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MLB Time Warp


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It was an idea I had, based off of some NFL concepts I saw quite some time ago. Basically its a "What If?" had the newest expansion teams been around for decades, what would they have looked like? Here is my take.

Colorado Rockies:

1901 - Logos Uniform

1928 - Logos Uniform

1953 - Logos Uniform

1977 - Logos Uniform

1986 - Logos Uniform

Tampa Bay Rays:

1901 - Logos Uniform

1923 - Logos Uniform



Arizona Diamondbacks:

1903 - Logos Uniform

1928 - Logos Uniform



Florida Marlins:




1973 - Logos Uniform

(I may choose to do more years for more teams, this is just what I have planned for now.

First up, i'm doing the Colorado Rockies. I took the look for many teams in the 70's for this and applied it to the Rockies. So without further adieu, the 70's-80's era logos and the 1977 uniforms.



From here I will work backward, going back to the early 1900's.


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It could just be me but with that font, the "C" in Rockies looks more like the script says Rookies, ironicly fitting for an expansion team, but something to take a closer look at. Other than that, this is a really solid concept.


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I don't know about the light purple. Maybe it would look better if it were darker. It's possible that this is the color they would use back then though. Nice concept though, and I love the idea.

The bright/light purple is what makes it look 70s. The main issue with this is the C. Like was said, it looks like Rookies, and the logo looks like OR. (the Oregon Rookies) But overall, I love the idea, fix that one part and you're good.

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Honestly, I'm disappointed. I know a lot of teams in the 70's (the Jays immediately come to mind) wore generic unis with a "trendy" font, so as far as historical accuracy you get a A+. I guess I was hoping that you'd gone in a more rainbow guts-y direction.

Maybe I'd like them better in powder blue.

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The 1901 Denver Mountaineers, future Colorado Rockies. Simple, generic, perfect 1901 uniform!

I used a kind of faded purple-y blue-ish color.



This team will move away from the Denver area in a few years when the ballpark burns down and will rename themselves to represent Colorado.

P.S. I am working on fixing all the C's in the '77 set.


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For something so plain, those Denver jerseys looks pretty darn nice.

CHL-2011ECchamps-HAM.pngHamilton Eagles- 2012 and 2013 Continental Hockey League Champions! CHL-2011ECchamps-HAM.png

2011, 2012, 2013, 2014 & 2015 CHL East Division Champions!

Niagara Dragoons- 2012 United League and CCSLC World Series Champions!
2012, 2013, 2014 and 2015 UL Robinson Division Champions!

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Okay, so here's my next set; The 1928 Colorado Rockies. After moving to Colorado Springs in 1928, the dropped the Denver name. They also decided to change the name to the "Rockies", to tribute the mountains more specifically. They developed an interlocking "CR" logo (the first to incorporate a team's nickname) and used it both on the cap and home shirt. Minor changes would be made over time, but the next major change wouldn't come until the 50's.




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I really like this idea a lot. I remember the thread you were talking about too, I believe the poster (I forget who it was) did a concept on the Carolina Panthers, if I'm not mistaken.

Stellar work here, the execution is near perfection. The only gripe I have (and others as well), is that 'C' on the 70's jerseys. Initially I didn't see a problem with it, but the more you stare at it, the more it does begin to look like an 'O'. I say fix that and you're golden. Can't wait to see more!

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Here's the next one; 1953 Colorado Rockies. This should look familiar, it's what the 1993 redesign was modeled after. Yes in 1993 the Rockies decided to go "Retro" and went to their 50's look, as they were very successful in them. Of course they added some modern twists in 1993.



and I'll be adding a bonus or two to this set, and possibly others.

i'm working on fixing the 70's C's, mostly the CR.


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