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Do You Ever Get Agrivated At....


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As an Alabama fan and resident- I must say we have some of the most passionate out there- but sometimes they are just plain dumb.

Obviously all fan bases have their share of morons

But it irks me to no end when someone on a message board will make some post about a recruit - they will fawn all over the guy and make him into the next coming of Joe Namath, or Joe Montana...then the next day when they commit to, say...Florida- I see posts by the same people saying "Said Recruit Will Flop in College". It is annoying.

There are many more stories and reasons I could give...but your stories will suffice.

Anyway- what aggravates you about your own team's fans?

and yes i misspelled aggravated in the title...oops

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I'm a Piston fan.

Last year was crazy. I had no defense for what that fan did to Ron Artest or for what those idiots were doing on the court challenging the Pacers to fight. Nobody could have defended them.


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Yah, I get pretty upset at Vancouver fans too, but for a different reason.

Hockey fans in Vancouver have a loooong history of booing and it irritates me, it's not as bad if the fans are booing the Vancouver team, but when the fans boo:

the American National Anthem

The American Junior Hockey Team

The 1972 Summit Series Canadian Hockey Team


it really ticks me of, because Vancouver fans just have no respect for the opponent or sometimes our own team.

Last note, in the past junior hockey tournament, the Vancouver fans started a chant Shneiders name (USA junior goalie) during the game to try to throw him off. A lot of other fans in other places also do the chant and I can tolerate it, but the thing is, Schneider was the Canucks number one draft pick in the '04 draft, and is a heck of goalie. To be chanting his name almost makes him feel unwelcomed in the city of Vancouver.

Great way to welcome a future Canucks goalie <_<

It was truly embarrasing when the Vancouver fans booed the American's anthem at the World Junior Championship's and I know as a Vancouverite, I take a lot of heat for being "unsportmanlike" but I'm glad that some people (like Chris) realize that not ALL of Vancouver fans are like that. It's usually a couple thousand that are usually alerady drunk.

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I am a devote, die hard Leafs fan, and NOTHING pisses me off more than most of the "fans" who post on the Official Maple Leafs Message Board. They are the most stupid, ignorant and...well...stupid people I have ever seen. Most dont seem to know anything about hockey, yet alone how the game works. Just looking at some of the titles of the topics angers me, and believe me, once you click those titles, you will feel like your brain is trying to kill itself. The Jays board is pretty bad, most of the people posting on it are 12, and also say some pretty stupid stuff. Just, if your a fan of a team, avoid the teams official message boards, otherwise you will feel ashamed people that post on there like the same team you do...


Because Korbyn Is Colour Blind, My Signature Is Now Idiot Proof - Thanks Again Braden!!

Go Leafs Go!

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One time i went to a pens game and a couple seats over from me sat a fat lady in a Ryan Malone Jersey yelling insults at her own team {everyone was doing it, big blowout} but her voice was so annoying and loud people at the other side of the arena were telling her to shut up. I wanted to walk over and say "how do you know so much about hockey, it looks like you havent been off your ass in the past 10 years." but, i was able to stifle it.

Pittsburgh Arsenal - Elite Football League (NFL) - est. 2006 

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it has long been a pastime at Bama football games to chant for the back up qb to come in if the starter is playing poorly....but i guess that is common everywhere

Yeah, in a similar note...

In the same game i mentioned earlier, our backup goalie {until we win a game} Thibaultwas letting easy saves in. Every pens fan knows by now Fleury is better than Thibault. Well, to get to edzo's head, everyone started chanting, "we want Fleury! We want Fleury!"

Ever scince then evry pens fan has shared my confusion, if we can finally win games, then how comw whenever we win 2 in a row, you ruin it by throwing in thibault? Michael Therrien, if you can read this, STOP PUTTING IN THIBAULT!

Pittsburgh Arsenal - Elite Football League (NFL) - est. 2006 

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Braves fans.

Show some life at Turner Field, especially in the postseason!

Agreed, most of these fans wonder why the Braves are so "sorry". That is the dumbest thing I've ever heard, they win 14 Divisional Titles, 1 World Series, and they're labeled as the sorriest team, obviously since nobody goes to the games. Seriously, you go to a playoff game at Turner Field, there is no life whatsoever.

Also, Atlanta fans in general are frontrunners. Normally in some cities teams that lose get a "lovable loser" tag and people go to see them anyway i.e. Chicago, Pittsburgh, New Orleans, etc. Not in Atlanta, if you ain't winning, nobody's gonna be there to see you lose. For instance, last year the Georgia Dome was the livest place in Atlanta, period. This year, for the season finale, Panther fans outnumbered Falcons fans. Sunday was probably the most angry I've been at fans who have the opprotunity to go to a Falcons game since I could KILL to go to a Falcons game because they gave em to some Panther fans, and that just pissed me off. That's probably why IMO the city with the most bandwagonitis is Atlanta, and I hate that (Except in the case of the Hawks, who are a lost cause :P ).



