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Last night i got sited for drinking under age, and today im getting all the consequences. Let me tell you, it sucks. BAD. Just wanted some of my "extended family members" to know that its completely not worth it to drink under age, sure it's fun, but if or when you get caught its a whole different story. I lost my driver's liscense for 3 months, owe a $350 fine, community service, and got fired from my job. All because a hint (well maybe more than a hint) of Captian Morgans was in my breath <_< . And worse than all those consequenses, you lose a ton of the trust of your family and friends.

Hopefully this gets someone not to drink before thier 21, because it's not really as good as what it's hyped up to be. :grin:

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Back years ago, before I turned 21, i was with a group of friends. We had been drinking, and i got pretty drunk. I quit drinking early, was drinking this gallon of gatorade, and someone ordered a pizza. I threw in another $8, and got a pizza all to myself. (This is going somewhere, i swear) Later in the evening, after I had drank a gallon of gatorade and a whole pizza, some folks decided jumping the fence to swim in a nearby pool would be a good idea. We did, and minutes later, the cops showed up and breathalized us all. I just happened to blow zeros, but several of my buddies were busted for udnerage drinking. One guy lost his job, his car, and had to move back upstairs at his parents house. Another was kicked out of his parents house. A third, his parents never came to get him, and he spent a week till the trial in jail, sicne he was 20.

Folks, dont mess around with drinking underage, you've got plenty of time to booze it up, say stupid things that make you lose friends, and wake up with a horrible hangover, just so you can throw up. Stay a kid as long as you can. Alcohol is for adults who have to pay bills and raise kids, to make them forget, if for an hour, of their troubles.

We will preach about drunk driving another time, but also very, VERY bad.

NCFA Sunset Beach Tech - Octopi




Going to college gets you closer to the real world, kind of like climbing a tree gets you closer to the moon.

"...a nice illustration of what you get when skill, talent, and precedent are deducted from 'creativity.' " - James Howard Kunstler

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I don't drink alcohol simply because I don't like the taste. But the truth is that a small amount of alcohol is actually good for your health, especially red wine. The problem with most people who drink is they drink too much and their judgement gets distorted.

The most I ever had in one might is two shots of red wine and a half a bottle of beer. I got a headache because of that. So I suggest that you think before you drink.

BTW, and the minimum drinking age in Ontario is 19 :D so if any you Americans want to get drunk without the legal consequences, come over here!

I saw, I came, I left.

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drinking is bad

I was never a big drinker to begin with, so I felt the peer pressure when me and my friends would gather.

and when we went out seeing that it was always ME driving I had to watch my limit, which ticked me off at the time because I felt like I had to babysit a bunch of late 20's to early 30's guys so they wouldnt get into any trouble. I just started cutting off the rides until they got the hint ^_^

long story short, most of my closest friends now are on the wagon and seeing as how it was never a big part of my life to begin with, Ive given up drinking completely. the cons just outweigh the pros.

it is possible to have a good time and be with "cool" without alcohol.

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Thankfully, my group of friends isn't into the bar scene, so I've pretty much avoided it altogether, however I know of people that have done some really stupid things that are totally out-of-character and really messed themselves up, just because they were drinking, regardless of whether they were of legal age or not.

But thanks for the tip GMS, that's a real stand-up thing to do.

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On my 19th birthday, my father took me to a bar and I ordered one Mike's Hard Lemonade. There's my entire drinking resume right there.

I hate alcoholic beverages. All I can taste in them is the alcohol. Except beer. Then all I can taste is that bizarre chicken taste which also isn't a good taste. I fail to see how anybody can like any alcoholic beverage for legal reasons (i.e. to not lower your inhibitions).

--Roger "Time?" Clemente.

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My opinion may or may not be the same as yours. The choice is up to you.

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Thanks for taking the time to share that GMS. Sorry you had to learn that lesson first hand.

It's been rare that I've been in a situation with alcohol, and I'm still deciding how I feel about it. In some ways, I feel it is fine to have a little, but at the same time, when people do it just to rebel against the law, or to get themselves wasted, I think it's sorta dumb.

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i never drank much underage, only somewhat in my own apartment when i moved to college, and now that I am of age, I still dont drink much, although I just happen to be goin out tonight which is weird cuz I havent gone to the bar in months. Pool and darts!

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CFA- Fargo Bobcats

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Myfirst commrnt is that if you're going to drink--drink responsibly--that includes obeying whatever the local laws about drinking are--so responsible drinking means no under age drinking, no driving "under the influence", and no drinking where it's prohibited. So responsible drinking is more than not drinking too much.

Another important thing is attitude towards alcohol. A lot of people think if you're not an alcoholic, your drinking is okay--not necessarily so. It may just a different sort of messed up. I know some recovering alcoholics, and while I never was one--I had a bad attitude on drinking. Both get you into all sorts of trouble, not to mention it can be very expensive.

That said--there are some who will drink too much any way--and some that never will. This is for that group in between, who amy or may not.

Having done several things over the years both drunk and sober--sober's way better.

(and for the single guys out there--Girls/women are NOT impressed by drunkeness)

Comic Sans walks into a bar, and the bartender says, "Sorry, we don't serve your type here."

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ive been drunk twice so far. once last year and one on new years. luckily i have a 20 year old brother than can get me out of ne trouble with my parents. the morning after drinking is not fun tho. i think being drunk twwice is enough for now. but my brother says he and my other "brother" (his best friend) and gettin me drunk again :wacko:

sorry to hear wut happened to u Greg, i hope this also changes my mind about drinking

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only time i recall drinking in any way, shape or form, i was somewhere between 5 and 8, it was beer and i hated the taste. right then i said, never again. strangely enough, i'm legal in a couple weeks.


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when did this board turn into a bunch of straight edgers? :P

all kidding aside, if you're going to drink, KNOW YOUR LIMITATIONS. Don't be a dumb-ass and drive after you've had a few. Especially if you're underage. In which case you shouldn't be drinking. (behold, the world RESPONSIBLE)

I'm not going to get all preachy about underage drinking. Why you can be an adult at 18, but 21 to drink is beyond me. If you want to drink underage, and do it discretely, don't do it someplace that requires traveling after the fact. If it's at home with your family, all the better...you're not going anywhere.

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