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Marlins Name Change


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San Antonio Generals works and witha  middle finger lifter toward Mexico it shoudl be a Genral Sam Houston on the logo.

You have GOT to be kidding.

How about Miami Marlins?


If you build it they will stay.

But no the Panthers and Heat needed spearate Areans

I still don't understand how in the hell HOCKEY gets it's own arena in South Florida and their MLB team gets NOTHING after winning 2 championships. It's rediculous.

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Maybe if anybody went to the games, the politicians would be inclined to do something for the team.

After all, what incentive do they have, if the area doesn't show much interest in the team, even when they win championships? What's the risk for the politicians? That they might lose a team that nobody goes to see anyway?

I'd really hate to see Miami lose the team, but the fans have to make an effort as well. Show the team and the politicians that you want them to stick around.

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Maybe if anybody went to the games, the politicians would be inclined to do something for the team.

After all, what incentive do they have, if the area doesn't show much interest in the team, even when they win championships? What's the risk for the politicians? That they might lose a team that nobody goes to see anyway?

I'd really hate to see Miami lose the team, but the fans have to make an effort as well. Show the team and the politicians that you want them to stick around.

I'll just copy and paste what I posted in another thread.....

Do you think the casual baseball fan wants to go out to a football stadium out in the middle of nowhere, in 82 degree weather (at night!) with terrible humidity, and the constant threat of a downpour?

Lets not forget the Marlins can't deal with the 100 largest businesses in South Florida under their current lease and that hurts mightily when it comes to ticket sales.

Marlins have broken TV ratings records the last two seasons on a night where they play a division rival the beat out most of the other network. What does that tell you? People rather stay in their air conditioned homes then travel out to Hell on Earth to watch a baseball game.

A stadium with a roof, good team and proper marketing solves most of the problems the organization has.

The Panthers, Heat and Dolphins draw well. Are you going to tell me a MLB team cannot survive when 60% of those who live in Miami-Dade are hispanic?

1997 | 2003

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Yes, I'm telling you that.

TV ratings are great. That's fantastic, but it's only a small fraction of the support a club needs.

I'm sorry that it's in the middle of nowhere. It's not the only baseball stadium to be inconveniently located. I'm sorry it's hot. You aren't the only ones who have to struggle with imperfect weather.

A new stadium would be great. And as I said, I'd hate to see the team move. But why should a politician dump hundreds of millions of taxpayer dollars to build a new stadium for a team that can't draw anyone to the park while they're winning a world championship?

I'm sorry, but that's just pathetic. "We won't go watch our championship team because it's humid out...."

The fans need to show that they're more than casual observers, which is a reasonable inference to draw from the fact that they can't be bothered to come to the park, but they'll watch some games on television.

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I love that idea!

Bring Back the Expos!

But really, i think they should go to Indianapolis. I dont see why they dont have a team(i just set myself up for someone to tell me why they dont have one)

Yeah, maybe the Indianapolis Arrows can finally become a reality.



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Yes, I'm telling you that.

TV ratings are great. That's fantastic, but it's only a small fraction of the support a club needs.

I'm sorry that it's in the middle of nowhere. It's not the only baseball stadium to be inconveniently located. I'm sorry it's hot. You aren't the only ones who have to struggle with imperfect weather.

A new stadium would be great. And as I said, I'd hate to see the team move. But why should a politician dump hundreds of millions of taxpayer dollars to build a new stadium for a team that can't draw anyone to the park while they're winning a world championship?

I'm sorry, but that's just pathetic. "We won't go watch our championship team because it's humid out...."

The fans need to show that they're more than casual observers, which is a reasonable inference to draw from the fact that they can't be bothered to come to the park, but they'll watch some games on television.

The 2003 team got hot the last two months of the season and the fans showed up. Look it up. They averaged in the 20's the last two months of that season.

1997 | 2003

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I love that idea!

Bring Back the Expos!

But really, i think they should go to Indianapolis. I dont see why they dont have a team(i just set myself up for someone to tell me why they dont have one)

Yeah, maybe the Indianapolis Arrows can finally become a reality.


I would name them the "Indiana Vroom Vrooms" (bow)

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They averaged in the 20's the last two months of that season.


Yeah, TV ratings are great, but you need to sell tickets. Guess what? It's humid in St. Louis. It rains in lots of cities. They show up to their games. Maybe--get this--Miami can't support a ball team.

By the way, Chaparrals might be a good SA name, but I don't want a team there.

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There seem to be three favorites for a new team (although I still think the league will contract rather than relocate).

Yeah, that's something that most have forgotten about: the MLBPA signed off on allowing MLB to contract teams after the 2006 season. It's entirely possible (albeit not necessarily likely) that the Marlins could be contracted along with some other club.


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San Antonio is large enough to support the Marlins, the Metropolitan area alone is 1.8 million people, add in the nearby Austin area and it swells to about 2.4 million. San Antonio is the home to I think 5 of the Fortune 500 companies in the US, and the business community is solidly behind the efforts to draw the Marlins. The real roadblock is the media TV market. No way it can compete with the Miami area, and the Marlins MUST have a great TV/cable package, or they wont come, bottom line. Fox Sports SW already pays the Rangers and Astros for broadcasting rights, and the general consensus is that they could not put forth a big enough offer to satisfy the Marlins. A relocation to SA is feasible in someways, but not in others. It's a 50:50 proposition.

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Hopefully, the Marlins stay in South Florida.

But... if you want team names...

Carolina Crusaders? (Ehhh...too generic?)

Carolina Palmettos? (State tree. Trees are good. Heh.)

Carolina KittyHawks? (It's worth a shot.)

Carolina Triangles? (Raleigh, Durham, Chapel Hill?)


San Antonio Missions? (Yeah...I like that one.)

San Antonio Lone Stars? (If you check out the flag, it'd make sense.)

San Antonio Majestics? (Dunno. Figured I'd throw that in.)


Portland Lucky Beavers? (Draw from an old name during the 40's and 50's)


That's all I got for now...

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Am I the only one concerned with division alignment? While I don't like the NL Central six team/Al West four team discrepancy, the divisions as are at least make sense. So if the Marlins move to San Antonio or Portland, what sense while that make?

How about, I don't know, a team in Portland, ME? Well, maybe not... Indianapolis? Nashville? Memphis? Hartford? Columbus? Those cities all make more geographic sense than Las Vegas, San Antonio or Portland.

Moving them to las Vegas, Portland, or anywhere west of Texas would allow for division realignment - put them in the AL West and move the Pirates to the NL East.

Save the slugalo.

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