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Tampa fans can get on my nerves sometimes. Most of the time they couldnt be nicer, but there are quite a few who show massive disrespect untill you can prove you were a fan before 37. I ahte getting dirty looks from my own fans and having to explain that ive been there for quite awhile by trying to think back 10+ years for really useless little facts thatll help prove my case <_<


On 11/19/2012 at 7:23 PM, oldschoolvikings said:
She’s still half convinced “Chris Creamer” is a porn site.)
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The Bills fans are nice early in tailgating until they get drunk and then it gets bad and usually 20-30 people get arrested and many more probably get kicked out of the game.

Normally the Sabres fans are OK because most dont get drunk during the games.

Plus ALOT less people in the HSBC arena than the "Ralph".

There are some chants mostly Lets Go Buffalo or Marty (Biron), Marty, Marty.

Most recently in the game vs. Dallas on Dec. 14. That game was amazing it was like a playoff atmosphere. Bill Clinton was there, the BPO band , Ronan Tynin? were there and the fans were very loud. Marty Biron said the fans helped him and the sabres win the game 4-3!

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im a nebraska fan.......

im sorry, but we are just to nice of fans, applauding our team after a loss, and always, i repeat, ALWAYS talking about football.....we are also an old group of fans, almost half of memorial stadium is filled with fans 50+...

I just wanna do hoodrat things with my friends.

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OK, here are the major things that irk me about (some) Pittsburgh fans...

Steelers: They refuse to believe that the Steelers lost becasue the other team is just flat out better. It's always becasue of a coaching decision or just a mental error.

Pens: A lot of people going to Pens games don't know the first thing about hockey. They will yell insane things that anybody that knows the first thing about hockey will just roll their eyes at. Luckily my family and I have had our season tickets for around 12 years and are surround by a smart group of hockey fans. The thing that pisses me off more then anything is, "Shoot it!" If you have been to a Pens game you know what I mean.

Pirates: No complaints, some of the best true baseball fans you can find. Alot of the real fans are some of the most knowledgeable you can find in all of the MLB. Even the casual fan has to be applauded for supporting a team after 13 straight losing seasons.

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The thing that pisses me off more then anything is, "Shoot it!" If you have been to a Pens game you know what I mean.

Pirates: No complaints, some of the best true baseball fans you can find. Alot of the real fans are some of the most knowledgeable you can find in all of the MLB. Even the casual fan has to be applauded for supporting a team after 13 straight losing seasons.

Yes, the infamous "shoot it!". Not that it would be any worse if they did shoot alot more. But there are also plenty of hard core hockey fans ther.

Also the pirates fans are true fans. So many losing seasons, and PLENTY of sellouts, and the best stadium. Now THATS tradition.

Pittsburgh Arsenal - Elite Football League (NFL) - est. 2006 

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I went to a Pirates game two summers ago with my Stepmom (we are doing a tour of baseball stadiums), and the Pittsburgh fans were the best we have encountered as of yet. As you said, knowledgeable and nice. And they beat the Marlins that night, too.

Put Your Hands up For Detroit (our lovely city)

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I hate when I'm pwning a sens fan, then some other leaf fan comes in and screws it all up  :hockeysmiley:

Hey man, I start most of the arguments with those Sens fans! I don't screw them up, I help in the pwnage! Its as easy to crush a Sens fan as it is an ant, well, I mean they both posess the same sized brain. :rolleyes:


Because Korbyn Is Colour Blind, My Signature Is Now Idiot Proof - Thanks Again Braden!!

Go Leafs Go!

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I get pretty mad at Buckeye fans. 1, like this season the team could go to a BCS bowl and they will still bitch about something ie. Death threats to Ryan Hamby's email after the Texas game. 2 at basketball games they have created this atmosphere where no one for some reason is allowed to cheer, everyone sits there and golf claps, plus the student section is 10 rows back in one of the corners and all the big wigs get all the good seats. Not St. John's Arena at all.

Bengal fans. 9 out of 10 are total jackasses who have had nothing to do with this team for the last 15 years, now they're good and they come pouring out of the woodwork. "I've been a bengal fan through it all". "Ya, I was at that game with 5,000 people, where were you?"

Bluejackets fans. Morons, think every check on a bluejacket is a penalty and every hit a bluejacket initiates is not a penalty. Also don't get back in their seats until five minutes into the period and leave with 5 minutes left in the period.

Reds fans: good guys, all of them :D .


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As a cubs fan, there's a ton of our fanbase that are complete morons, arrogant jerks, and don't give 2 poos about the game. It sucks. I've met many a nice cub fan, but there's plenty of jerks.

The Bears fandom is pretty much all awesome. Except for most of the morons at the official ChicagoBears.com message board, and the idiots at FireJerry.com.

"You are nothing more than a small cancer on this message board. You are not entertaining, you are a complete joke."


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