. You Red Sox fans out there aren't used to the OTHER team choking. ^_^


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So is the Red Sox being swept by the White Sox this year.

Your point is?

Oops, sorry. My bad. You Red Sox fans out there aren't used to the OTHER team choking. ^_^

You can't choke if your number one starter and closer are injured.

You only choke when you are up by a lot, and lose, or continually suck in important games.

The Red Sox had a mediocore pitching staff, and it finally caught up to them.

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