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If Carolina wins the series, then Edmonton will be the 17th consecutive different Stanley Cup Final loser.  Hard to think that not one team has lost more than one Cup final since 1989.

--Roger "Time?" Clemente.

'91 and '00?

Different name, same team. ^_^

Different city, different name...I consider it a different team.

--Roger "Time?" Clemente.

Well how convenient for your stat, then. :P

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If Carolina wins the series, then Edmonton will be the 17th consecutive different Stanley Cup Final loser.  Hard to think that not one team has lost more than one Cup final since 1989.

--Roger "Time?" Clemente.

'91 and '00?

Different name, same team. ^_^

Different city, different name...I consider it a different team.

--Roger "Time?" Clemente.

Well how convenient for your stat, then. :P

It's still a pretty impressive stat that, in spite of the fact only a handful of teams were winning the Cup, there has been that much parity in the league that all those other teams have been to the finals in that time.

--Roger "Time?" Clemente.

Follow me on Twitter if you care: @Animal_Clans.

My opinion may or may not be the same as yours. The choice is up to you.

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game 1 starts in 1 hour. I'm pumped. I still don't know which team I'm going to cheer for, which brings in my simpsons quote.

Marge-Can't I just bet that all the horses will have a fun time?

Guy at betting window-Yah you want the wuss bets line.


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Tough break for Roloson and the Oilers tonight. Hopefully they can bounce back with a new goalie.

By the way, I saw many empty seats tonight in Carolina despite the announcement of a sellout crowd. Is it possible they are giving away finals tickets? Maybe everyone's stuck in line at the concessions? Who knows.

But, I just checked Ticketmaster. As of the time of this post, a pair of tickets are available for game 2 in Carolina (day after tomorrow) in almost EVERY price category. If you are in Carolina and dont have tickets to that game, shame on you. Come on Carolina! Embrace your team! At this point I'm bored with the debate of whether southern cities should have NHL teams. I am just pained seeing a city have such a lack of appreciation for an exciting team that has a chance at a championship.

I am considering flying down to NC just to go to a finals game. It is probably cheaper to buy tickets in Carolina and pay for a flight down than buy tickets off a scalper here in Edmonton.

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Yeah this Game 1 went as bad as possible for the Oilers

Yes. Clearly being tied until there was less than 40 seconds left in the game must have been demoralizing. :rolleyes:

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Well, the Oilers played well......until the 3rd period. FOUR goals given up in the 3rd!? Come on! You're not going to win too many games giving up four goals in the 3rd period. The Oilers did show that they can play with Carolina and possibly win the series, but that was with Roloson in goal. Now they have to go with rookie Ty Conklin. Who knows how it will play out from here for the Oilers, but it doesn't look good.

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Yeah this Game 1 went as bad as possible for the Oilers

Yes. Clearly being tied until there was less than 40 seconds left in the game must have been demoralizing. :rolleyes:

Doesn't matter how they lost it. They A. lost the game and B. lost the main reason that they'd gotten this far. That sounds to be just about as bad as it could to me.


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Yeah this Game 1 went as bad as possible for the Oilers

Yes. Clearly being tied until there was less than 40 seconds left in the game must have been demoralizing. :rolleyes:

Doesn't matter how they lost it. They A. lost the game and B. lost the main reason that they'd gotten this far. That sounds to be just about as bad as it could to me.

So if they had won 5-4 in OT, would have it been the worst possible win for them? Goaltending has been key for them yes, but the way they block shots and kill penalties, they could still win the series with Jussi or Ty in net. Let's not forget it was Dwayne who let in the first 4 goals and while Ty kinda bit it on the GWG, his defenseman certainly didn't help the situation in taking too long to decide what to do with the puck. I have no vested interest in either squad but I think the engraving of the Oilers' Cup chances on a headstone may still be a bit premature.

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Note To Self: Don't put Markannen in net. EVAR.

Excuse me? Did Markkanen play bad, or did Carolina just get good goals? Markkanen did not let in a bad goal. Even though the score doesn't show it, the Oilers played okay, but not well enough. Carolina just played better and got the lucky bounces. The Oilers took too many penalties and Carolina took advantage of that.

And I like your response, Stampman :). 2 years ago, I was happy that the Flames made it to the finals, but for mostly selfish reasons - if they could do it, so could the Oilers (totally didn't think it would be this soon, though). Once they made it there, I didn't want them to win. Canadian team or not, they are still my team's closest rivals, and to want them to win would be like someone from Toronto wanting Ottawa to win. A true Oilers fan would not want the Flames to win, and vice-versa. Without the rivalries, what fun would it be?

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Without the rivalries, what fun would it be?

That's a big part of it.

I just can't cheer for the Oilers.

And I understand you not cheering for the Flames.

Comic Sans walks into a bar, and the bartender says, "Sorry, we don't serve your type here."

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I'm with Stampman here. The hate the Oilers more than any other team in the league and being a Carolina fan since the start of this season, I'm lovin' what is happenin in the Stanley Cup Finals this year. 2 down, 2 to go.

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Without the rivalries, what fun would it be?

That's a big part of it.

I just can't cheer for the Oilers.

And I understand you not cheering for the Flames.

It's funny seeing the Flames car flags here when Calgary made it and now hearing there are a lot of Oilers car flags in Calgary this year. I'm thinking those people are more bandwagonners, not true fans of their respective teams - they just want to folow a successful team. 20 years ago, only Calgarians visiting or living in Edmonton would admit to cheering for the Flames (and vice-versa - I used to visit Calgary a lot then, at least twice a month). In the last decade, though, both teams have struggled and the rivalry suffered. Now it's back :)

If the Oilers don't pick up their game on Saturday, and play like they have shown they can play, the series will be over. I have the confidence they will, now they just have to prove me right...

I will say that if they do lose to Carolina, no team (besides my team, of course) deserves it more. What a classy hockey team.

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