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Annoying MNF Error


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During the MNF song intro this season, Hank Williams Jr. hits a button, launching the teams' helmets to the stadium to do the traditional clash.

But tonight, with Baltimore (facing right) versus Pittsburgh (facing left), they showed the Steelers logo on the helmet.

But as you know, the left side of the Steelers' helmet is just black with no logo.


Not to mention the fact that Pittsburgh is wearing throwback yellow helmets tonight.

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eh, doesn't really bother me much. they aren't going for accuracy in my opinion, just trying to be graphically pleasing to the viewer. of course, they could've just put the Steelers on the right side- but there was probably a reason for that as well (home/away).

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I dunno, I agree with the original poster, whether you can really consider it an 'error' or whether they did it intentionally, I think it's very displeasing aesthetically and accuracy wise. It's just an opening graphic, who cares about whether the right and left is swapped for home vs road? It seems a lot more important to maintain the integrity of one of the more interesting uniform oddities/traditions. You'd think something like that is something MNF would be careful about.

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It's like when a logo is put on a helmet graphic for Notre Dame, Ohio State, Boston College, etc. It Completely ruins the graphic with it's blatant inaccuracy. Are people really that stupid that they can't associate a well known helmet with a team just because it doesn't show the logo?


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It's like when a logo is put on a helmet graphic for Notre Dame, Ohio State, Bimoston College, etc. It Completely ruins the graphic with it's blatant inaccuracy. Are people really that stupid that they can't associate a well known helmet with a team just because it doesn't show the logo?

No but TV people are so they figure everyone else must be as stupid as they are. I have a kid who does graphics for our sports productions at the station I manage. If I had a dollar for every time I've told him "don't worry, our viewers are sharp enough to get what we're doing" I wouldn't need to keep going to work.

On topic, it was a mistake that ESPN didn't need to make.




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It's like when a logo is put on a helmet graphic for Notre Dame, Ohio State, Bimoston College, etc. It Completely ruins the graphic with it's blatant inaccuracy. Are people really that stupid that they can't associate a well known helmet with a team just because it doesn't show the logo?

No but TV people are so they figure everyone else must be as stupid as they are. I have a kid who does graphics for our sports productions at the station I manage. If I had a dollar for every time I've told him "don't worry, our viewers are sharp enough to get what we're doing" I wouldn't need to keep going to work.

On topic, it was a mistake that ESPN didn't need to make.

I disagree, it's the viewers who are dumb, not the TV personnel. Most casual football fans wouldn't know that Pittsburgh only has the logo on one side. They would see the plain black helmet and think something was out of place. "We" notice the difference, because we have a passion for logos/design. Most fans could care less. They just know the Steelers with the "tri-star logo".

I have a feeling these graphics were made WAY ahead of time (maybe even when MNF first went to ESPN). Not the week of. They were probably created with just a stock template that could easily be interchanged. (Normally in After Effects). If they were made a week of, we would have seen the Yellow throwback helmet.

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I'll disagree and say the viewers are not dumb. The people who watch Monday Night Football have been for years and would look past the no logo on the side of the helmet, and actually either not notice it at all or be grateful that it was accurately rendered. Even if the effects were made in after effects weeks before, the person who made the effects should be able to change the helmet no problem or get someone to change the color of the helmet as they have a template to work from. To get this incorrect is just pure laziness on the part of MNF. Don't give me crap about things being made up before and can't be changed one week prior. That's a load of BS if I've ever heard it. A color change from black to yellow, black to grey for the facemask, and no logo on that side of the helmet, should take you five minutes at max. It's pure laziness on the part of the graphic team at ESPN. Even if they wanted to use the old helmet, it should be rendered properly. That is just pure laziness on the graphic team at ESPN. It's paying attention to detail is what makes a good designer great, they might be good designers, er renderers at ESPN, but their lack of attention to detail, is bad. If I was head of the design team, I would tell them, "No. Render that properly. I don't care if there's no logo on that side. There are people out there who do and it matters to them." But that's me as a designer saying that.



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even the most casual and novice football fan knows taht the Steelers have the logo on only one side of their helmet. They may not know why, or care why, but they know.

This was a poor TV decision, done because they didn't want a blank helmet on the screen. Silly.

Stay Tuned Sports Podcast

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Here's a quick solution, slap a sticker on the left side of that puppy! :rolleyes:

I know the Steelers would never go for that because of the whole "tradition" thing, but it seems kind of silly that a professional team these days would only use one logo on their helmet. If a with without tradition, say the Texans, were to leave one side of their helmet blank, everyone on here would be up in arms with their 'EPIC FAIL' pictures.


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Here's a quick solution, slap a sticker on the left side of that puppy! :rolleyes:

I know the Steelers won't go for it because of the whole "tradition" thing, but it seems kind of silly that a professional team these days would only use one logo on their helmet. If a with without tradition, say the Texans, were to leave one side of their helmet blank, everyone would be up in arms with their 'EPIC FAIL' pictures.

History and tradition count for something...

Stay Tuned Sports Podcast

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Here's a quick solution, slap a sticker on the left side of that puppy! :rolleyes:

I know the Steelers would never go for that because of the whole "tradition" thing, but it seems kind of silly that a professional team these days would only use one logo on their helmet. If a with without tradition, say the Texans, were to leave one side of their helmet blank, everyone on here would be up in arms with their 'EPIC FAIL' pictures.

Only if they caved in 2 seasons later and didn't stick to it. Traditions have to start somewhere.

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Here's a quick solution, slap a sticker on the left side of that puppy! :rolleyes:

I know the Steelers would never go for that because of the whole "tradition" thing, but it seems kind of silly that a professional team these days would only use one logo on their helmet. If a with without tradition, say the Texans, were to leave one side of their helmet blank, everyone on here would be up in arms with their 'EPIC FAIL' pictures.

Only if they caved in 2 seasons later and didn't stick to it. Traditions have to start somewhere.

Very true, but let's keep in mind that the Steelers have bucked tradition before...

When the went from this:


To this:


If the Steelers are willing to mess with the "traditional" jerseys they wore during their glory days of the 1970s, they can certainly toss another logo onto the helmet to even things up. :D


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when we were in the super bowl against seattle, the superbowl.com website had the two helmets squaring off at the top, they had pittsburgh on the right(showing no logo) for a couple days since they were the "home" team but they eventually switched it around so they could show the logo.

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Here's a quick solution, slap a sticker on the left side of that puppy! :rolleyes:

I know the Steelers would never go for that because of the whole "tradition" thing, but it seems kind of silly that a professional team these days would only use one logo on their helmet. If a with without tradition, say the Texans, were to leave one side of their helmet blank, everyone on here would be up in arms with their 'EPIC FAIL' pictures.

Only if they caved in 2 seasons later and didn't stick to it. Traditions have to start somewhere.

Very true, but let's keep in mind that the Steelers have bucked tradition before...

When the went from this:


To this:


If the Steelers are willing to mess with the "traditional" jerseys they wore during their glory days of the 1970s, they can certainly toss another logo onto the helmet to even things up. :D

And that was a terrible mistake. They should fix their error, not compound it.

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This problem is just as annoying as when it happens in a sports publication. When I was a kid I'd buy The Sporting News and cut out the pictures of the MLB baseball hats, as well as the NFL helmets and NBA logos and use them on a homemade standings board. That was of course before you could find logos on that internet thing.

Now, it's disheartening to occasionally find an out of date logo in SI or Sports Weekly or whatever publication (especially our local Courier-Journal). They don't seem to keep up. I remember that when the Arizona Cardinals updated their helmet logo a few years ago, it took forever before I'd see it in use in some print publications. And I still occasionally see the older version, how many years later.

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I think the whole one-sided helmet logo thing is one of the stupidest "traditions" going. It started as an error (not enough stickers to go around).

It would be like a team getting a set of jerseys with the team name misspelled and deciding to keep them.

It would be, if your story was true. But it's not.

The Steelers wear logos on one side only because they weren't sure about this whole newfangled logos-on-helmets thing, and decided to put their collective toe in the water without fully committing to anything. The team proceeded to go on a tear, and the one-side logo was, in the long line of sports tradition, cemented.

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